BiS hunter pet?

There is no BiS pet. Most of it is situational and personal preference. Just like how I prefer to use a croc for ankle crack to have more slows and control more people at once, which is what hunters are about again in group performance.
I will just describe the effects of stats and let you decide what you think is best. If you want me to spell out all the math just let me know .

The effective damage benefit for each pet is as follows
for mele
4%ish from stats
3% from versatility
3% from multistrike
2.5% from crit
haste doesn't have much benefits in fights that last less than 10 sec but I would guess about 2% benefit until like 30 sec later when u get an extra mute our what ever

casters dots (until gcd can't be further reduced)
10.25% from haste
5% from stats
3% from multi and versatility
2.5% from crit

haste is so high because it not only reduces gcd but also acts as a flat multiplier for the spell

on initial damage spells or heals
5% haste
5% stats
3% versatility
3% multistrike
2.5% from crit

so over all stats is the best choice unles your premading with 9 locks. Next I would take versatility then haste if u have caster heavy or multistrike if you are mele heavy . And lastly crit

special note on a target getting healed the mortal strike debuf is usually bis
or u could run bres pet and res a healer or what ever
anyways that's the math do with it whAt u will
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@ snowjobs, maybe I am missing something or misinformed. Isn't weapon damage still a factor for melee/hunter and therefore 5% stats is only a 5% increase to a portion of their damage equation?
@ snowjobs, maybe I am missing something or misinformed. Isn't weapon damage still a factor for melee/hunter and therefore 5% stats is only a 5% increase to a portion of their damage equation?
thats correct the base weapon damage is factored in so in reality the % stat buff is not quite 5% . lets look a 50 base damage to end for a 2h melee weapon a normalized speed of 3.6 gives 3.6/3.5*160 ap =164 damage from ap , or 168 with 218/210 =1.04 or 4 % so yes you are correct the benefit of the stat% to mele is slightly lesser but still greater than all the other damage buffs
I will just describe the effects of stats and let you decide what you think is best. If you want me to spell out all the math just let me know .

The effective damage benefit for each pet is as follows
for mele
5% from stats
3% from versatility
3% from multistrike
2.5% from crit
haste doesn't have much benefits in fights that last less than 10 sec but I would guess about 2% benefit until like 30 sec later when u get an extra mute our what ever

casters dots (until gcd can't be further reduced)
10.25% from haste
5% from stats
3% from multi and versatility
2.5% from crit

haste is so high because it not only reduces gcd but also acts as a flat multiplier for the spell

on initial damage spells or heals
5% haste
5% stats
3% versatility
3% multistrike
2.5% from crit

so over all stats is the best choice unles your premading with 9 locks. Next I would take versatility then haste if u have caster heavy or multistrike if you are mele heavy . And lastly crit

special note on a target getting healed the mortal strike debuf is usually bis
or u could run bres pet and res a healer or what ever
anyways that's the math do with it whAt u will

You didn't factor in healers - haste is probably the best stat to go...
You didn't factor in healers - haste is probably the best stat to go...

haste is only twice as beneficial for hots and dots. so shamans gain some benefit and so do druids. but frankly the hot portion of heals this patch are extremely low. regrowth heals for more than a rejuvenation that does its full duration so its kindah pointless to cast rejuv unless your moving or prepping for burst. same with shaman .

fun note i actually made a super huge rogue damage calculator that includes openers, poisons , auto attacks, the full 9 yards so from that i got that a 5% haste buff gives their rotation a 1.2% increase to damage

so lets say
stats =4%ish for mele, 5% for caster dps, 5% for healers
Haste = 1.2to at most 2% for mele , 5% for caster dps (10.25 on dots), 5% for healers (10.25 on hots)
Multistrike= 3% for everyone (special note that having some multi strike increases possible burst by a lot )
versatility= 3% for everyone (1.5% damage ruduc is nice too)
crit = 2.5% for everyone except fire mages, then it comes out to be like 4% for them

so for mele heavy team
caster heavy team
butt butt - haste lowers the cast time for heals - dat a huge thing - less time to git interrupted!
And not to say that -0,2 sec cast time makes a huge difference in someone staying alive or dead.
i can only give you the numbers for the AVERAGE event. 5% haste takes off .08 seconds of a healing surge.

At the moment ppl aren't getting global'd by a single hunter, Over all i think the case of well if your first heal were faster you could have saved that person is not as valid any more. usually in bgs i find myself just swapping between a ton of ppl to keep them around half health to 75% and swapping to ppl in precarious situations with burst heals like swift mend and shield and enveloping ect.
I like MS/multistrike in 2s. Only multistrike over stats or versatility because Im surv atm and they have a small buff to multistrike dps.
I like stats/stamina in bgs.
Im enjoying being a fresh hunt. I refused to play them in the past and now I feel like there in the spot they should have been for xpacs. (plus or minus scat)
Hunter still has a lot of tools, although they may function more as buff dispensers than top dps this patch. Conc and disengage are really strong in an environment with so many melee cleaves.
I like MS/multistrike in 2s. Only multistrike over stats or versatility because Im surv atm and they have a small buff to multistrike dps.
I like stats/stamina in bgs.
Im enjoying being a fresh hunt. I refused to play them in the past and now I feel like there in the spot they should have been for xpacs. (plus or minus scat)
Hunter still has a lot of tools, although they may function more as buff dispensers than top dps this patch. Conc and disengage are really strong in an environment with so many melee cleaves.

