Best of 19s (US) - Old school

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beastly - rogue

he needs to be on the list.

had 100K kills back in 2007
Don't buy in much to best but here goes. Not going to mention friends or guildmates but the best. Here are the best old school that I have seen:

And anyone they would add

Not hating on anyone but seems some are easily impressed or are self promoting in one way or another. The above players have pwned most of the players I recognize on the lists so far. With millions of players best is highly subjective. I know many top echelon players and respect their skill yet the guys above made many of them better.

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Lets see. Names with reasons for some included, and reasons for not inclusions for others. Also, may I remind you this is the OLD SCHOOL PvP list (I'm taking this to be classic/BC). That means that if the player was garbage back in the day, you aren't supposed to include them in this list (even if they are "good" now). Lets be real, 19s now have such a low skill cap across the board that you can be good at every spec if you're just good at one. Back in the day multiclassing was a big deal in all brackets (including end game). Now it just makes you the average decent player. As an addendum, I don't play 19s anymore so I don't care or know how good these people are now.

BCBeaux - He was good period. (You can add Whinke if you want as well, but he was just a Beaux clone).
ClassicKidneypopper - Also good.
ClassicDismay - She was pretty good, though not at the same level as others.
ClassicKancer - Say what you want, Kancer did his thing with the original MP.
ClassicFony - Fony, was.. well Fony.
ClassicSeepsmash - Giant dick, but very good. (Add him to rogue as well)
BCQuara - Very good but definitely theorycrafted WAY too much. Also his full spirit set idea was full on retarded.
BCPym - Decent, had problems with not getting kicked though.
I want to put that priest Mirage because he was a beast but I don't remember if he was good in BC.

BCScourge (Hiredhit) - He was easily the best lock there's ever been in this bracket. I've never seen better and he got Gladiator the same season he decided to FIRST try end game on his lock.
ClassicDrayner - He was very good, prolific at making twinks and the people that hated him just hated him because he was largely untrollable. He would frequently make fake alts and get invited to big guilds on skill alone.
BCMaineack - Good PH lock.
ClassicFair - Great lock.
BCCptnjack - Probably second only to Hiredhit

ClassicCloudkill - Obviously one of the best mages, only played in 'clone
ClassicDeathsstone - It's Dstone, he's always good at everything (Put him on Rogue/Mage/Priest/Hunter as well)
ClassicIcyjr - No idea how people forget Icy. He was literally the first mage twink. Everybody just copied what he did and he made mages into a necessary premade class; whereas, before him no one had one. Can't tell you the shock on our faces the first time we all sat in slows for an entire premade, we had no idea what to do.
BCCtrlaltsheep - RIP Sheep. Great mage.
ClassicSnapifex - MYT's main priest. Not including Nas cuz he was pretty bad to be honest.
ClassicSumma - Summa was good on all the healer classes but mainly priest in my opinion.
ClassicSnowboots - Oldest mage twink for sure, but one of the best
BCFirefleas - No Mercy's All Star D pretty much boiled down to him on mage.
ClassicResisted - AYGAT's finest.
ClassicBebetta can get an honorable mention. She was okay, but she was definitely better than 99% of the mages out there at the time so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

BCGaaz - one of the best FC's and he led NM
ClassicRecovery - first FC druid ever.
ClassicMoonwalks - He did his thing. I forgot the name of the rogue he played with that was really good too. They were best friends or something. Babywhisp-something?
ClassicFc - Carried that Crushridge Legend D like a boss!
ClassicBigclancy - Beast (Fc)
ClassicMfspam - Amazing druid
ClassicBragh - Like most of AYGAT/ DYFL, he was very good.


ClassicMythos - One of three rogues that were amazing in classic. He had a bad habit of either being on or off.
ClassicBlackout -Monster rogue
ClassicPwntage - Pwntage was good, period.
ClassicObliviate - Did things with a rogue no one else did for a long time.
ClassicCirran - Also very good with rogue.
ClassicLifedrain - The only thing he did badly was his reasoning behind playing with Heysus (who was god awful).
BCZero - That random rogue from Shattered Hand (I think? Or it might have been Argent Dawn). He was easily the best rogue at the tail end of BC given he beat everyone except that one 18 rogue in series).
BCGoma - Was deadly in WSG, was pretty good in arena.
BCSlyddur - Great 'clone Rogue
BCSalt - Pepper was never that good, Salt was.
BCBoderek - The first real, legit, actually good 10 twink. Hit hard as hell, was amazing at never showing his back. He was a 19 in a guild that I don't remember anymore (which is sad because it was a pretty big 19 guild but my memory for WoW stuff from that long ago is slowly fading).
ClassicVirreh - (I believe he is now a F2P twink with Atchyphobia)
ClassicShaitaan - One of Europe's finest.
ClassicOvation - AYGAT's finest. That Mage/Rogue video was one of the best old videos.
ClassicArdy - Sexy dwarf rogue. The one and only. (Ardee too)
ClassicVinknee - The rogue from Mostly Harmless. He was very good even though he was in an okay-at-best guild (even though I guess they were the best on Ruin for a while)
ClassicLethal - I feel bad because I want to put Sleyin because I liked him a lot but.. he just was not that good.
ClassicBeastly - He was... beastly?

