Best class/spec/gear for boosting people 10-60?

2 11 bear runs are insane!


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Best gear is mostly Wod Warforged gear with some exceptions based on class/spec. Such as Balefire branch from Waycrest Manor, Blade of Eternal Darkness from Maraudon, and Hunger of the Pack from Halls of Valor.
what is warforged gear? this info is and isn't out of date but it gets the point across.

Honorable quest mention: To be prepared is a repeatable quest via the npc Archivist Elysiana in Violet Citadel(TALL Tower up the stairs in Legion Dalaran) Simple don't turn in the quest once you have it and you can receive 2 buffs that work in dungeons. Polish Armor and Holy Enchantment. If you can't see or redo the quest a P-sync with someone that can will phase you in.

Feel free to submit runs. If one is not posted I will eventually get around to featuring it in a video. faster Solo/LFG runs will replace slower runs. if you have a build that isnt featured I will also make a tier listing for c tier+ times of 10 minutes or less either solo or grouped (no other twinks).

Working on tooltips for this post, testing several specializations and making videos showing a RDF shadowmoon run. (3x RDF buff)

All opinions come from my play on toons or alongside toons @ 50ilvl+. I'm classist not racist choose whatever race you think works for your goals. Making test toons before commiting is fine.

There comes a point when more damage stats is less damage compared to speed and better kiting/aoe use. keep in mind how pathing works and what shortcuts you can take in your runs to better speed clear. I recommend speed gems/tertiary over other stats when applicable.

If there is no talent or spell change then 10/11 is the same in terms of mob HP and hits needed to kill assuming your BIS or equivalent.

If a caster: Use Balefire Branch on bosses. Equipping at least 30 seconds before encountering.

When playing with other twinks please consider how their class plays. Teamwork often keeps people happy even if you can 1 shot. Kiting to gain glory can become sloppy fast. Communicate complicated maneuvers you might do as you clear the instance to avoid fumbles. If you don't know if you can kite a mob or not without it doing any Crowd Control to players you shouldn't kite it. Learn what's kite-able and learn what needs nuking.

Best Flask for all specializations/classes is the Reusable 300 Classic Alchemy Flask.
Not all enchants work even if they can be applied to gear. Make sure to look before and after.
USE DEJA-Character-Stats or something similar.
Deadly Boss Mods has a feature to turn off cutscenes. Click on the DBM icon on you minimap. Go to options>Blizzard Features>Hide in-game cinematics>Always.

A colored * next something indicates it's quality within an RPG GBPO color scheme.
With 1 twink in group or solo play dungeon runs should be around this long. (assuming it's not a long RP or walking dungeon)

4-5 minutes clear time for S tier
5-6 minutes clear time for A tier
6-8 minutes clear time for B Tier
8-10 minutes clear time for C Tier

Check out these New interaction controls


S Tier: 10/11 Guardian Druid, 10-13 Arcane Mage, 10/11 Restoration Shaman
A Tier: 10/11 Elemental Shaman, 10 Holy Priest, 11-16 Surv Hunter, 10-12 Monk
B Tier: 14-16 DH, 10-14 Prot Warrior
C Tier: 10-16 Prot Paladin

D Tier: Everything else (Do only for the memes.)
I am working on more builds to add to the list. Builds currently not shown are not necessarily bad.
S Tier Rankings & Logic:_____________________

S+ 10/11 Guardian Druid: (10.05) Moonfire coming back into Bear rotation means dead mobs much faster. Thrash and Swipe are great aoe. Maul(@11) and Mangle are both heavy hitting single target. Swipe and Moonfire can be held to Repeat Cast. Swipe receives a 50% dmg buff(Improved Swipe) come 10.05. Regrowth will cap heal any player. You have a Dash and Cat/Travel. You have access to all 3 roles in the queue.

Best Well Fed Buff: Abyssal-Friend Rissole*

Best Potion: Swiftness Potion*
Haste is useless avoid it.
Stat Priority: Critical Strike/Mastery/Versatility/Haste

Armory link for Thrasheer.

**NO REZ**
**HAS Mark of the Wild.**


S+ 10-13 Arcane Mage: Spam Arcane Explosion, Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrage(11), and or Arcane Missiles(13). @10Prismatic Barrier is roughly 20% of HP. Blink for travel. High Mastery is needed to manage the mana used. You'll still have to drink water. Has Slow Fall so can skip some dungeons sections. Overflow Energy is great talent @ 10.

