What is the best FC class for a twink vs. twink game at 20?
I have only played hpal a lot in this bracket, so i will write down what I know about hpal, not saying that i know anything about organized pvp, just presenting the facts.
hpal can use shield (including
https://www.wowhead.com/item=9404/olafs-all-purpose-shield ), wear plate (including
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=9979/ornate-mithril-boots#comments), can spec into
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=216868/hallowed-ground to remove snare for self and teammates, has big instant heals (double instant heals with smart use of
i haven't played druid in a while, but when i did over 5 years ago, i could shift out of bear form, without shifting out of bear form with /cast !Bear Form, i can no longer do that which makes me think that druid is not really a good FC class at 20 in serious games now.
i don't know much about other FC classes such as DH, maybe people can chip in with ideas and comments.