ClassicVelricc - He was just good at shaman like no one else was.
BCIgne - Also good at shaman.
BCBone, as much as Painaid carried the hell out of his teams, Bone was one of the few who did work.
BCAntility - As previously mentioned, he cared way too much about tennis. He was the only good boomkin though.
BCKunz - Pretty dirty at 24 mage too.
BCBobgnarly I'd go so far to say he was the second best BC shaman.

BCTipdrill - The hunter that played with Velricc. Destroyed everyone and he may have been better than Atax.
ClassicAtax - It's Merciless Gladiator Atax. Did things with a hunter and amazed everyone on PTR's because we all though hunters were utter garbage. Turns out they weren't.
ClassicPlaque - Average hunter who suddenly got a lot better. I remember thinking he was terrible and all of a sudden a month later he was one of the good hunters.
ClassicEverstride- BEAST of a hunter.
ClassicSasattack- Sorry, I'm not including Pizza because he was garbage in both classic and BC. I understand that he has gotten a lot better (and Congratulations on that), but given what this thread is meant to be, I have no idea why he is on any of the lists. I don't think he would even put himself on these lists if he was being unbiased.
BCRuin - Very, very good.
BCUnstablle - He was ridiculously nice, like the opposite of Seep nice, and he was pretty good to boot.
BCVonfonzy- People always forget he was good because of his ridiculous voice, but there it is.
ClassicNystricks - Did his thing. I have not seen a Nerf This member since BC though.

ClassicGorex - One of the few good warriors from Classic
BCSelm - There just were not a lot of warriors. Why would you play one when you could be a rogue?
BCBobgnarly - Nuts.

BCMerryjr - He was basically Painaid on a paladin in BC. Nearly impossible to kill.
BCPat- Great paladin
ClassicTompopperr - Yay for at least one old paladin.
ClassicPerfection - This guy sucked to kill

On a sad note. Pwndepot officially no longer exists so we can't even look over some of those very old threads. Also Desh, you were carried in every guild you were in. Everyone knows this. Why are you acting like you are good?
Rogue: Dsstone/Dementedlamb/Seep/Mythos/Bmaster/Ramble/Mass <--- Arena rogues are the only rogues that matter.
Druid: Bigclancy
Hunter: Atax/Sasattack
Paladin: Dauction
Mage: Coldjuly/Cloudkill
Shaman: Purj/Igne <--- only good shams to this date
Warlock: Belome
Warrior: Cliche/ And some warrior from Elune forget his name, ran the arena.

For the record cannabis used to get smacked by just about every sham in existence back then for those of you that didn't know.
Rogue: Dsstone/Dementedlamb/Seep/Mythos/Bmaster/Ramble/Mass <--- Arena rogues are the only rogues that matter.
Druid: Bigclancy
Hunter: Atax/Sasattack
Paladin: Dauction
Mage: Coldjuly/Cloudkill
Shaman: Purj/Igne <--- only good shams to this date
Warlock: Belome
Warrior: Cliche/ And some warrior from Elune forget his name, ran the arena.

For the record cannabis used to get smacked by just about every sham in existence back then for those of you that didn't know.

shows how much u know i beat Purj w/o any boas when he had full boas + 30 stam 15 resil on shoulders when i was orc and he was Dreanie.... lol only shamans up on me overall in 1v1s is DA/Igne both damn right amazing shamans.

Haters gon hate, i must be doing something right hell i dont even play this game and i still got ppl talking about me <3

BTW Belome dident play lock.... and somewhere i heard there is a priest class who knows tho

you should know by now mass everyone thinks your a complete joke kid

Shaman Igne/Dirtyauction/Cannabis/Thunderstruck/velric/Purj
Lock Igne/Praelium
Priest Maelstrom/Parx/Devin/Belome/Sunlyn
Warrior Cliche/Igne
Mage Snowboots
Rogue Deathstone/Seep/Darkdaan/Bladesmaster
Hunter Atax/Sasattack/Bladesmaster/Pizza
Druid BigClancy/Dazzlerazzle/Bgpwner
Pally: Dirtyauction/TommyTrojen/Twinkmkfour/Hbotz
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shows how much u know i beat Purj w/o any boas when he had full boas + 30 stam 15 resil on shoulders when i was orc and he was Dreanie.... lol only shamans up on me overall in 1v1s is DA/Igne both damn right amazing shamans.

