Beware! XP unlocked. Aka free gametime 1-4 aug.

Apologies as this has been probably answered a few times, but I am coming back with my vet lvl 20 accounts after a year or so off. Couple of questions:
- Now that we have game time for the next few days, is it safe/OK to do a gear upgrade? I assume old stuff gets mailed and since we have access to mailbox, no issues
- I have a couple of lvl 20 characters outside the capital cities and I don't want them to level up accidently. Should I use Gear Update since that teleports them to the capital cities? Or use Stuck Character service?

The guide above is really great, much appreciated.

This one is doable with a class trial. Just make one, portal to Oribos, do Choosing Your Purpose and the quest will pop up. Otherwise you have to do the full Shadowlands campaign to access it, and there was no way in hell I was doing that again on a different account.

If you want the hunter outfit, you have to complete it with a hunter. It costs 1000 gold, but so far class trials can take gold out the warbank to cover the cost.
Apologies as this has been probably answered a few times, but I am coming back with my vet lvl 20 accounts after a year or so off. Couple of questions:
- Now that we have game time for the next few days, is it safe/OK to do a gear upgrade? I assume old stuff gets mailed and since we have access to mailbox, no issues
- I have a couple of lvl 20 characters outside the capital cities and I don't want them to level up accidently. Should I use Gear Update since that teleports them to the capital cities? Or use Stuck Character service?

The guide above is really great, much appreciated.
If it's really been about a year then once you log onto a character (Even without the gear upgrade) it should still prompt to teleport you back to the capital. It comes up right away saying it's been a while and you should return back. You accept it and then be good back at the capital city.

I'm not sure how the gear upgrade will work for mailing though. Haven't done one yet.
Probably a good idea to put all the gold into warbank and take it all out on one f2p character.
So you are not limited to 1000g cap if you wanna get something more expensive in the future.
Fired it up because of the free game time, same old dead cities, buggy, no old friends online. Glad I quit this years ago.
5. Learn the Radiant Echoes mount (Requires level 25), can transfer currency to high level
Don't know if I got the right one. There was one for Horde and one for Alliance in the Vendor for 20k currency.
I bought one and learned it, but it doesn't seem to have any special skills. Just an ordinary flying mount with some glowing skin.

Did I get the right Mount?

How can it transfer currency? And which kind fo Currency, just the event kind?
Time is getting over, still a lot of things to sort.
Brainlessly i spent a lot of time in remix to finalize the things - and - surprize, surprize, it only took 2 days grinding raids at 70 for tusks and some missing heirlooms.
Also, since i didnt save my older version i had to check - if there is any diff between "normal" and "hc" version of hellscreams items? For those i compared, they have same stats, so it was actually pointless upgrade.
Don't know if I got the right one. There was one for Horde and one for Alliance in the Vendor for 20k currency.
I bought one and learned it, but it doesn't seem to have any special skills. Just an ordinary flying mount with some glowing skin.

Did I get the right Mount?

How can it transfer currency? And which kind fo Currency, just the event kind?

Yep that's the correct mount, I just added a side note to let people know that they can transfer the Event currency from their low level toons to high level. The mount doesnt do anything special unfortunately
Finally got a response about the level I accidentally gained:

At this time though, we are unable to remove a level from a character that has been played normally and was leveled. We can see Reverie was played for about an hour in their last logins before they leveled. Because they had time to disable their experience, we won't be able to remove a level from them.
I know this comes off as harsh, but we want everyone to know where we stand on this.

I sent back a reply basically begging for them to reconsider, but I think I've lost my main permanently. I guess this is a motivator to finally delete the game and get away from WoW for good. A shame, because this patch was looking really good for twinking.

Good luck out there, everyone!
This is such a sad story, and i totally understand you. That's 100% blizzard failure and awful incometence of support dummies.
It was my own mistake that I didn't notice that I was gaining experience. I was just going through my farming routine and not paying attention.

But yes, I put it on Blizzard that they've never fixed the XP-off and battleground queuing bug, requiring us to be in this precarious situation to begin with. And I put it on Blizzard that they give no in-game notice about the change in subscription status. I don't constantly watch WoW-related news.

All-in-all, it's just demoralizing to lose my main character over something so stupid.
It was my own mistake that I didn't notice that I was gaining experience.

