Best feet of the lynx world.

wow if thats legit...
What level is the toon those cloth pants are on? Because you can apply the other armor kits (or at least have them grandfathered down), but they display as unusable until level XX to low level toons.

As for the boots, any idea how that happened?
Im just wondering once you equipt the boots if the enchant will work, I also found something like that btw...

There was this guy with 3 Shadowfangs of which 1 of em had Mongoose on em :p
As fancy as it might look, the enchants are still prohibited from working on characters below the enchanting level. So a bc enchant still needs the wearer to be level 35+, etc. Vanity item is what it is :)
You know jaxel, I think it's only the chest enchants that require lvl 25. 49s only lost the grandfathered chest enchants so far.
Rivfader said:
You know jaxel, I think it's only the chest enchants that require lvl 25. 49s only lost the grandfathered chest enchants so far.

I'm 95% sure it goes for ALL enchants. I'm 100% sure it goes for all leg enchants as well, considering I got about 5 different enchanted legs with different enchants on, on my 19 - all requirements from 35-70 shows as "Requires level 35, 50, 60, 70" etc. Also shoulder enchants shows "Requires level XX" - so there's AT LEAST 3 item slots where it shows enchant level req. Why would boots be any different? If so, this is a very rare item and Blizzard major fucked one up.


Okay, not sure sure any more... I think Blizzard f00xed it up a bit and left shoes out. I digged a bit deeper on one of my oldest alts and found this. Look at the way the enchants are "denied" and the way the boots are "denied".



It states we can't use the fishing boots as an item, but the enchant is not mentioned what so ever. Should there not be 2x "requirements" in red on the fishing boots? Interesting.
Having the double red texts on the Nat Pagles boots might be a bit redundant though, since you can't even use the boots until level 35. once you're 35 you can put them on and the enchant will work.

both of those (the boots and the enchant) work at levels 35+ sooo i guess that might be it?
Sanitarium said:
Having the double red texts on the Nat Pagles boots might be a bit redundant though, since you can't even use the boots until level 35. once you're 35 you can put them on and the enchant will work.

both of those (the boots and the enchant) work at levels 35+ sooo i guess that might be it?

This is a bit of a conflicting area. If you look at the leg enchants they clearly state on the Leg Armor that the wearer must be XX level use the enchant. Same on shoulders afaik. However, it does not say anything like that on the chest items of which we ALL know now have been nerfed to require a higher level to be used. Looking at lvl 85 gear from a low level character shows leg enchants as being red "requires" on both the item and the enchant. However, it shows no such thing on neither chest or boots. Only thing you can see on chest / boots is the "Requires item level XXX". So if we assume that they did not nerf ALL enchants lvl 35 (like they did chest enchant), then boots with this enchant on made while you could enchant items with 0 dura and trade bug possible be a real item. However this is a very low chance and if this guy truly has a pair of these BoE it would be worlds only and probably worth quite a bit to the right guy...

Wall of Text over.
The wearer would run the *high* risk of it getting reported by baddies that are jealous. You could easily pay "XX" and it get nerfed in a week.
lindenkron said:
This is a bit of a conflicting area. If you look at the leg enchants they clearly state on the Leg Armor that the wearer must be XX level use the enchant. Same on shoulders afaik. However, it does not say anything like that on the chest items of which we ALL know now have been nerfed to require a higher level to be used. Looking at lvl 85 gear from a low level character shows leg enchants as being red "requires" on both the item and the enchant. However, it shows no such thing on neither chest or boots. Only thing you can see on chest / boots is the "Requires item level XXX". So if we assume that they did not nerf ALL enchants lvl 35 (like they did chest enchant), then boots with this enchant on made while you could enchant items with 0 dura and trade bug possible be a real item. However this is a very low chance and if this guy truly has a pair of these BoE it would be worlds only and probably worth quite a bit to the right guy...

Wall of Text over.

Librams and leg armors were the first nerf so they did those a little differently then when they made wrath enchants require player level 50 and BC enchants require player level 25. Afaik for 49s, only the chest enchant was given a player level requirement in the last patch, it still has and item level requirement. If you inspect an 85 you can clearly see redundant requirements on equipment, most notably gloves/belt with engi tinkers.

edit: was interrupted at work mid post, please allow me to continue:

It is not that blizz forgot about boot enchants, it is that they wanted to nerf the resil to chest enchant because 10s were abusing them in leveling BGs and nerfing an enchant is much easier than changing stat scaling. After the last patch I thought about updating my 49 because I was under the impression that all wrath enchants recieved a player lvl 50 req. After checking around I found out that the only enchant 49s lost was chest enchant and all the wrath bracer, back, glove, feet, and weapon enchants still functioned.

I honestly don't remember when item level requirements were added to BC enchants but I believe it was 2.1 or 2.2, it is entirely possible that those boots are legit, and as long as no exploitation was used to get fortitude on those boots then no amount of player QQing would cause the enchant to be wiped because it's grandfathered in.

That being said, using script codes I could link shadowfangs with landslide, mongoose, beserking, really any enchant. Hell, I saw a gun linked in trade chat with mongoose on it. So any potential buyer would want to make a toon on his server and look at them through trade before going through the hassle of buying copious amounts of gold (since that's what I'd charge in his position).

