Until now, I've really only played mainly hunter and some rogue, because those classes I played in LOTRO before I starting playing WoW; and not even my main toon has bis (even excluding grandfathered gear) because I don't play enough to make the runs necessary to get the gear -- gnomer has sucked for me. I have all agility boas and bm is, as I understand, an agility class, so the gear transition should be easier.
It's hilarious reading comments from peeps judging and name-calling someone they don't know because of the class they play in a video game. On the days I play, it's usually for about an hour and all I really play is 20-29 pvp brackets -- especially WSG, since it's my favorite -- and when I play I don't coordinate with people because I just want to listen to music or podcasts and relax -- not everyone is a serious, hardcore gamer, believe it or not. I don't like high lvl WoW, I don't like pveing, I don't care about iming and flirting with other gamers, doing guild things. showing off with emotes, fighting in the chat, or anything else besides 20-29 bracket pvp, so on days I'm getting facerolled I'd like to switch over a class that can solo.
I really don't care if you believe me or not, maybe it has to do with the time I log on, but most of the time I'm the only 29, maybe one other, and it seems I'm always going against a group with two bms, or a group of several well-geared 29s. To those that want to complain, please know that I couldn't care less about your opinions on this. To the peeps that want to be helpful, I'd appreciate links to bis armories.