Very interesting, I had entirely forgotten about that aspect of Survival.

I could definitely see the Multistrike pet being the best DPS pet for Survival, given that passive.

I would suppose that means that the multistrike damage goes from 130% to 150%, making it equivalent to a standard critical strike for Survival, but with 2 possible "multistrike rolls" per instance of damage. That definitely seems quite powerful. I wish the pet gave more multistrike though :/
Very interesting, I had entirely forgotten about that aspect of Survival.

I could definitely see the Multistrike pet being the best DPS pet for Survival, given that passive.

I would suppose that means that the multistrike damage goes from 130% to 150%, making it equivalent to a standard critical strike for Survival, but with 2 possible "multistrike rolls" per instance of damage. That definitely seems quite powerful. I wish the pet gave more multistrike though :/

Think it goes from 30% to 36%, and it's 1 roll :p
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Im playing crit as MM atm and it's outperforming everything else I try. In the long term I can see how a target dummy would prove other gearing styles, but so far in WSG where (hopefully) you're not just hitting 9 target dummies, nothing is matching the pressure I put out in a crit/Agil set. Rotating the AS's on targets that are above 80% is super nice, chaining two AS crits back to back kills anybody that is not a priest or shaman (or at the least puts them so far behind that they do eventually die).
Think it goes from 30% to 36%, and it's 1 roll :p

Oh snap, really? I guess I was too hopeful to think that 20% extra damage would translate to an actual increase by 20%, rather than "of" 20%.

Also, I thought multistrike was always 2 rolls? Otherwise, there'd be no point to take multistrike (130%) over critical strike (150%), right?

Im playing crit as MM atm and it's outperforming everything else I try. In the long term I can see how a target dummy would prove other gearing styles, but so far in WSG where (hopefully) you're not just hitting 9 target dummies, nothing is matching the pressure I put out in a crit/Agil set. Rotating the AS's on targets that are above 80% is super nice, chaining two AS crits back to back kills anybody that is not a priest or shaman (or at the least puts them so far behind that they do eventually die).

AS took a 10% nerf on Monday though :/ It was just bordering on viability (at least from what I saw), and I've been afraid that that sent it over - is my fear unfounded?
AS took a 10% nerf on Monday though :/ It was just bordering on viability (at least from what I saw), and I've been afraid that that sent it over - is my fear unfounded?

you cant really compare mm to other specs.
mm is for "lolz lolz i shot you for half hp while jumpin around behind my team getting heals".
Until it gonna have cast on move it will always have viability for your team even with 800 ish shots.
Since nothing can ever stop you from casting except stomp or getto scatter

pure 1v1 against another hunter however is another thing. assuming both got ros, sv would have better chances in general.
but then again if you NE you just meld and let your pet kill things.
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you cant really compare mm to other specs.
mm is for "lolz lolz i shot you for half hp while jumpin around behind my team getting heals".
Until it gonna have cast on move it will always have viability for your team even with 800 ish shots.
Since nothing can ever stop you from casting except stomp or getto scatter

pure 1v1 against another hunter however is another thing. assuming both got ros, sv would have better chances in general.
but then again if you NE you just meld and let your pet kill things.

That's a good point, actually.

I tend to think of things from an Arena perspective, rather than a Battleground perspective. Although I think you may be right about MM in both cases.

In battlegrounds, I can definitely see how even with a minor nerf it would still be very strong because it has 100% uptime.

Arenas is basically the same thing, but the pressure is on the MM hunter to never NOT have uptime. Because the goal is to oom a healer, and small nerfs (like the 10% one to AS) can add up to remove that as a possibility in 2's.

And in a 1v1, I would imagine Survival would always win. RoS completely shuts down MM, as you said.
I tend to think of things from an Arena perspective
Arenas and bg are different things. in 20s arena mm NE destroy everything. all you need is open with meld and send your pet to action. as soon enemies open on other dude in your team, you cast 2-3 Aim shots. with heal debuff pet and team mate with brain MM are very deadly.

And in a 1v1, I would imagine Survival would always win. RoS completely shuts down MM, as you said.
Not completely.
If you as MM keep it steady and cast aim shot > steady shot all the time you got cool dps as it dont cripple your focus as much as x2 aim shot in row.

Hunters at this lvl is like duel in wild west. all what really matters is who got upper hand in fight.
Even if you lose as MM to other hunt spec it is still most fun and careless spec to go.
If you having hard time choosing, just lvl another hunt specifically for MM/Sv as you would need other gear/pet to go with. imo.

Ye sure now lets wait on aggramar to report this as offtopic.
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