Lastly, to the seller beware. If it's a scam you will be reported since that's a lot of gold involved. Also, if you are legit, beware paypal offers since there's ways to scam those too.
Rivfader said:
Librams and leg armors were the first nerf so they did those a little differently then when they made wrath enchants require player level 50 and BC enchants require player level 25. Afaik for 49s, only the chest enchant was given a player level requirement in the last patch, it still has and item level requirement. If you inspect an 85 you can clearly see redundant requirements on equipment, most notably gloves/belt with engi tinkers.

My point with that post being:


Boots aren't showing a level requirements on any enchant. Only item requirement. If that was bypassed with an old bug that worked about 3-4 years ago, this could potentially work.


I'm on a level 34.

Once again, the ONLY enchants (as in from the profession, not "item enhancements" recieved through rep gains, LW, tailoring, and other sources) to recieve player level requirements were chest enchants.
lindenkron said:
I'm 95% sure it goes for ALL enchants. I'm 100% sure it goes for all leg enchants as well, considering I got about 5 different enchanted legs with different enchants on, on my 19 - all requirements from 35-70 shows as "Requires level 35, 50, 60, 70" etc. Also shoulder enchants shows "Requires level XX" - so there's AT LEAST 3 item slots where it shows enchant level req. Why would boots be any different? If so, this is a very rare item and Blizzard major fucked one up.


Okay, not sure sure any more... I think Blizzard f00xed it up a bit and left shoes out. I digged a bit deeper on one of my oldest alts and found this. Look at the way the enchants are "denied" and the way the boots are "denied".



It states we can't use the fishing boots as an item, but the enchant is not mentioned what so ever. Should there not be 2x "requirements" in red on the fishing boots? Interesting.

No. The boots are the required level for the enchant, that is why the enchant does not show the level requirement.

Where in the case of the leggings, the enchantment requires a higher level than the legs, and the enchant only becomes active once you reach the minimum level required for the enchant.

BC chest enchants require player level 25 and item level 35. These are different requirements than leg armors which have no item level requirement but require a player to be of a specific level to function.

The whole player level/item level thing has no hard and fast rules, the requirements have been cobbled together on a case by case basis over the years. You're looking for sense where there is none.

Once again, it is entirely possible that these are legit because BC enchants had no item level requirements until early into the expansion. It is feasible that someone enchanted a pair of these before item level requirements for BC enchants were introduced and they got grandfathered in with that enchant still active. As of the most recent patch the ONLY BC and wrath enchants with player level requirements are chest enchants, blade ward, and blood draining. Any other enchant that was put on a piece of gear while it still met the item level requirement of the enchant will continue to function as long as the player is able to equip that piece of gear.

This is different than leg armors, librams, and shoulder enchants, none of which have item level requirements anymore but instead require a player to be of a certian level before they become active. These requirements follow no hard and fast rules but instead have been decided on a case by case basis to nerf enchants that were considered too OP.

Examples include:

- The honor shoulder enchant could be applied to BoA shoulders by a lvl 70+ toon so all shoulder enchants ended up being given a player level requirement.

- Wrath leg armors and BC head enchants (and a few wrath ones) could be applied to BoEs, this would bind them, but through an exploit you could unbind them and mail them to your twink. To combat this all leg armors and head enchants were given player level requirements.

- BC enchants were considered too good to be used by any level so they were given item level requirements of 35 (at the time the enchant recognized the required level for use of an item, i.e. "requires level 19" to supercede the actual item level), implying that they didn't want anyone under level 35 to have access to these enchants. This policy was continued with wrath enchants, only the bar was set at 60 instead.

- Fishing boots were given a level requirement because they were able to accept BC feet enchants, which blizzard considered more unbalanced than the chest enchants available to 1-34 at the time via inferno robe and haliscan jacket (only some enchants functioned on formal dangui)

- Then came the lvl 10 resil twinks who griefed levelers and were virtually unkillable. Haliscan jacket and Formal Dangui both had their item level lowered to 1 (notice Haliscan Pantaloons are still ilvl 35 because 40 armor is not considered so OP so it's not worth bothering). To prevent the twinks with 15 resil grandfathered in from going back to buisness as usual chest enchants were given a player level requirement of 25

In short, I believe that game mechanics allow for these to be legit. No guarentee that blizz won't change their mind later though.

SSB64 said:
No. The boots are the required level for the enchant, that is why the enchant does not show the level requirement.

No, it doesn't show because there is no player level requirement for those boot enchants to function, if the item level of fishing boots was lowered to 1 those enchants would continue to function.

Where in the case of the leggings, the enchantment requires a higher level than the legs, and the enchant only becomes active once you reach the minimum level required for the enchant.

Even if those legs were ilvl 50+ you would still see that message, you are correct however in believing that the enchant becomes active once the player that has them equipped reaches lvl 50.

Seriously, go inspect some 60s or 70s, or even 85s on your 19. You will see, in red text, a bunch of different messages telling which parts (the profession bonus, the enchant, or the item itself and everything included) you will not benefit from and why.

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