big boy game screenshot posting thread

My point is you're using words like crutch when all i did was run terrain useable by everyone on the field, my trinket and paladin abilities. People on the forums here argueing about the morality of fap's and safe spots but when I do things any broke level 30 can do im still being put out as i'm crutching, where exactly do we draw the line on what we can do in warsong gulch?

I played a fair game no need to be sour because you couldn't kill me crossing mid field or on ToT, it's not lame if the game is being played as intended. I mean honestly say what you will about my gameplay choices but when alliance did this to me on my warlock I never looked at it in a bad light thinking it was "desperate" its just a strategy they choose to execute.

I have fun playing all my warsong gulch's, respect my opponents (that deserve it) and say GG. Rules everyone can live by

Yeah I should have done a better job making it clear I wasn't trying to get personal with my comments. Very generally I think when people rely on a specific jump, and by that I mean that I find them doing it nearly every flag run or game I'm in and maybe even hearing about it happening in other games too, it's like them showing us that's all they are good at. Ally Druid Braze is a great example of someone who I believe crutches very hard on giant stump route and I've lost respect for after seeing what a one trick pony they are.

I think you're a great player dude, I've enjoyed all our games on both sides, but yeah if you were running flags on Horde side by doing ToT plays every time I would speak up in BG and discourage repeatedly doing it. I'm not even saying that's what you do, but it has been quite frequent in our battles. That's all though, it's not personal, we all have our own little codes of conduct and I like to encourage people to be their best selves :]
Hey ToT plays aren't safespotting, any class/race can make the jump to get me there. I think it's more respectable to chill top of tunnel and wait for a freedom/stopwatch play than just buying fap potions. Two stunlocks in a row to get rid of my trinket or just purging my freedom away can squash the entire play. Fair game man

Just to be clear I wasn't bitching about you being on the tunnel roof. Hope it didn't come across that way. That's just where I saw you and recognized it was you the first time that game. If I wanted to get up there I could have, but I just figured you would have bolted the other way as soon as I did so there was no real point. That's why I just started blizzarding you to be annoying lmao. It was a fun game and I thought it was cool knowing we'd be able to BS about the game afterwards.
No worries to either of you my dudes, we all keep it real. @Bigcityslams @Sogeking
You both are my favorite mage and hunter to play against <3
there are a few peeps out there that just abuse the ally fence, i got nothing against the jumps and shit i know most of them but i do hate when people just go in circles doing the same shit fence, tunnel, roof, not so bad when your with a group of buddies but in a PuG when no one trys to team up - shit it can be painful.

Or when one team has no chance of winning and they just delay the end of the game for no reason ( maybe they are just upset because they are getting stomped? ) thats when i have a issue with it.

Not naming anyway in particular but people know when they are doing it just to be cunts. But hey some people love that shit i know i used to when i was younger.

Lol getting off topic again hahaha :) this thread should just be "Random 39 shit"
Wow that's a crazy looking game. I don't quite see why it was so hard though, you had a 4 man + Offensive and I see Thomasx (fresh semi-twink) from my server putting in work as well! Other than Mac, were there some beast players lurking in that roster for Ally? 32 flag returns overall lol. The comeback baby!

Player to wife: Hey, I'm just going to play a quick battleground and then can watch Netflix

Wife: Sighs, its never quick one but ooook.

#60 Minutes pass

Wife: Are you nearly done?


EPIC GAME! Man when we started I didn't think we had a chance. We had two 31s against pretty much all twinks. We were getting rolled pretty hard and my man Hauntz was flag carrying his butt off over there on his paladin. We had a toxic warrior named immortal just constantly bitching. We went down 2-0 and I thought it was over. I was throwing myself against 4-5 alliance on their roof just hoping to get them to mess up. Then I was about to just start dancing with hauntz but we ended up getting a first rate healer and some real nice dps after that warrior afk'd and a few others got bored. Lichprincess and legeon really turned the battle. We finally broke the stalemate and killed Hauntz to get our first cap, then the momentum switched in our favor and we ended up getting a second cap super quick. Then we smelled blood in the water and were able to get the third one pretty easy too. It was such a challenging game and all hope was almost lost. I almost had to leave to go do some shit with the family but I'm glad the tide turned and we pulled it out. GGs to all...except Immortal...screw that guy!


  • WoWScrnShot_030420_182411.jpg
    877 KB · Views: 282
This thread is quickly turning into offensive's screenshot dumpster. There should be an unwritten rule here : Only post worthy screenshots, Bragging rights kind of games, winning from a bad disadvantage

I want to see some impressive come from behind vs a team with twice as many twinks, your best match of the week or even month. Nobody is here just to check out every game you queue into tonight. Keep it for the truly epic matches
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Killing the same 4 idiots for an hour and 15 min and going through 80 water is a good game yeah. I love hunters btw.
Killing the same 4 idiots for an hour and 15 min and going through 80 water is a good game yeah. I love hunters btw.
Mate just tried to play, lasted 6minutes on alliance where I said "GG Im going back to horde to farm you idiots" and AFKed like these guys play regulary so I don't see how they can't grasp the idea of either play D with the FC (No the entire team) or play O. Rezzing, jumping down and running into the same guy that killed you 7 times already isn't a strat.
G G to everyone that played. That game was filled with some of the best in the league! Only came in for the last 15 minutes but managed to smack someone at the right time and return the flag for the win...sounded like everyone who played from the start ran out of consumables and ammo lol


  • Great LONG game and winning return.jpg
    Great LONG game and winning return.jpg
    696 KB · Views: 289
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G G to everyone that played. That game was filled with some of the best in the league! Only came in for the last 15 minutes but managed to smack someone at the right time and return the flag for the win...sounded like everyone who played from the start ran out of consumables and ammo lol

It was so epic, Sonictwink is the best tbh, he played a fairly clean game with only a few GY jumps. Enough afk reports finally went through on some botting Rogue we had and you popped in as the best pickup evar! I was out of nearly all my explosives, was just sapper charging at the end cuz it's all I had and was out of bandages. It would take like a four hour game to run my ammo and rations dry though :]

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