Best friend list thread

Thank you mate ;)
But F2P and 15-19 is the only one working atm, and both are destroyed by arrogants and 24s etc :)
where to get active then? :)

prolly endgame or if you don't like it you can just join a bg in 19 or 24 and ignore everyone that flames, works like a charm they can talk to themselves as much as they want like they were scitzophrenic
prolly endgame or if you don't like it you can just join a bg in 19 or 24 and ignore everyone that flames, works like a charm they can talk to themselves as much as they want like they were scitzophrenic

I play for community, so it would not work :)
funny how this is supposed to be a friendly thread, yet people start to argue toward each other, seriously... this isnt fucking 5th grade.
I can help you out if you have not seen trialdruid posting before, it usualy goes without using space once, talk about "oldschool" or HCL

I don't play on HCL and it is very much easier to compare things from past experience and compare it what is now since most of what you now do is modeling your old experiences and reacting it to the new enviroment, I think that is psychology from what I understand

then complain about the state of the game in cata and mop and how everything got more easier yet somehow all the "good" players he talks about from ze "old school" return and is nowhere close to the top players ,(most of the top players are also "old school" players with the difference that they have adapted to the new expansions).

show me visual proof of how Cataclysm & Mists of Pandaria are harder 19-wise, no other oldschoolers I know that have "returned" are jaxel & blackout & in most games that I am randomly in with Blackout, Blackout is the one to return the flags, there are no top players how many times do I have to quote a respectable fellow twinker that played in your precious Cataclysm and before that the skill level of 19 has deterriorated and that is an honest opinion from someone who contributed at least for a bit to this bracket instead of going cocksure naming everyone that he knows to be the best players in the bracket & flaming every game, there is no competetion, you can't determine best players when you can't play vs anyone that could offer you the title of being best in your role, there is no competetion left for you to prove yourself 'cause of the activity, I don't want to repeat obvious things you have read like a million time and get bored of reading in my every single comment 'cause I feel like every time I try to explain you about the competetion being non-exsistant 'cause of the activity you don't listen like talking to a wall......

Despite all this, trialdruid played more 19 thru cata and mop then anyone I know, he talks about how games are being ruined by players who win, yet he is one of the main reasons many people stop queuing up, because of his habit to always pick up flag and lag across the entire map a bunch of times until he fails at something(which happens pmuch erry game, however does not make it any more fun -.-) or just flat out DC's with flag.

I am not talking about how games are ruined by players who win, I don't care if someone wins good for them, I care for playing and the fun of it if I don't know where you gotten this picture but I have fun in every game and I don't care what kind of premade I am vs or glitch they use or whatever the shit you are trying to say, all the possible shits, glitches, premades, classes, gy farming you can come up with, I am fine with it, I don't play this game for you - you can't do whatever you want in this game and I will still have fun despite how hard you flamed, trolled, won, glitched or whatever else you could come up with
I don't force people to play in the same game with me if they don't like my internet, the way I play or behave they have the possibility to report me afk or leave themselves, how many times I need to tell you I can't cast when I lag it doesn't matter how far I get if I can't do anything meanwhile and die to a dot for example it doesn't matter lag doesn't make people invincible 'cause it is a two-sided blade
while you can't deal as much dmg as you could while other lags he can't do anything meanwhile, cast, move, nothing, at least I make up my lag in behaving like a human being respecting others unlike you, you don't even return the favour by doing something helpful for your team

It's that rare situation when you dont wanna have him on your team and at the same time you dont want to face him.

I could say the same about you in numerous occasion and I am not the only one to think this way, you flame more than anyone I have ever seen and it is intoxicating if this was league of legends I would have reported your intoxicating behaviourism and you would be sitting at their tribunal getting your ass served in their court for being a very intoxicating player manner wise

His actions ingame speak louder then his sob stories on TI, thats just how it is.

Good provokating ending, was well written otherwise

EDIT typo
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There is no need for you to do anything while you are lagging across the map since you can't take damage.

Also, could you explain why those HCL / WOTLK gods don't dominate when they come back (for a short time)? They were great at the hard version of the game, how is it possible that they are something between average and awful at the easy version?
Also, could you explain why those HCL / WOTLK gods don't dominate when they come back (for a short time)? They were great at the hard version of the game, how is it possible that they are something between average and awful at the easy version?

