Best of 19 US

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Mage - Destruk
Warlock - Hydrocoden
Warrior - RAnce AKA Fisherololol
Priest - Deathsstone/Kancers
Rogue - Deathsstone/Pwntage brother #1
Shaman - Dominance/Zeglyz
Monk - Xdabarrels
Paladin - Kancer/Pwntage brother #2
Hunter -Plaque/Deathsstone

pally pwntage = pwntage
rogue pwntage = pwntage's brother
pally pwntage = pwntage
rogue pwntage = pwntage's brother

Yeah it's been a while. I actually talked to Aaron yesterday though. When I said brother #1 and brother #2 I didn't intend on it looking like pwntage has 2 other brothers, rather I wanted to specify that the same person isn't playing both rogue and paladin under the name pwntage.
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wait why the fk is someone standing up for waw tawent?
Mage::; - magelol
Warlock: plumpy
Warrior - vestaz
Priest - zeredjr
Rogue - takenoteslol
Druid - boomkinged
Shaman - shockblocked
Monk - pandaria
Paladin - paladinlol
Hunter -rhonn
and you pushed 4 to make alternate twinks that are level 24...

are you sure they didn't just roll a 24 to see what the big deal is about?

Twiggie Das Dory Ko Pizza Curlex thats more than 4 silly lil tinker, and im sure more

aka over 60% of there A-team

i rest my case

TC #1
They were an unstoppable force in the 19 bracket for quiet a bit and they have synergy on the field, and if you hate them because they "GY farm" get over it blame blizzard for lowering GY getting rid of ramp exit or go into flag room, they adapted and adopted the strategy of fencing the enemy in the GY while an FC runs it safely behind them....or at-least that's what i see.....

anyway just my opinion i'm surprised they don't have more fans

first of all, your rationale for gy farming is all sorts of fucked up and moronic. gy farming is gy farming. you cant blame blizzard for waw tawent being assholes. youre surprised they don't have more fans? well thats just rich because last time I checked 99.99999% of the community hates getting gy farmed. who gives a fuck about their record in cata, their reputation will always be stained by the pathetic amount of time they've spent farming the gy. period.
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