Best of 19 (US)

Druid: Rejen
Hunter: Nvme
Mage: Scotty
Paladin: Idiote
Priest: Wtbdispel
Rogue: Curley
Shaman: Dasfizzla
Warlock: Dorygon
Warrior: Casino
Druid: Potatofarmer
Priest: Other than me? LOL JK, sodawater
Hunter: Zng/craycray/Silinrul
Rogue: Skylineirl, Mocha, Curley, Loveshack, Saxx
Warlock: Beercap
Paladin: Tence
Warrior: Not sure.
Shaman: Sloppy/Cannabis/Dasfizzla
Mage: Kitn/Confidentfoo/Scotty
Sorry if I forgot anyone !

Skylineirl? Seriously? The rogue that mid farms way too much and tops damage over hunters? Laughable.
Druid: Høtbøt
Priest: Wtbdispel, Livingforce
Hunter: Craycray,Discover,Pizza
Rogue: Saxx, Trillium
Warlock: Dougeh
Paladin: Tence, Derna, Paperback
Warrior: Trendy, Casino
Shaman: Nakedplumber, Sloppyheals, Cannabis
Mage: Kitn, Lobstrosity
Skylineirl? Seriously? The rogue that mid farms way too much and tops damage over hunters? Laughable.

I have to agree with Sneaky here, Skyline is terrible. I almost never see the guy except when someone has less than 500hp. He gets tunnel-vision way too hard and consistently leaves his team behind to go chase kills all over mid.
Best Active

Druid: None atm
Hunter: Pizza
Mage: Lob
Paladin: Holylipz/Kancer
Priest: Wtbdispel/Fortt/Melseadys
Rogue: Ko/Sly/Sax
Shaman: Das
Warlock: Dorygoon
Warrior: Ky
I have to agree with Sneaky here, Skyline is terrible. I almost never see the guy except when someone has less than 500hp. He gets tunnel-vision way too hard and consistently leaves his team behind to go chase kills all over mid.

So kinda like Sneaky when he first showed up?
Stand by my decision. I support my fc and he is always messing with me. He started in february and I think hes pretty good. I don't play with him on alliance and there may be room for improvement. But like i said, started this bracket in feb.
So kinda like Sneaky when he first showed up?

Sneaky seems to have learned a lot and is much better than back when I first raged at him and accused him of doing the same. Skyline has played so many games and doesn't seem to know anything else.
EU List, enjoy


Druid: -
Mage: Viancoqia
Hunter: Boàlol
Rogue: Nazzr/Niur
Paladin: -
Priest: Meganfoxirl
Shaman: Gingerbred/Isael
Warlock: -
Warrior: -

Druid: Healbear
Mage: Squírtle
Hunter: -
Rogue: Lejn
Paladin: Fhayr/Phonebook
Priest: Finalprayer
Shaman: -
Warlock: -
Warrior: Thai
hehe i don't recognize a single name on your list except phonebook. Are you sure you didn't just make up names? ^.^! LOL
Druid: N/A
Hunter: Pizza/Ezeron
Mage: Lobstrosity/Cønfidentfoo
Paladin: Kancer/Holylipz
Priest: Wtbdispel/Fortt/Melseadys
Rogue: Slyddur/Kö/Djsaxlolqtxx
Shaman: Dasfizzla
Warlock: Dorygoon
Warrior: N/A

Active list as of 3/4/12.
How are certain classes not applicable? People play them, therefore there must be a best.
How are certain classes not applicable? People play them, therefore there must be a best.

Because there aren't any druids or warriors in Waw Tawent that he could list lol. Maybe Ko, but he already listed Ko for rogue.
EU List, enjoy


Druid: -
Mage: Viancoqia
Hunter: Boàlol
Rogue: Nazzr/Niur
Paladin: -
Priest: Meganfoxirl
Shaman: Gingerbred/Isael
Warlock: -
Warrior: -

Druid: Healbear
Mage: Squírtle
Hunter: -
Rogue: Lejn
Paladin: Fhayr/Phonebook
Priest: Finalprayer
Shaman: -
Warlock: -
Warrior: Thai

Title says "US". EU hijacking US threads as usual.

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