Here is a list of classes with a few advantages one can argue as to why they would pick them over another.
I can honestly say that no other class(rogue, warlock, warrior) at 19 can carry the flag as efficiently as these 6 classes with little to no help.
- Hunter - Concussive Shot, Wingclip, Pet CC's, Glyph of the Monkey and ability to track enemy and where they are coming from.
- Druid - High HP, shapeshift out of snares, HoT's, Ability to Snare as well.
- Paladin - Decent HP, Blessing of Freedom, Lay on Hands, Hammer of Justice
- Mage - Frost Nova, Sheep, Frost Armor (causing slows)
- Priest - HoT's, Power Word: Shield, Dispells
- Shaman - Earthbind Totem, Stoneclaw Totem (if you're smart), Purge
- Rogue - Sprint, High Dodge rating w/ Evasion, Gouge, Sap (if timed right)
I can honestly say that no other class(rogue, warlock, warrior) at 19 can carry the flag as efficiently as these 6 classes with little to no help.