Best Race/Sex for WSG Jumps?

I've been very used to playing Human Males and Bloodelf Males & Females in Warsong but haven't had much exp. with the other races yet.

So I'm still kicking this idea around (rolling a couple more priests), not sure exactly when or if I'll be getting around to this since my warcraft time will be limited shortly, but I was wondering...

1. Would a male or female Draenei be better for jumps?

2. Would a male or female Undead be better for jumps?

I've heard some of the jump problems with the undead, but would like to hear from someone that has exp. playing them and testing out the jumps, especially if you play both Male & Female undead or draenei would like to hear from you.

Is there really much of a difference? I guess there could matter which race you were for jumps, but should it be a difference? I guess it is since you've played different races and ask which race is the best.
Gnomes can't do the ally tun to top jump >< pretty sure that's like the only one for them. And Tauren is hard I find the ally gy wall jump and horde tun ground to roof ontop tun. I hear troll females have huge probs not 2 sure on others.

Ps need any rogues ally prodigy thinking of xfering to ruin for abit I think
Boglund said:
Is there really much of a difference? I guess there could matter which race you were for jumps, but should it be a difference? I guess it is since you've played different races and ask which race is the best.

Yes there is a difference even between say a female BE and male BE, a female has to be closer to jump targets and because her model is thinner needs to account for bouncing of objects more so than a male. Human male has a larger model than BE male and I've noticed a difference there as well. Although I can do all the jumps on both male and female BE I would say that male is easier.

However I have heard from others and have witnessed it to a certain extent that for example female Tauren is easier to do jumps with than a male tauren because of the model. Although I've seen on my BE Female that some of the design especially the inner ramp going to second floor on the alliance side has a snag that my BE female always catches her foot on when I'm trying to cut corners while carrying the flag, same is true for the chain on the obstacle near the horde rage hut. I believe in general Blizzard didn't design steps, ramps and chains with females in mind as much as males, probably just a matter of lack of quality assurance testing. Although in some cases, especially with the larger models, females seem to be the best choice to go with.

Anyway I could go on but yes there is a difference based on race and sex, I just haven't had a chance to really play Draenei and Undead as much as I liked to so that's why I'm asking for some thoughts on those for both Male and Female.
Stealthbot said:
Gnomes can't do the ally tun to top jump >< pretty sure that's like the only one for them. And Tauren is hard I find the ally gy wall jump and horde tun ground to roof ontop tun. I hear troll females have huge probs not 2 sure on others.

Ps need any rogues ally prodigy thinking of xfering to ruin for abit I think

Thanks. Send me a PM with your armory and I'll check with our GM.
I can verify that night elf males have trouble getting up the alliance heal hut, but that all other jumps are quite easy. It can be that I just don't know how to do it but I've seen vids where it looked like it wasn't even a challenge for blood elves.

I take it the only collision check that is relevant here is your collision circle on the floor, which is smallest for blood elf females and largest for tauren and draenei males.
Imo, jumps on female toons are usually easier than males.
What I found pretty easy was jumping over the Horde fence, on the inside to the outside above the Horde tunnel in the middle, I now find it the hardest for me. I'm not sure what happened, but since 3.2 I can't seem to jump over anymore
for me ...

male druid = can't do "wall jumps" ally/horde gy, easier to do horde tun jump, horde fence

female druid = no problems on any jumps, easier to jump over tunel

female belf = imo the second / first best to female druid

male undead = honestly hardest for me, and its my main toon =/

people may say it comes down to practice, but I practice all the time on male UD with little success, compared to me getting on my female belf after a month of not playing and hitting all the jumps rigth away

oh, only alliance i've worked with is gnome, and they are the harder than male ud for me
Its not a jump, but I like my gnomes because they can run under the carts in wsg. They also have a few spots they can fit through on/around the horde tunnel entrance.
Subpar said:
Its not a jump, but I like my gnomes because they can run under the carts in wsg. They also have a few spots they can fit through on/around the horde tunnel entrance.

i also like gnomes cause i squash them with one foot, up to 2 at a time!

male undead is my main, I dont find a big problem doing most jumps. GY jumps are a nightmare, but other than that i dont have a problem as a male UD
Hey I have an idea... stop worrying about terrain exploits and help your team without being a cheater.

If you were any good on the ground you wouldn't need to worry about it now would you?
deftones said:
Hey I have an idea... stop worrying about terrain exploits and help your team without being a cheater.

If you were any good on the ground you wouldn't need to worry about it now would you?

lol ....................
deftones said:
If you were any good on the ground you wouldn't need to worry about it now would you?

LoL. I know I don't need to respond to this but just for the sake of argument and because I'm bored...

The statement you made in truth is not mutually exclusive; in fact those that have a complete understanding of the surroundings and terrain around them are usually better at playing a character in WSG 19 than those that do not.

I'm asking the question from a perspective of playing premades and not Pugs if that is what your concern is. In Pugs fine, many of the players have a lack of skill or knowledge of the game that I suppose could be taken advantage of by those that have the correct gear, exp., skill, knowledge, etc.

However in premades things such as which consumables are fair game and which aspects of the terrain can be used are determined before hand by representatives of each side. More often than not because both guilds have knowledge, or are assumed to have knowledge of every aspect of the terrain in WSG 19, it is a no holds barred game, where knowledge and skill is tested without restriction. With that in mind it would almost be foolish not to consider all aspects of a new character you would be making (including racials, stats, models, etc.) and how it may or may not play a role in your capabilities.

If your exp. is different that's fine, but I don't believe it is improper to ask a question about a character's race/sex when it comes to the subtle differences of how it relates to terrain in the game. It's a reality of the aspect of the game we play and not out of bounds for discussion, in my opinion. I suppose it all depends on in the end, what is your goal? For some they will choose aesthetics over function every time which is fine, but in the case I pose and the question of this thread the discussion is completely about function in the most pure sense.

I'd suggest to you if it's upsetting, just avoid such threads that relate to warsong terrain and different races, as obviously you have some disagreement with the topic.
big diff between male and female taurens when it comes to wall jumps like the horde/ally gy, i always had problems with them on bigbadmoomoo when they used to be male for the 1st 2yrs of their exsistence but after i changed em to female bout a year ago the jumps became noticably easier. i think it had more to do with the camera bein in ur back on those wall jumps and males bein so big u cant really see anything infront of ur fatass. so.. ya, its easier as female. these were all jumps i havent really had any issues on venka bein a male BE.
I really wish the stumps in WSG gave los. I always lol when I see someone jump around/over/back around a stump like a pro, only to get focus fired by 3 nelf huntards

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