Not as hilarious as if they reverted trials back to 10 days, imo.
Not as hilarious as if they reverted trials back to 10 days, imo.
the fact is that even if that were to happen, so fucking what? 29s no longer have to deal with F2P's in their BG's, It's not like your level 30 now, all the 29s are still in the same bracket, whose to say everyone would go back to 24s? I wouldn't.
With the scaling they've implemented, I don't ever see this happening. It seems more likely they'd go 10-29, 30-49 etc, IMO
Probably the same reason every bracket ended up draining into the 20-24 bracket in the first place. I can't imagine what would happen to the condensed population in the 20-29 bracket should trials be reverted back to temporary. Queue times are already terrible even with the trial population injected into the dead 29 bracket. I'd imagine everyone would scatter to various brackets, further upping the queue times in all brackets. I think the only bracket that would survive on it's own merits would be the latest expansion included in the battle chest. Which would be MoP atm.
Unless something like this happened
They would need to implement temporary skill/glyph unlocking while in bgs to make it even remotely fair. Or add in starting zone gear for every class that would be decent when scaled. Or both. Interesting stuff. I don't really believe they give a shit one way or another about the twinking community though, tbh. Too many exploiters for them to really get behind.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?
I think reverting trial's back to what they where would sux...
This brings me to the question: would 20-29 die if trials went back to temporary?
This brings me to the question: would 20-29 die if trials went back to temporary?
Absolutely, without them there would be no bracket.
Maybe not tho. There will always be f2ps coming into wow and bg at lvl 20. The bracket just won't be as competitive as before.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?