Best of 19's EU version

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Hahah, just saying u was one of worst (active) palas when i was 19 on my Stubs, just saying my opinion u dont have to get mad :)
We can keep trolling each from here and to the moon. And back again without getting no where. I'm out of this flame war. Cya
Considering he was better than you you must have been pretty bad if he was as horrible as you say.
Vianco said:
dosent make him less skilled

if he needs a perfect group or he just afk's then yes it does.

1: he dont fake.

2: he blows HoJ for no reason.

3: he does the same rout every time he gets near the flag, its gotten so i just wait at horde tunn roof for him.

4: he afk's games that aint even lost.

sainttwink is now ignoring you!

What's with all this flame war ^^ ?

because you dont agree with them its that simple.
because you dont agree with them its that simple.

Obviously, just don't get why one would bother to start arguing it, because someone thinks it's necessary for the twink community to hear that *i think u r so bad brah*. I mean if it was actually something relevant, then it's worth arguing, but this flaming towards one another is just pathetic
(guees it's just people being jealous about not being on the lists)

But that's me, if this flaming is what you (not you in particular) like go for it - just annoying to scroll through 19 pages when all that's relevant could be on 7
Sainttwink sucks beacuse

1. He clicks

2. Keyturns

3. Backpaddles

4. Blow that stun spell priests got, for no reason

Sainttwink doesnt suck but his lagg does (Saint all you do is scitter around on my screen)
people dont even bother typing farley next to paladin cuz its so obvious.
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