Best in Slot Player vs. Player

I know you replaced the last ones because the other author deleted his topics.

But it doesn't seem like anything near best-in-slot it's just gear thrown together. I can only comment for my own class (priest) - but for starters I wouldn't be hitting any of my fears or, offensive dispels if I was using those devs.

Are you going to be defining best-in-slot professions included or, non-profession devs, as well as racial choices. I could lend a hand with some. But for now I would add the disclaimer "work in progress" to the title or unconfirmed devs.
I know you replaced the last ones because the other author deleted his topics.

But it doesn't seem like anything near best-in-slot it's just gear thrown together. I can only comment for my own class (priest) - but for starters I wouldn't be hitting any of my fears or, offensive dispels if I was using those devs.

Are you going to be defining best-in-slot professions included or, non-profession devs, as well as racial choices. I could lend a hand with some. But for now I would add the disclaimer "work in progress" to the title or unconfirmed devs.

As i stated several times, the inital chardev was a " base " to start off building a list togheter.

So far several people have partecipated in the construction, if you feel like you could be helpfull i would love to either see your suggestions here, or you can Message me, both will work fine.
Hey, I'm pretty sure this would be BiS Arcane PvE Mage

What about your spell penetration?

I just threw together a baseline chardev for a disc priest that is hit capped and spell pen capped other then mages.

You'll want to throw on when running in for fears on mage/priest teams. The SWP wand is pretty rare drop anyways so could use that.

As for trinkets (personally):

Skull > Memento > Glimmering Naaru

The skull gives some nice hit rating which leaves space for a gem slot and can use the on-use to mana burn a healer to death. I'll have a look through and have to make a dev for BiS considering racials and professions as well.
Sorry it be the devil's advocate but practically every single one of these devs aren't "BiS". I don't get how some of these are not hit capped. About the spell pen - I don't think chardev adds the 35 from cloak.

As demonstrated by Wymoro's ret chardev (which still has room for improvement), a lot of them need a major re-haul - something which I am not inclined to do as I keep my devs to myself as they are for personal use; not to mention the time and effort.

I can however, suggest to start fixing silly things such as removing the epic trinket (hopefully reintroduced in 4.3), fixing BiS enchants eg: 10 stats on some dps classes such as rogue, get rid of reaver wep for blood DK...even as an FC worst idea ever, not sure if intended - actually put dragon's eye gems on devs with JC, hit cap ofc and generally do a lot more research and stat maximizing. It's as if the devs were created by people who don't even play+know the bracket.
Sorry it be the devil's advocate but practically every single one of these devs aren't "BiS". I don't get how some of these are not hit capped. About the spell pen - I don't think chardev adds the 35 from cloak.

As demonstrated by Wymoro's ret chardev (which still has room for improvement), a lot of them need a major re-haul - something which I am not inclined to do as I keep my devs to myself as they are for personal use; not to mention the time and effort.

I can however, suggest to start fixing silly things such as removing the epic trinket (hopefully reintroduced in 4.3), fixing BiS enchants eg: 10 stats on some dps classes such as rogue, get rid of reaver wep for blood DK...even as an FC worst idea ever, not sure if intended - actually put dragon's eye gems on devs with JC, hit cap ofc and generally do a lot more research and stat maximizing. It's as if the devs were created by people who don't even play+know the bracket.

Indeed, most chardevs where done by someone who does not play the class. Me.

I did my best and the community is helping me fix them, now, i haven't update a few as i'v been away for about 5 days now, i intend to update them later on tonight.

If you do not want to share your chardevs, no one forces you to, altough if your intent is just to come over and spit on what we are in fact trying to do i would ask you to retain from posting in this thread.

I have said several times that i will not be adding any profession to the chardevs. Which you would have noticed taking the time to read the full post.

I sadly do know the bracket but not every class, hence why i asked people who play the class / spec to suggest and post any improvement they had.

- Nesy
I've made a slight modification to the Dual Wield frost death knight chardev, namely adding more strength and losing excess spell penetration (has 73 now, which should counter all buffs) and hit rating. Going to have a look over the paladin chardevs to see if I can add some insight there, perhaps as to attaining caps and other things. This will come later naturally, but here is the death knight chardev I mentioned:

More will come soon, since apparently I'm not raiding this evening.

Edit: Here's the ret chardev. I've managed to exactly hit the hit cap, without using any gems, so it allows full customisation by the player for more offense or more survival. Shard of Contempt has an honorable mention, since it + the Seal of Truth glyph will provide enough expertise to ignore dodge from most 70 classes (outside agility users), and quite a large amount of parry as well. Again, it comes down to the player.
It's called tough love.

While I appreciate what you are trying to do, in its current state these devs are a mess and full of misinformation that newbies might end up following - Blood FC DK reaver wep (among other gear on that dev) being the most ill conceived idea I've seen in a long time and has nothing to do with knowing the class at all; it's simply a frikken bad idea. Now if I just wanted to JUST /spit I would have done so already and left. But I did voice my opinion and suggested other improvements you could make without posting my own devs. Now since it is a WIP and I don't have anything specific to add i.e devs I will take my leave.
It's called tough love.

While I appreciate what you are trying to do, in its current state these devs are a mess and full of misinformation that newbies might end up following - Blood FC DK reaver wep (among other gear on that dev) being the most ill conceived idea I've seen in a long time and has nothing to do with knowing the class at all; it's simply a frikken bad idea. Now if I just wanted to JUST /spit I would have done so already and left. But I did voice my opinion and suggested other improvements you could make without posting my own devs. Now since it is a WIP and I don't have anything specific to add i.e devs I will take my leave.

I'm not sure how that weapon would be a bad idea, granted it's probably not a fantastic trade of stamina to resilience, but as a FC those are the only two stats you care about. Satina did outline a lot of the gear from it, I just added a couple of things, and removed what isn't obtainable anymore. Stamina and resilience are king, so you can ignore stats like agi/int/spirit/crit for this purpose. Granted Stamina has a higher weight for death knights than the other FC chardevs, simply because it works into their mitigation (just self-healing, since they don't have mastery)

Granted there is a lot missing from these. They need work, but I'd suggest giving your own version, even if it's simply as an alternative. Fixing these things does take time, especially as it's something not everyone does with 100% of their WoW time.
As a FC you need survivability and utility. Nerfing your weapon dps and other stats massively to trade for 1% more resil = bad idea. A FC is there to run the flag, defend himself where possible and be able to take damage. By using that weapon you basically become just a meatshield that cannot defend himself or others.
Minimal, but I get the point. A FC should never be focused alone, and that 1% extra survival does help, assuming you're being focused, everything counts. Besides, resilience still has an increasing benefit in that if you're at 50%, a 1% increase is actually a 2% increase. I wouldn't dismiss it because FCs can deal damage.

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