EU+US Best geared twinks list

Head - debatable (other option is green lens)
shoulders - no
cloak - debatable, but not rly
chest - kind of (but wrong stats)
bracers - no
weapon - yes
gloves - no
belt - no
legs - no
boots - close (5vers 3haste would be the preferred version)
ring1 - yes
ring2 - no.
Trinkets - yes (defending/returning champion also an option depending on stats)

You want 1600-1700 HP ideally for mid and/or defense/FC/Escort peeling. Running any lower HP means that you REALLY trust your healers and don't play like a monkey.
wait can I just please , just let me ... Slip myself ( ) in there , ah there you go :)

Classic Gfed:
Inferno Robe , Talbar Mantle , Jutebraid Gloves , Sacred Burial Trousers , Engineers Cloak , Seal of Wrynn , Seal of Sylvanas , Lucky Fishing with Libram , Arena Grand Master
Cataclysm Gfed:
Seal of Argus x 2
WOD Gfed :
9/9 WF ilvl 30 , Timewarped Neck
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wait can I just please , just let me ... Slip myself ( ) in there , ah there you go :)

Classic Gfed:
Inferno Robe , Talbar Mantle , Jutebraid Gloves , Sacred Burial Trousers , Engineers Cloak , Seal of Wrynn , Seal of Sylvanas , Lucky Fishing with Libram , Arena Grand Master
Cataclysm Gfed:
Seal of Argus x 2
WOD Gfed :
9/9 WF ilvl 30 , Timewarped Neck
if only you had 13 sp enchant :( these trousers and gloves are just insane <3
Definitely need to get the 6agi heirloom trinket from 7th legion tokens too. Also probably fix a couple enchants / update to vers heavy heirlooms.
Which enchants should i change? do you know? i thought these were the best ones.

rolled pre well on an old twink with my quest rewards (belt was a nice surprise).. still need 2 do horde quests and fix up rings but might b a winner
Your rogue gives me the chills bro... woah... And then blizz changes vers back to spirit xD ... hope not.. /salute.
Which enchants should i change? do you know? i thought these were the best ones.

Cloak/Boots are fine. Can use stealth + cat swiftness for more agi at the cost of movement speed - but both are valid and its worth having a set of each (but impossible to tell from the armory what ppl have in bags).

Ring probably change to verse. Bracers probably change to 3AP since the nerf to stats.
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so i should just go hit up every single quest possible and hope for some epic gear?

Yup (assuming you want to update them). Roll the dice and see what you get. Rogue has a lot of BoE options, so the main thing you're hoping for is a mainhand weapon (soothsayer vest is also very nice). Priest theres a robe on horde that is pretty good, otherwise just whatever you get.
Ufff feels badman, why you leveled
christ, i haven't played my twinks in a decade and only added some heirlooms because i had them

gear used to be simple :( so since both of these characters were made well over a decade ago, i should have just about every single quest available since cataclysm changed a bunch of stuff

so i should just go hit up every single quest possible and hope for some epic gear?
Your priest has a big advantage with this wrist enchant!

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