Best of 19s (US) - Old school

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Druid: Zerged
Paladin: Pat
Shaman: Velric/Purj
Warlock; Dottrie
priest: Beaux/Whinkey

Feel free too add or discuss OPINIONS.
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Obviously forgot me in your list; an easy mistake to make.
Rogue Deathsstone/Daarkdan/Seep/Mythos/Bladesmaster
Druid: BigClancy/Bgpwner/Dazzlerazzle/Painaid
mage: Snowboots
Hunter: Atax/Sasattack/Bladesmaster/Pizza
Paladin: Tommytrojen/Dirtyauciton/Hbotz
Shaman: Farmthis/Igne/Dirtyauction/Lotatotems/Chrongral/Velric/Cannabis/Jiza
Warlock; Excrosim/Maineack/Praelium/Nocets
priest: Kidneypopper/Parx/Belome/Beaux/Devin
Rogue Deathsstone/Daarkdan/Seep/Mythos/Bladesmaster
Druid: BigClancy/Bgpwner/Dazzlerazzle/Painaid
mage: Snowboots
Hunter: Atax/Sasattack/Bladesmaster/Pizza
Paladin: Tommytrojen/Dirtyauciton/Hbotz
Shaman: Farmthis/Igne/Dirtyauction/Lotatotems/Chrongral/Velric/Cannabis/Jiza
Warlock; Excrosim/Maineack/Praelium/Nocets
priest: Kidneypopper/Parx/Belome/Beaux/Devin

Cant belive i forgot SO many names, tho i never saw atax play, and u personally disagree with your lack of certain names in the druid and rogue catagory =P
few names i miss, toomuchhp, renoo, shaitaan, theonlytwink. the only ones from pre xrealms that i think deserve a mention
Rogue: Slyddur/Lifedrain/Deathsstone//Obliviate
Druid: Bigclancy
Mage: Snowshoes/Cloudkill
Hunter: Atax/Deathsstone/Pizza/Ruin/Sasattack
Paladin: Dirtyauction/Tompopper/Pwntage
Shaman: Farmthis/Dirtyauction/Purj
Warlock; Maineack/Praelium
Priest: Parx/Kidneypopper
Warrior: Sillus/Rick
you kids are beyond lost

all time:
Rogue: slyddur, honorable mention lilglostikz
Druid: bigclancy, honorable mention imbubble
Mage: novamatix, honorable mention naughtyninja
Hunter: atax, honorable mention darren of the alliance
Paladin: dirtyauction, honorable mention shadowburn wapster
Shaman: beffyck, honorable mention drmeangreen
Warlock: maineack, honorable mention jmoney
Priest: kidneypopper, honorable mention dispelmacro
Warrior: rick, honorable mention heysus
Fatalina #1 rogue
Bonemuscle #1 warrior

Not alot of people knew about them, but they were really good.
Rogue: Slyddur/Dirtybishop/Daarkdan
Druid: Bigclancy
Mage: Maineak(ON dayz)/grimslrog(cant remember spelling troll fire mage whod pew pew hunters 1v1)
Hunter: Lowlife/Kalhuntr
Paladin: Dirtyauction/Pvpgirl
Shaman: Ctrlaltsheep/Wsghealed
Warlock; Maineack
Priest: Cantsaymass
Warrior: Thumper

completly biased bloodlust list

slydurr help me out please
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