Haters gon hate, i must be doing something right hell i dont even play this game and i still got ppl talking about me <3

BTW Belome dident play lock.... and somewhere i heard there is a priest class who knows tho

you should know by now mass everyone thinks your a complete joke kid

Shaman Igne/Dirtyauction/Cannabis/Thunderstruck/velric/Purj
Lock Igne/Praelium
Priest Maelstrom/Parx/Devin/Belome/Sunlyn
Warrior Cliche/Igne
Mage Snowboots
Rogue Deathstone/Seep/Darkdaan/Bladesmaster
Hunter Atax/Sasattack/Bladesmaster/Pizza
Druid BigClancy/Dazzlerazzle/Bgpwner
Pally: Dirtyauction/TommyTrojen/Twinkmkfour/Hbotz

Left priest out for a reason, and you never beat purj in a series. Maybe in a little one night stand of a duel but never in a series, you were man handled by just about every sham in the day. You were the bench .....

And who is everyone? There is nobody in this bracket right now that's opinion is even worth hearing on a legitimate level.
You are doing something right, first step in the right direction for you began with taking a big step back and putting the game down. I'm not sure where you get any of your information from ever not one time.
Rogue: Dsstone/Dementedlamb/Seep/Mythos/Bmaster/Ramble/Mass <--- Arena rogues are the only rogues that matter.
Druid: Bigclancy
Hunter: Atax/Sasattack
Paladin: Dauction
Mage: Coldjuly/Cloudkill
Shaman: Purj/Igne <--- only good shams to this date
Warlock: Belome
Warrior: Cliche/ And some warrior from Elune forget his name, ran the arena.

For the record cannabis used to get smacked by just about every sham in existence back then for those of you that didn't know.

That is quite a long list of rogues.
shows how much u know i beat Purj w/o any boas when he had full boas + 30 stam 15 resil on shoulders when i was orc and he was Dreanie.... lol only shamans up on me overall in 1v1s is DA/Igne both damn right amazing shamans.

Haters gon hate, i must be doing something right hell i dont even play this game and i still got ppl talking about me <3

BTW Belome dident play lock.... and somewhere i heard there is a priest class who knows tho

you should know by now mass everyone thinks your a complete joke kid

Shaman Igne/Dirtyauction/Cannabis/Thunderstruck/velric/Purj
Lock Igne/Praelium
Priest Maelstrom/Parx/Devin/Belome/Sunlyn
Warrior Cliche/Igne
Mage Snowboots
Rogue Deathstone/Seep/Darkdaan/Bladesmaster
Hunter Atax/Sasattack/Bladesmaster/Pizza
Druid BigClancy/Dazzlerazzle/Bgpwner
Pally: Dirtyauction/TommyTrojen/Twinkmkfour/Hbotz

Praelium! Good call!

I don't remember Thunderstruck, Sunlyn or Bgpwner though

BCGaaz - one of the best FC's and he led NM

Same person.

BCBoderek - The first real, legit, actually good 10 twink. Hit hard as hell, was amazing at never showing his back. He was a 19 in a guild that I don't remember anymore (which is sad because it was a pretty big 19 guild but my memory for WoW stuff from that long ago is slowly fading).

Gnomeland Insecurity

BCBobgnarly I'd go so far to say he was the second best BC shaman.

Positive he would've been the best if he gave a shit about anything ever.
Haters gonna hate. It's all good though.

but you delete my post? seriously...
my original post in this thread was deleted by pizza. apparently i was being 'rude'(the post had 2 likes). so what. i knew a lot of what was going on in the scene back in BC. so if you found some of my FACTS rude, thats not my fault. maybe your guild shouldn't have been such scrubs in cyclone.
dodged BP wut.

peace to the oldschool. mad <3 to BC ruin and bloodlust, NM, DOA and ON. also very nice list Selm! you pretty much got everyone.
Dirty I did not see you a whole lot but you deserve a shoutout.

On another matter and on display in this topic, the forum moderator is a poor choice and you should expect an abuse of mod privileges.

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LOL niggas walkin the gazaa strip gettin his UN surplus of cornmeal and flower being delieverd by a two propeller chinook jacked by some insurgeon scimitar wielding mauraders

Interesting line. You fittin to put that in your next rap?
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