BiS List for Plate (DPS)

This is what ive found and what i believe to be BiS. If anyone knos about anything that is not listed here, please post in the thread so we can make the list truely BiS.
NB! This list does not take in consideration Quest epics or Rare elite Epic drops.
I could not find any gearing guides on the forums so here i tried to make to own, so i hope it helps someone out there and i hope that if you have anything to contribute you feel free to do so in this thread <3 Love you all!


  • Strength Plate 70 Gear.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 325
im using most of the gear u've found on my twink warrior im proud ofíñðmästér

ring: mark of the relestless and trinket: banner of victory from wotlk dungeon is pretty solid
weapon: crow wing reaper and untamed blade is great from swapping defensively and offensively
Nice char! I did not take into consideration the Wotlk dungeons but looks like some trinkets and minor pieces might acctually be better in wotlk dungeons

[doublepost=1555588517,1555588382][/doublepost] procs 100 Str when combined with Aldor exalted rep. is still bugged and procs 160 Str (instead of 80 Str and 80 Agi).

Both of these are very strong procs, which you get at the expense of passive str and secondaries. I didn't check if you included the neck in your Leather BiS list, but if not it should be there - it procs quite often, and procs are fun.
The necklace is junk even for Agi classes, let alone Str.
View attachment 11255
The necklace is junk even for Agi classes, let alone Str.

11 AP, 13 crit and 8 haste do not make a 100 AP proc and 8 stam junk, let's not exaggerate. Matter of preference, if anything, plus the pendant doesn't lock you into JC as one of your professions.
11 AP, 13 crit and 8 haste do not make a 100 AP proc and 8 stam junk, let's not exaggerate. Matter of preference, if anything, plus the pendant doesn't lock you into JC as one of your professions.
The uptime and proc chance of the neck is what he’s going by. And tbh I agree with him, if all you’re doing is mongaloiding duels and skirms to try and one shot the opponent go for it. But it is not a reliable source of stats and in the long run, so for pve for example, flat stats are better.
The uptime and proc chance of the neck is what he’s going by. And tbh I agree with him, if all you’re doing is mongaloiding duels and skirms to try and one shot the opponent go for it. But it is not a reliable source of stats and in the long run, so for pve for example, flat stats are better.

I agree with you fully from a pve point of view, but the 15% chance to proc the neck (not sure about ICD) means a dual-wield class will have it proc shortly after engaging, quite reliably. OP is also asking for pvp BiS (as per his leather BiS thread), which makes the pendant better given how bursty this bracket is.

In the end, it's just a difference of opinion about procs vs raw stats, and I'm sure there are plenty of threads on that topic already. I just wanted to point out some good (and fun) alternatives to OP's list.
fx's list is still going to out perform op's list in pvp, though id add : sonic booster(s), the on use ap trinket, and possible utb(s), and singing crystal axe in offhand if fury, is bis even if you only have the ilvl 70 version.

what the op's set is lacking is: meta gem, either thundering skyflare or the crit one. thundering procs for 308 haste, and singing crystal axe procs for like 159 iirc, with 40% uptime completely negating op's trinkets, allowing for trinkets that proc or can be used that give ap, which also negates that terrible sso neck for either hkc, or some slight downgrade if youd rather have inscription over jc.
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