Best of 19s EU

Warr: Balthasaur + Jva

Paladin: Phonebook + Ericah

Lock: Cast

Rogue: Réd + Tésco + Nick.............

Druid: Mesikammen + Healbear

Mage: Squirtle + Cele

Priest: Hurrx + Try

Shaman: Roula + Woutch (not sure if active) + ofc Gingerbread (if he would be active, had to list him :))

Hunter: Halogen + Rástaman

Can't believe I forgot about tesco, Nick, cele & woutch they definitely deserve a mention, insanely good players
Rogue: Réd, Irokozashi
(Worth mentioning: Tesco, Squidgy, Dramatizied, Imnotkämmen)

Shaman: Roulâ, Gingerbread
(Worth mentioning: Stickerz, One, Mcbald)

Druid: Ownaque, Healbear, Messikämmen
(Worth mentioning: Pilgrimo, Yup, Pacz)

Priest: Mesikämmenqt, Hurrx, Medication
(Worth mentioning: Khôma, Chi, Mansikka, Qubez)

Hunter: Halogen, Rastaman
(Worth mentioning: Wouch)

Paladin: Baldimort, Phonebook, Erica, Jun, Copyhat
(Worth mentioning: Lightdude, Gurke, Fhayrq)

Mage: Squirtle, Rihannagirl, Chill, Magikadehex
(Worth mentioning: Xtroda, Cele)

Warrior: Zimt, Balthasaur, Ubu
(Worth mentioning: Jva, Dora)

Warlock: Irriterende, Wewewewe, Cast
(Worth mentioning: Jawfelloff, Lichenlager(?)

All i could think of at the moment, i've probably forgot to mention a few people. :)

I'm adding Fhayrq to the paladins, Qubez to the priests and Imnotkämmen to the rouges.
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Rogue: Tesco, Imnottwinked (or whatever the fuc* you named your char atm<3), Squidgy, Honourable mention: Lejn, Réd(rum?), i forgot somebody on my list and i'm sorry okay?

Shaman: Gingerbred, Honourable mention goes to Mcbald, Woutch, Roula, Iolmyface and Isael.

Druid: Machiatto, Ownaque, Healbear, Honourable mention goes to Mesikämmen, Scabere (god damn roots....), somebodyiforgot.?!?

Priest: Hurrx (he'll break my kneecaps if i dont), Mesiqt, Iil/penicillin, Honourable mention goes to Sainttwink, Qubez. Hewko.

Hunter: Rastaman, Mezzjuc, Honourable mention goes to Halogen and Luckiee.

Paladin: Baldimort, Ericah, Jun, Honourable goes to stubs, Copyhat.

Mage: Squirtle, Xtroda, Honourable goes to Viancoqia, Magikadehex, Célé.

Warrior: Zimt, Balthasaur, people seems to have forgotten about Comedred on these lists.

Warlock: Irriterende (guarding that graveyard since '12), Cást, Honourable mention goes to Happycurse, Spacedead, Jawfelloff.

Deathknight: Baldi, for not beign able to finish the starting zone in 6 months :p
Does he still play, was a really good warrior iirc. This thread lacks him and Ubu :)
He does not, however Hurrx specified that it could contain people from all of cata, so i put him on.. he did come online around a month ago and told us that he'd prolly be playing come MoP (won't everybody), so cheers to that :j
Not using guildies bcos i am bound to be bias
Rogue : Red
Shaman : Jango
Druid : Healbear
Priest : Hurrx
Hunter : Boa
Paladin : Phonebook
Mage : Squirtle
Warlock : Cast
Warrior : Zimt
Rogue : Imnotikämmen
Shaman : -
Druid : Ownaque
Priest : Hurrx
Hunter : Rasta
Paladin : Phonebook
Mage : Vianco
Warlock : Cast
Warrior : Zimt
Rogue : friend or guildie
Shaman : friend or guildie
Druid : friend or guildie
Priest : friend or guildie
Hunter : friend or guildie
Paladin : friend or guildie
Mage : friend or guildie
Warlock : friend or guildie
Warrior : friend or guildie

why cant you lot be honest like me
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Paladin - Phonebook, Ericah
Honourable mentions - Katyperryirl, Fch

Warrior : Zimt, Balthasaur
Honourable Mentions : Ubu, Bracketsdead

Hunter : Boálol, Rastáman
Honourable Mentions : Äo, Halogen

Warlock : Irriterende
Honourable Mentions : Cåst

Druid : Ceec, Pacz
Honourable Mentions : Mesikämmen

Mage : Viancoqia
Honourable Mentions : Squírtle

Rogue : Imnotikämmen, Réd
Honourable Mentions : Nazzr

Priest : Hurrx, Finalprayer
Honourable Mentions : Neckbrace, Trý

Shaman : Eljero
Honourable Mentions : Gingerbread
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people, there was 1 warrior and 2 rogues, who ruled the Frenzy battlegroup back in TBC, these are Tío (warrior), Finjay (rogue 1) and Rídémé ( rogue 2), if anyone else played with these (all from hellscream) please, come forth:) i dont care if this is a cata thread:p cause they earned this mention, there are still a few tinks here who honor their memory.
people, there was 1 warrior and 2 rogues, who ruled the Frenzy battlegroup back in TBC, these are Tío (warrior), Finjay (rogue 1) and Rídémé ( rogue 2), if anyone else played with these (all from hellscream) please, come forth:) i dont care if this is a cata thread:p cause they earned this mention, there are still a few tinks here who honor their memory.

^^ wanted to tell us he's played a while
Rogue : Red, Imnotikämmen, Nazzr
Shaman : Eljero
Druid : Mesikämmen, Pacz
Priest : Hurrx, Mesikämmenqt, Finalprayer
Hunter : Halogen
Paladin : PB, Ericah, Katyperryirl
Mage : Viancoqia
Warlock : Ilovedots
Warrior : Zimt, Balthasaur

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