I named Blackout & Jaxel so basicly what you are saying is that jaxel is bad, okey, that is your opinion

and also to quote myself
in most games that I am randomly in with Blackout, Blackout is the one to return the flags
and to Anarchism, I don't know what is wrong with and I am very hard trying to root for you since you, Viotin & Imnotwinked are the only okey players in Tough Love, I don't know why you are trying so hard to be angry when I am trying very hard to understand what is your problem, you are okey don't get it twisted
I named Blackout & Jaxel so basicly what you are saying is that jaxel is bad, okey, that is your opinion

and also to quote myself
Even Twinx returned some flags, does that make him a good player?

and to Anarchism, I don't know what is wrong with and I am very hard trying to root for you since you, Viotin & Imnotwinked are the only okey players in Tough Love, I don't know why you are trying so hard to be angry when I am trying very hard to understand what is your problem, you are okey don't get it twisted
So TL has only three "okay" players and you still don't have a team good enough to beat us?
Also, could you explain why those HCL / WOTLK gods don't dominate when they come back (for a short time)? They were great at the hard version of the game, how is it possible that they are something between average and awful at the easy version?

Trialdruid said the the only "gods" to have returned are Blackout and Jaxel, I have yet to play a game with Blackout this expansion but from my experience playing with Jaxel he is above "avarage and awful at the easy version".

Edit: seems like posting while doing bgs took too much time and trialdruid had time to reply himself
Even Twinx returned some flags, does that make him a good player?

Offense Team has 1 purpose only which is returning the flag if Twinx manages to return the flag numerous times (2 to more) yes he is a good player if you excel at what you are supposed to do you are a good player
Offense Team has 1 purpose only which is returning the flag if Twinx manages to return the flag numerous times (2 to more) yes he is a good player if you excel at what you are supposed to do you are a good player
holy fuck this bracket is filled of good players then. why does everybody complain ?!
Trialdruid said the the only "gods" to have returned are Blackout and Jaxel, I have yet to play a game with Blackout this expansion but from my experience playing with Jaxel he is above "avarage and awful at the easy version".
I thought he considered Azol and Dispells/Callhots great WOTLK players aswell. Still Azol is average in MOP / Cata while Dispells is just awful.
Offense Team has 1 purpose only which is returning the flag if Twinx manages to return the flag numerous times (2 to more) yes he is a good player if you excel at what you are supposed to do you are a good player
Then I am the best rogue in the bracket since I got the best return/wsg ratio of any EU rogue I know?
I thought he considered Azol and Dispells/Callhots great WOTLK players aswell. Still Azol is average in MOP / Cata while Dispells is just awful.

I didn't list either of them in my best of 19s list, I made an honest, neutral list with actual best players of this bracket, are they fun to play with? yes and do I think they are good? yes, are they best? no

Then I am the best rogue in the bracket since I got the best return/wsg ratio of any EU rogue I know?

EDIT: wow fail quote my bad cba edit
if you excel at what you are supposed to do then I don't know why you feel the need of telling me your ratios or proving yourself, be happy about it, besides I don't care much about ratios since you can get as good ratios as you want with premades if you really care about ratios
EDIT: wow fail quote my bad cba edit
if you excel at what you are supposed to do then I don't know why you feel the need of telling me your ratios or proving yourself, be happy about it, besides I don't care much about ratios since you can get as good ratios as you want with premades if you really care about ratios
I am just saying that getting returns doesn't mean you are a good rogue / player since you rely on your team to get those. Even bad rogues get returns if they have a good team while good rogues with a bad team won't get any.
Just making it clear that this thread wasn't supposed to have anything to do with skill, it's supposed to be a thread where we would list people who had a positive impact on our experience in the level nineteen twinking bracket. Please take your arguing elsewhere. Sometimes I wish this forum still had mods

It's funny though. It doesn't matter what the subject is, people always find a way to make it about this player is best and that one is shit.
I like that you are so delusional that you think you have contributed to this bracket other then ruining games no matter which side you are on ;).

I feel that what you wrote earlier was more provokative and you had written it better than this one feels like you gone soft in the last 15 minutes, I could quote something that was interesting enough to comment back, I did my fair share of contributing to the bracket before Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria therefore I don't care much about what happens after that since most of the players I did good deeds for or preached knowledge have quited, some have and some haven't but atm I feel like bracket is worse than it was before and I am less willingly to put more effort in it than what I did before though thanks for not knowing what I have done for this bracket it was a very valid point
I just want to say this activity is good lets keep it up guys just look how many people are browsing this thread, we are doing something rite! thank you all 19 forever reppin

Yes, I release you from your duties of occupying this thread, you can go yell "bla bla banana" on some other thread

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