Holy Crit Video, Im the annoying Guy.

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"The videos weren't quite my thing, and I think you could improve your binds. :)"

Paraphrasing by Yde

(TI CoC: "Be excellent.")
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I had a blast running some crossrealm zones premade with you guys, i didn't watch all of them but it was awesome!
I wish WT went ally just so they could farm you guys.. HC is by far the most annoying and disrespectful guild in this bracket. Idc how many /wave or /hello you give me you will always be returned with a /spit.

I have not seen one level of skill from anyone from HC as they are always grouped of 5 cata hunts or 5 MoP druids right at gy proving their skillfullness. One of your main people went from a cata hunt to a pre-patch Hpal to now a 24 spriest and he was one of the only mildly skillful ones I knew from you guild. Truly a shame you find anything in those videos fun or think posting on here will do anything except make yourself hated even more.
Haha Awesome Lil im the Disrespectful one Even tho... i just farm you, not /spit hmmm anyways.... QQ more Keep Doing you, ill keep doing me.
Btw theres nothing Skillful about being a hunter -.- But atleast you watched one of the videos..
Please all be nice.
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