EU+US BiS 19 Rogue Gear?

Finally figured out (almost) exactly what is going on.

So in pandaland, item dps was mostly normalized - so items of a similar ilvl/quality would have similar dps. So damage was normalized to fit the item's speed. So thats one way that attack speed already affects the item.

But it is also in the weapon damage calculation. So weapon speed is doubly important.

ability damage = ability modifier * (average weapon damage + ??? + Attack Power / 3.5 * Wep speed) * (1 + versatility%)

The average weapon damage is (high+low)/2 . So for ambush with and my rogue's ilvl...

ambush = 4.5 * (23 + ?? + 148 / 3.5 * 2.7) * 1.743

If you use 10 for the ?? number (not sure why or where this comes from...but if you look at your tooltips, it shows weapon damage being approximately 10 more damage than the average weapon damage. This changes per weapon, but I'm not sure where it comes from.

So that puts ambush at 684 where the tooltip shows 686. The rest of the weapons I have data for all are relatively close (probably that ?? that is the weapon damage modifier) - but they are all matching closely enough and in order to use it to predict ability damage.

Doesn't really change anything as far as rogues go - but using that formula can predict where a weapon will be as far as damage, even without having said item. It should also apply for comparing 2h weapons and ranged bows/guns.

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