And I put it on Blizzard that they give no in-game notice about the change in subscription status.

All-in-all, it's just demoralizing to lose my main character over something so stupid.
You shouldn't beat yourself up! It's just poor Company Politics! I once got a level removed and they made it very clear that they wont do it again.

Anyway, Id keep the Character as they once "crunched" levels and toons that accidently leveled were playable again. Maybe they choose to do so again at some point in the future!?

If I may suggest another MMO, its "Guild Wars 2", been playing it ever since I left WoW.
That's a good point about future level crunches. We're probably several years out from the next one still, but you're right that it's worth keeping the character around.

I've spent the last few days wondering about what I would do if I couldn't get my main back. If I had decided to start over and redo all my progress, that would have involved deleting her. But since I decided to just step away from the game, there's not much point in the effort of stripping her bags and transferring everything to other characters.

I took a 5-year break after WoD. Maybe I'll get to play my main again in another five years. Thanks for that hope!
That's a good point about future level crunches. We're probably several years out from the next one still, but you're right that it's worth keeping the character around.

I've spent the last few days wondering about what I would do if I couldn't get my main back. If I had decided to start over and redo all my progress, that would have involved deleting her. But since I decided to just step away from the game, there's not much point in the effort of stripping her bags and transferring everything to other characters.

I took a 5-year break after WoD. Maybe I'll get to play my main again in another five years. Thanks for that hope!
Sorry to hear what happened. That’s painful. I unfortunately lost a toon on one of these free weekends before. 3 times I begged for them to de level and 3 times they said NO!

I believe however that in the next XPac, they will level squish, so should be only 2 years away before u can access ur toon again.

You could always make an alt for a few years while u wait for ur main tonne available again.
Sorry to hear what happened. That’s painful. I unfortunately lost a toon on one of these free weekends before. 3 times I begged for them to de level and 3 times they said NO!

I believe however that in the next XPac, they will level squish, so should be only 2 years away before u can access ur toon again.

You could always make an alt for a few years while u wait for ur main tonne available again.

Sorry to hear the same happened to you too. Ridiculous that this is a recurring issue and Blizzard's solution is to tell us "too bad."

I've got lots of alts, one of each class except Evoker. But druid has always been my main, and my druid was the character I invested time into collecting recipes, farming reps, completing quest chains, etc. All my other toons were just just about trying out the class and getting some dopamine hits during the initial gearing process while my druid was busy grinding for the impossible BIS (warforged and sockets and speed, oh my!).

Granted, it's easier now to start over than it ever has been before (assuming they're still planning to merge reputations), but at the moment it's just about the feels, and it feels bad.
Finally it's over, quite a late here. After last night shopping sprint it was weird to see that event is still up.
But - even locked remix twinks are still getting XP to bar,
and i'm afraid this may cause a problem with banked xp in future.
This is obviously a bug, and "11k xp gain" popups is not what we wanna see.
not only on remix
my lvl20 xp-on twink was getting xp as well, outside the event as well
ran the event with a lvl18 to test, ended up lvl20 with 1.5 levels banked xp
turned xp off
still getting exp
Blizzard messed up something when the free weekend ended and now vet accounts are treated like f2p. No guild functions work and they are getting banked XP.

It will lock you out of battlegrounds, but if you want to play on a vet account right now you should disable XP. If not then the next time there is a free weekend or you sub you risk your characters instantly being leveled above 20, making them unusable without a sub. Not being able to do BGs beats not being able to play at all in the future.

If Blizzard fixes this you can try sending a ticket to ask your XP be turned on again.
Blizzard messed up something when the free weekend ended and now vet accounts are treated like f2p. No guild functions work and they are getting banked XP.

It will lock you out of battlegrounds, but if you want to play on a vet account right now you should disable XP. If not then the next time there is a free weekend or you sub you risk your characters instantly being leveled above 20, making them unusable without a sub. Not being able to do BGs beats not being able to play at all in the future.

If Blizzard fixes this you can try sending a ticket to ask your XP be turned on again.
Aye, and we all have recent example of blizzard's "we dont care" attention. so.. I already broke 1,5 remix toons, maybe i just wait and see whats up with the rest. Or play level 10

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