Best Well Fed Buff: Abyssal-Friend Rissole

Best Potion: Endless Mana Potion?
Stat Priority: Mastery/Critical Strike and Mastery/Haste. A balance of both is best in order to hit a comfortable breakpoint. (Insert mastery and haste breakpoints here)

**NO REZ** **Has Arcane intellect**

I recommend using this
Mana Tracker addon to see how well your mastery is affecting mana regen. It still works despite not being updates since SL.**

***ARCANE ORBS CAN GLITCH RANDOMLY - This results in orbs not stacking. Waiting for stacks to fall off from ui might fix. Relogging may also fix.*** This can be game breaking while it's bugged.


S/S+ 10/11 Restoration Shaman: Restoration is the strongest twink aoe but requires stopping to cast more than Arcane and Bear. Ghost Wolf will make up for this. (INSERT SET/GHOST WOLF MACRO). Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, and Lightning Bolt can 1 shot trash. @ 11 You get Riptide which will instant cap heal the target. Lightning Shield crits for 80-100 damage.

10 is better than dps 11 due to enchants. Riptide at 11 is not a requirement to heal.

S rank for ilvl55(10) ilvl58(11).
S+ Rank for 55/58+ ilvl with +175% move speed in Ghost Wolf.

Armory for Restowink

Restoration video has Critical Strike/Haste gear.

**HAS AOE REZ Ancestral Vision** **HAS NO TEAM BUFFS** **HAS Reincarnation**


A Tier Ranking Logic:_________________________

Armory for Restowink

A+ 10/11 Elemental Shaman: Really great damage with high Mastery but requires stopping to cast. Ghost Wolf can help with getting you to near 175%+ move speed with enough tertiary Speed Stat. (INSERT SET/GHOST WOLF MACRO). Elemental is moderately weaker but cooler looking than Restoration. Healing Surge eats mana so if you queue as healer and switch to Elemental be aware of the low mana pool. Needs more than 100% Mastery for chain lightning to be reliably insane on 2-3 target mob packs. 4-5 = Emperor Palpatine's Unlimited Power. A high (80%+) Mastery Elemental is fun but not as easy to play as Resto. Chain Mastery chance is divded by the amount of targets up to 5. Chain Lightning can't proc Mastery on a single target. Lightning Bolt is better single target despite being less damage per cast than Chain Lightning. @ 11 Elemental gets the Earth Shock Talent allowing use for their Maelstrom resource.

Lightning Shield is decent damage over a period of time and enough hits taken. Resto Shield does more damage.

Elemental video has Haste/Mastery gear. (COMING SOON)

Best Well Fed Buff: Abyssal-Friend Rissole
Best Potion:(COMING SOON)
Stat Priority: Haste/Mastery

**HAS NO REZ** **HAS NO TEAM BUFFS** **HAS Reincarnation**


A+/- 10-13 Monk: Monk is the only class in which all 3 spec are viable for Power Leveling. Each with unique pros.

10/11 Brewmaster: Has the highest Touch of Death damage. @11 you get Keg Smash (affected by haste). No real downside other than not really standing out. compared to protection tanks Brew is greater damage. 2nd best tanking specialization.

10 Mistweaver: Spinning Crane Kick with the Lifesteal Enchant on a 3.6 speed weapon is super great dps/hps. Allowing even a soft MW to tank any amount of mobs. However Lifesteal can't be placed on bis weapons (currently). Weakish Single target/Boss kill but Rising Sun Kick is a heavy hitter but comes at the cost forgoing the Tiger Lust talent.

12/13 WindWalker: Fist of Fury's damage is the mob packs HP. It can also be used while moving. Roughly a 20 second cd (affected by haste) you can easily make work of each mob pack and most of the bosses Health.13 makes fist of fury setup a bit easier with the Power Strikes Talent.

**HAS Resuscitate @ 13** **NO TEAM BUFFS**


A 10 Holy Priest: Holy Nova will heal most players in a couple uses as well as deal more damage than most tanks can agro. Shadow Word: Pain is an instant damage dot that will kill mobs shortly after you Holy Nova passed them. Power Word: Shield will save anyone from death. Renew is instant cast and heal for alot. Spam Mind Blast and Smite on bosses. - Not the best single target but has great recoverability and multi-use aoe.

**Has Resurrection** **Has Power Word: Fortitude**

12's Holy Nova is alot stronger after a long time building stacks with Rhapsody. This is less damage overall compared to a 10. Holy's base damage is higher than the other 2 specializations making it the more viable option for dps/hps.

Stack Critical Strike/Versatility or Haste/Versatility.
Avoid Mastery! Base Mastery is enough with Holy Nova spam. The tiny hot amount goes a long way on a 30+ target. Renew is better than any amount of Mastery.

