BiS fury war? 24*

You're not hit capped so would not call you BiS ;)
But 2x Crusader is way more OP than the 15 str one, since you will get heals constantly and the crusader buff does not overwrite it self.
Everything else seems to be BiS tho so GRATS :)
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what should my hit be at? was thinking of replacing one of my gears with the ring from the raptor quest also a basher offhand is an option. though I find this is fine for 24 since my specials are capped. When I duel higher levels I do usually roll with the raptor ring and duel bashers+ sparkmetal bracers.
Don't know if Overlord's Favor - Item - World of Warcraft would be better than Brilliant Necklace - Item - World of Warcraft since you need hit-cap.

You gain: 3 hit rating (1,04%) and 1 stamina.
You loose: 2 strenght and 2 agility.

There should be better ways to cap hit. I haven't got much experience with the 24-bracket, dunno what hit-cap is. Though you should maybe consider Sparkmental Bracers or getting 5 hit enchanted on your boots.

Also, you should always use a thrown in PvP.

As for melee, you'll need 5% hit chance for ranged and melee, which will be 15 hit rating.
from the "24 Twink Gear Guides"-thread.
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i cant see how ur not hitcapped personally!?!? fury gives base 3% and ur sat at almost 7 %. 5% is needed to ensure mainhand and specials never miss.
i'd say u were BiS
maybe use Spy-Mistress' Necklace - Item - World of Warcraft or sentinels but it probably doesn't matter.
always have 15 strength in OH for obvious reasons
pretty sure warriors get heroic throw at 20 so the need for a thrown weapon is reduced.

really nice warrior, would love to see how much damage u do
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Just debating the skullforge mainhand or stick with the power hammer. Either way Im pretty sure I'm bis. I alternate minor speed and 9 str on m bracers depending. but normally I roll around with the stam. Dmg is always nice
I am hit capped though. fury warriors get an extra 3% with spec like gingerbred mentioned. However I do like rolling around with a decent amount of hit when dueling higher levels. At first I thought you were talking about capping my OH hit. I was wondering how that is even possible.
Nice twink, like the transmog too , now im curious all the fury warriors I have come across on EU atm wield two handers , even at 24 , could someone care to explain why and what are the advantages of running two handers vs 2 x oscilating ?
some do 2hers for a challenge. Since I'm not that pro I usually stick to the duel hammers but I do roll 2hfury/arms when I want to change it up. Fury has 40% auto attack dmg buff so your white crits can potentially be as high as 800 with crusader up and a slow wep like the reaper or thermaplugs left arm. Though I find duel wielding to be the better option since you have the ability to stack crusader procs or simply walk around with 15 str OH and crusader msin. Since bloodthirst and victory rush is based on AP you will hit higher with duel weps since you can have the 15 sr OH or another crusader for the potential duel procs. though I like to have the solid stats in my offhand. Basically 2h=challenge, better white crits more rend dmg- duel weild= higher bloodthirsts and victory rushes as well as more rage from your weapons hitting faster. I find the dmg output duel fury is much higher because of the extra AP I have for blood thirst and VR. Though it's fun to see those big white crits sometimes and watch your rends tick pretty nicely since its based on wep dmg n what not.

I'm tired so this may not have made much sense. But I'm going to post it anyway

also thanks for noticing the trsansmog :D. everyone seems to hate purple :(
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You like getting kited huh ?
Thrown aren't as needed for a warrior at 24. 19 I'd say, sure. But with heroic throw I can often finish off a hunter if I bursted him low enough before the disengage. That's if I got the charge off. Besides throwing about 40 dmg at a hunter while they steadily burst you down isn't going to do anything. If a hunter catches you before a charge thrown won't matter. If you get a charge you should have gotten a rend up. the only reason thrown are so handy for rogues is because they have no ranged finishers, no DoTs at this level and they can apply crip poison to it. Warriors- no. I know thrown have other useful applications. But getting brutally burst down by a hunter while you stand there and throw some darts at him isn't one of them. You're better off trying to LoS or trying your best to close the gap.

Even at 19, I'd opt for stats over a thrown in 'most' situations when it comes to a warrior. However, If I could somehow get ahold to some poisons as a warrior, I'd reconsider.
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for fury warrs you will be at your softcap with 8 hit I believe. I roll around with 11 on average. It depends on your preferences to be honest. rogues would need 15 alliance side and 16 horde side since nightelves have that extra dodge as a fellow said earlier. Softcap is necessary whether or not you want to continue stacking hit for your offhand is up to you. If you're rolling around with duel crusader I'd say stack more hit so those offhands hit more for potential procs. If you're a combat rogue a hit rating above softcap is recommended around 20+. But it depends on the character, your purposes and your preferences. Play with it.
Thrown aren't as needed for a warrior at 24. 19 I'd say, sure. But with heroic throw I can often finish off a hunter if I bursted him low enough before the disengage. That's if I got the charge off. Besides throwing about 40 dmg at a hunter while they steadily burst you down isn't going to do anything. If a hunter catches you before a charge thrown won't matter. If you get a charge you should have gotten a rend up. the only reason thrown are so handy for rogues is because they have no ranged finishers, no DoTs at this level and they can apply crip poison to it. Warriors- no. I know thrown have other useful applications. But getting brutally burst down by a hunter while you stand there and throw some darts at him isn't one of them. You're better off trying to LoS or trying your best to close the gap.
First of all, as a 24 Warrior, you shouldn't really have a problem against most Hunters. However, if you challenge one that is actually anything decent, he'll wreck you. 24 or not. You'll open with a Charge, PH. At this moment he has Disengaged and you have Consc on you to get kited forever. You might have slapped up a Rend if you were lucky or even a Bloodthirst if the Hunter was actually bad. You can now Heroic Throw. He may now be at around 500 hp or so, if not more. Rend will tick and atm you're getting kited to the Moon and back, twice. No place to hide or LoS in midfield WSG or no teammates to backstrafe too. You can kill the pet but there is nobody in the neighbourhood to Victory Rush. Using a Potion won't help either.

Now, believe me when I say, that extra 2 - 3 Throwns might actually win, because you won't get to the Hunter again anyway (unless a NE tho) and he still has Scatter and his own trinket up, or even Pet stun, Disarm, ...

You'll be happy to have that Thrown on you.
Under circumstances that particular I'm sure there are a number of things that I'd wish I had. Sadly I have to choose. My preference for this character's ranged slot happens to be stats> utility. Though your point is valid and justifies your opinion just fine. If the difference of me beating a hunter or losing is that extra 2-3 thrown, suppose I'll just lose if I don't have a thrown on me. I get to sleep at night all the same.
Under circumstances that particular I'm sure there are a number of things that I'd wish I had. Sadly I have to choose. My preference for this character's ranged slot happens to be stats> utility. Though your point is valid and justifies your opinion just fine. If the difference of me beating a hunter or losing is that extra 2-3 thrown, suppose I'll just lose if I don't have a thrown on me. I get to sleep at night all the same.
Point is you're asking for a rating and BiS gear. For my believe and experience, Thrown is BiS over a Bow/Gun.
Point is, I alternate between both but generally prefer to roll with a main gearset. That set doesn't include a thrown. Also what he said^. I do appreciate the insight but Im not gearing to win close 1v1s with other 24 hunters. I'm doing it for max functionality in pugs since more often than not I que solo. the stats serve that purpose well.

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