BEST of 19

20-29's know who I am. And I want them to chase me. They fall into my trap just as you have. I can drag 5-6 of them half as they are totally focused on me because of their rage as you are. That leaves the rest of my team to take care of business. A pretty sound strategy that works. However, I have been playing 19's a long long time. And 19's are not to be underestimated.

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Balance: Myself, Pizza & Kunz.
Resto: HB/Pizza.

Warrior: Lukenuke & Ko.

Retribution: Kancer.

Hunter: Ezeron, Arkant, Ondura & Hajima.

Rogue: Saxxon.

Priest: Livingforce & Smull

Shaman: Roula & Dasfizzla

Mage: -

Warlock: Yøuredead

Mistweaver: Partygirl, Blurz & Rajtantajtan
Brewmaster: Skeezin
FC: ehhh...
Balance: n/a - no one is playing @ maximum level based off what ive seen. boomkins, you know theres that rejuvination spell its pretty decent especially when no other druids to do it/are doing it, thats called not utilizing your class
Feral: zairenx / save
resto: idiott by a significant margin over all rdruids atm on this patch

Disc: livingforce wsg, id rather play with jetlife if it was arena tho.

Resto: n/a :( <-- ppl need to play this shit more n better, its broken af log off your ferals n warrs and play rsham... prolly will help our bracket (shout out to Ergocristine, hes on the come up)
enh: thrallsgift
ele: hogwrangler / n/a if hes not playing it anymore

BM: skeezin
WW: me but havent been playing it enough lately so AOTSIKA!
MW: rajtantajan or blurz

Ret: me
holy: #freeDirtyAuction

Surv: hajima or ezeron maybe, least sure about this one of all of these

Frost: grizzlefeet
arcane: me

Demo: Youredead
Destro: boscoe

Combat: wsg: me arena: saxxon when hes night elf

Arms: Randy/sliq - > who cares tho, rend
FC: jrbigchief
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Gotta love it, someone nominates themselves. And you call me a troll. Ha..
What if I told you one of my toons was on these lists...
Have a nice day.

Gotta love it, someone nominates themselves. And you call me a troll. Ha..
What if I told you one of my toons was on these lists...
Have a nice day.

Don't forget the guilds they play in and against. I'm still looking for names I've seen playing, many of those I haven't even seen since returning.
Boomkin - Maorimoran/Sylesthela
Resto - Maorimoran/Sylesthela
FC - Moranimal
Hunter: Noobslayerx
Mage: Uselessko/Twopumpchump
Monk: Uselessmoron
Rogue: Kushkumen/Bigmoran/Bigmoranx
Paladin: Kancermoran
Priest: Fizzingforce
Warrior: Uselessmoran

Unbiased list.
Yet another person that thinks nominating themselves promotes them to stardom. Kek
This is why the bracket is a shadow of its former glory.
Have a nice day.

Someone should cook up a "19s biggest trolls" thread, the competition is a tight race between our 40 year old soccer dad's and the level 10 twink justice league. I can only imagine the photo finish!
i'm not complaining about the thread yall i'm complaining about the atmosphere of it and this section as a whole. leave me out of this i haven't played the bracket in years, was just seeing what was happening.

edit: but that's that shit i'm talking about though see how quickly you assumed i was mad at not being included? dog im allowed to have an opposing opinion without it stemming from bitterness, and you assuming it does is not only patronizing as fuck but it kinda supports my point man, which is that yall need to chill with this shit forreal i don't know why it's this bracket specifically, because i've been involved in all of them, but you guys are another level of shitty. not skill-wise, but in the sense that nobody but you wants to play with you, and even you hate eachother. 19 used to be the most laid back place to pvp, and now aside from super high-rated rbg/arena teams you're the most hostile environment to pvp. and that sucks is what i was saying.

^^^^^^^^^^^ so much of this. finally, it felt like I was the only one seeing this bracket like so.

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Someone should cook up a "19s biggest trolls" thread, the competition is a tight race between our 40 year old soccer dad's and the level 10 twink justice league. I can only imagine the photo finish!

I like the sound of "level 10 twink justice league" :D
[MENTION=17800]marblea[/MENTION] would probably nominate me, and given your post, probably you too.

mmm this is looking good for me!
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Boomkin - unlegitlegenchants / (pizza for map awareness/general gulching)
Resto - /
Hunter: getfotmxoxo/ezeron/fancy/hardbass
Hunter fcmvp: Bakemaster
Mage: HB/undependable
Brewmaster - Skeezin
Mistweaver - Aoitsaka
Rogue: saxx/iggz(if he sapped moar imo)
Ele: Das
Resto: Euswine mvp restoshamans
Resto fc(?): roula
Paladin: whoever hojington is
Priest: Kancer/Unplugged
Warrior: Lukenukem
Warlock: Yøuredead/Unicycle

Mvp gy farmer: maori
mvp speed potter: restopwnd
Mage=Big Mac
Warlock=Quarter Pounder
Monk=Chicken McNuggets
Druid=Quarter Pounder with Bacon
Paladin=Chicken Legend
Warrior=Double Cheese burger with Fries
Hunter=Spicy Vegetable Wrap

Nice guild roster

(It's supposed to be Best of 19 not Skill Ratio's roster)
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no, i just want to farm him. in fact, if he only had 29s, id make a 29 intentionally JUST to make his game experience more difficult. he doesn't contribute positively to this forum, continuously negative comments on basically every thread, maybe a positive contribution in 1/15 posts of his, and that would be giving him the benefit of the doubt.

1900 posts or not, guy is a fucking clown and displays it on a daily basis to everyone in this forum..

Search - World of Warcraft knock yourself out
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