Best level 70 Rogue and Priest in the world - a MUST read.

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Lol so many people asking for my mains



Priest 1 (My shadow priest):


Will link the rest later bby cakes <3 and if you think I'm looking for people to armory and say their my mains kk
whisper any of them characters whenever I'm on them and ask are you bla bla bla, and see what your answer is <3.

I got a disc priest at glad as well - However apprently, when I click them on the armory it says Opps character not found - but dw, just for you guys i'm gunna update my account this weekend and log into them just so I can get the armory up to link.. I don't like people thinking i'm a liar yo.
Oh and a quick update on our rank one 70, I got pretty much BiS yesterday as disc priest part from one item which I will hopefully get today - Yow still needs a bit of gear, but he got synapase last night so tbh we're starting soon ^^ I'll re edit with stream/youtube link later on:)

Keeping failing dogs <3 Peace.
Rofl, your all dogs, but its funny to see you all get trolled so hard by them

cy@ back on AJ where people can break 2.2 at 85, stay shit mongrels
dog dog dog dog dog dog dog many dogs dogs dogs the dogs iDog you dog doggy dog dog

am I kool now dogx?

heard whole Defias brotherhood saying dog, now i remember when i was 12 and fanned my elders....''cute''
TheGameSupply said:
Watching you feed the trolls and laughing. couldn't possibly take this seriously, right? Seriously, if a moderator comes to a reported post with zero replies and 5 reports-then it's gone most likely the poster too.

If it's 5 pages long and 1 report after 5 pages, well, you do the math.

Ignore the trolls and make reports=Not even a thought about getting rid of them.

5 pages of replies and 1 report after what, 24 hours? That's a pretty mixed message.

Are you for real? This is the leader of this site saying you are allowing troll posts and letting it get inflammatory?

I and probably everyone here knows this is a troll post and a supposed "joke". Except it isn't funny, it brings down the whole "atmosphere" of the site being a reasonably helpful place where new people can come and join the community.

Yes there will be banter and jibes between people, fine. But shit like this needs removing or at least put in a "flame" section like other forums do, where people can troll, flame, abuse and do what they like in there. This crap makes the site look retarded, is this where this site is going to??
Are you for real? This is the leader of this site saying you are allowing troll posts and letting it get inflammatory?

I and probably everyone here knows this is a troll post and a supposed "joke". Except it isn't funny, it brings down the whole "atmosphere" of the site being a reasonably helpful place where new people can come and join the community.

Yes there will be banter and jibes between people, fine. But shit like this needs removing or at least put in a "flame" section like other forums do, where people can troll, flame, abuse and do what they like in there. This crap makes the site look retarded, is this where this site is going to??

Why the fuck does everyone keep saying this is a fucking joke? Its for real.. it's not fucking troll posting you retard literly.. ? ALL that was written is for real.. are you really that fucking dumb.. wow. really just fucking wow. I'll give you some lessons if you want.. I can see your bad (I'M NOT EVEN JOKING!!!!) contact me skype: Greyeyes18
Why the fuck does everyone keep saying this is a fucking joke? Its for real.. it's not fucking troll posting you retard literly.. ? ALL that was written is for real.. are you really that fucking dumb.. wow. really just fucking wow. I'll give you some lessons if you want.. I can see your bad (I'M NOT EVEN JOKING!!!!) contact me skype: Greyeyes18

Come back when you have grown a pair of testicles in the real world little boy. As has been mentioned before, go back to school and learn some grammar and spelling before you attempt to flame anyone
Come back when you have grown a pair of testicles in the real world little boy. As has been mentioned before, go back to school and learn some grammar and spelling before you attempt to flame anyone

>Flame someone about grammar,

>Failing to use periods (full stops).
Come back when you have grown a pair of testicles in the real world little boy. As has been mentioned before, go back to school and learn some grammar and spelling before you attempt to flame anyone

Yo, go get some cloths <3 charity shop cloths or Reebok are just trampy.. oh wait.. u are a tramp - Sorry about the grammer and spelling, I mean.. I really cba to make sure I spell everything right on a game.. I play to own noobs, and tbh.. after I own them all I need to say is DOG and that is pretty easy to spell.. but I mean if I need some help.. maybe you can give me some lessons on skype?
Yo, go get some cloths <3 charity shop cloths or Reebok are just trampy.. oh wait.. u are a tramp - Sorry about the grammer and spelling, I mean.. I really cba to make sure I spell everything right on a game.. I play to own noobs, and tbh.. after I own them all I need to say is DOG and that is pretty easy to spell.. but I mean if I need some help.. maybe you can give me some lessons on skype?

Haha! Well I am not going to feed any more replies from a childish moron like yourself. I'll leave it at, I suspect you are about 13 years old and if you are any older you have lots to worry about in your life!

Save your breath replying. I doubt I will even be back to this thread to read it, let alone reply to it.
Haha! Well I am not going to feed any more replies from a childish moron like yourself. I'll leave it at, I suspect you are about 13 years old and if you are any older you have lots to worry about in your life!

Save your breath replying. I doubt I will even be back to this thread to read it, let alone reply to it.

aww man, come on don't leave me?
I need more efame so my dick can grow bigger.. brb just gunna have a wank though.. while watching a video of my self play arena because its so fucking SICK!
Yowxd said:
Hes 14 u downer and his worries is not bein able to queue into u every time u queue

Inb4 egomaniacs like pokemaniacs

lolololol fuck u <3 am actually the big 16
ZOMFG MY CHARMANDER JUST EVOLED WTF THIS IS SO FUCKING SIIICICICICICK. ... i might be able to beat the elite 4 now <3 brb
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