Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?
Idd. 2x charged gear of some rare suffix, bvb, hotshots, caverndeeps and whatnot wasn't hard to obtain at all. Tink hard or go home :>Well for p2p they could easily make a new toon really, its not that hard to get to level 24 and gear up
Not as hilarious as if they reverted trials back to 10 days, imo.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?
Not as hilarious as if they reverted trials back to 10 days, imo.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?
Never. Ever. Level. A. Twink!
Have you not learned from the past?
That is your decision. I am having an account full with grandfathered twinks now and 2 became active with the bracket change which makes a good example why you don't want to level your twinks.. what about you?Back before this game was so easy that was the way to do it, hit 29, twink for a while, hit 39, twink for a while, hit 49, twink for a while and so on.
the fact is that even if that were to happen, so fucking what? 29s no longer have to deal with F2P's in their BG's, It's not like your level 30 now, all the 29s are still in the same bracket, whose to say everyone would go back to 24s? I wouldn't.
This game has jaded me so much I think I would just sigh deeply, go smoke a fat bowl, think of the dozens of GF"d toons I've already lost, add my paladin too the list, and make a new twink.
GM's don't unlevel people, I've had quite a few tell me that the system isn't built to support that function.
That is your decision. I am having an account full with grandfathered twinks now and 2 became active with the bracket change which makes a good example why you don't want to level your twinks.. what about you?
Wouldn't it be hilarious if battlegrounds/arena were reformatted back into pre WOD 20-24 format? What would you guys do then?
Guess "unleveling" isn't possible with GM or no?
I know the feeling of not having characters xp locked when a x-pac arrives with their famous xp prune. Had it happen to many of my chars too and threatened to get banned cause of the amount of delevel tickets but you could have learned from 1 and made tickets to get them remotely locked by gm's without exploring. It saved several of my twinks. Shame you didn't know or tried. Also getting hacked sucks and I hope it was not your own fault, which is mostly not the case and could have prevented that.To be clear I lost dozens of twinks because when i logged on in wrath half of them got leveled unintentionally by rediscovering stormwind. After that my other account got hacked while I took a haitus from having two accounts, it was active and I didn't know that but the hackers deleted all the toons besides my main warrior and by the time I opened a ticket it was too late to restore any of them, eventually blizzard told me I would get banned if I kept harrassing GM's to restore my stuff. Totally different sorts of leveling =P
And that's the story of how I lost 8 years of twinking.
Everyone takes different risks. One nice thing about trials is that they can never level beyond 20, as long as that remains the cap. And if they did change it, everyone would level too, so you'd be in the right place anyway.This is literally the reason I've never made a F2P. It shocks me that people sink as much time as they do in gearing F2P's when it wouldn't be all that surprising or difficult for them to do that. Although don't get me wrong, I think F2P is a respectable, albeit incredibly risky form of game play