A- 11-16 Surv Hunter: Raptor Strike is really strong. You can't die due to pet tanking and Healing. Depending on your pet type 10% Leech OR 8% Move Speed. Survival is a heavily single target spec which can be annoying with alot of big pulls. 13+ I recommend choosing Wildfire Bomb to help with aoe.


Bis Single target level 11
Bis multitarget level 13

Critical Strike/Mastery/Haste/Versatility

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
B Tier Ranking Logic:_______________________

B 13-16 Havoc Demon Hunter: Very niche in that it requires good positioning and fast tabbing to deal with targets. Speed is added to Mastery with the talent Pursuit. While Vengence is better at surviving havoc is better at damage. Both can go ZOOM ZOOM!

Mastery movement speed for Vengeance is Mastery Percentage / 2.5 and for Havoc it is Mastery Percentage / 3

Dashing around with 2 stacks of Fel Rush and also Vengeful Retreat makes for good mobility. Eye beam is powerful and has a 40 second cooldown.

Blade dance cooldown is affected by haste and the First Blood talent. Blade Dance is physical damage and isn't affected by the Mastery damage increase.

Critical Strike/Mastery/Versatility/Haste


**Getting out of the DH starting area is easy to do while staying below 15 if you only do what you have to and kill lesser mobs for quest credit. OR get credit whilst dead from an allies kill.**

I recommend 16 because it has a few more options in terms of dungeons and talents compared to a 13, 14, or 15.

DH can't be 10 so that's why I say 13-16. A BIS 16 will do about 10% more damage than a BIS 20 of the same spec. Making 20 a viable option if DH is what you want to carry others with. Lower level is more damage but DH talents are very lacking the lower you go. make a few alts to find what works for you.


B-: 10-16 Prot Warrior: This spec is actually very fun but lacks the damage to be placed higher. The dot you put on enemies would be nice if Elemental Force was Still viable as you could just dot and keep walking whilst retaining agro. Single target isnt the best. Shame that you can't proc revenge off every dodge, parry, block as this would make it probably A+. Since all of crit turns into parry a pure crit build would be very cool if revenge didn't have an ICD. B- because of the potential this rotation wont reach.

B- 10-16 Prot Paladin: Like a Protection Warrior but with cooldowns on every ability and no dot on enemies. Judgment hits pretty hard when it critical strikes. Consecration damage isn't the best and is more meant to help agro. Steed is nice for getting around.

With Permission from Kanug I bring you this Solo Shadowmoon run. I may or may not replace with my own.

Kanug armory.

**HAS REDEMPTION @ 13** **HAS Devotion Aura** **Has Concentration Aura**

C Tier Ranking Logic:_______________________



D Tier Ranking Logic:_______________________________

Everything else will be a W key marathon runner.
Any more updates to this? I've seen you busy with the speedruns. I'm noticing most everything needs to be 11+. Made a other DK, only to see he needs 13 for Howling Blast. BM Hunter needs 13 to get Cobra/Barbed shots too.
Any more updates to this? I've seen you busy with the speedruns. I'm noticing most everything needs to be 11+. Made a other DK, only to see he needs 13 for Howling Blast. BM Hunter needs 13 to get Cobra/Barbed shots too.
yeah I've kinda fallen behind on this. Been busy with other stuff lately. I'll get back into adding stuff shortly I promise!

Yeah I didn't put dk on the tier list because 13 is pretty high for how weak Howling blast is. I do still need to make a BM and MM hunter to test those out. I think paladin is a bit better than where I put it. Fury is good if your geared with x2 lifesteal.
[doublepost=1673674704,1673673111][/doublepost]I updated the tier list slightly. I also put it into a spoiler to save on space.
@Kanug This is actually as 5:28. Timer starts at 1 sec and boss dies at 5:29.
You gotta turn off movies in DBM settings
Minimap Button: Options: Global: Blizzard Features: Drop Down Menu: Always

Here is a breakdown of the tiny flaws I see: Sub 5 is for sure possible with your current gear.
There are several mistakes that could be fixed to make it sub 5.
You lost 2 sec on the movie after the 2nd boss. 2sec

at 1:04 you lose 2 sec due to stun. 4sec
at 1:10 you lose 2.6ish sec due to stun. 6.6sec
these 2 stuns can be avoided easier if you kite around the boss in a half circle. Like this image

at 1:14 you lose 1 sec from knock back. This wouldn't have happen if previous stuns didn't occur. 7.6 sec

Since your looting you also lose out on time. Not sure exactly what that adds up to but willing to say 2 sec total. 9.6sec

at 1:29 you lose 1 sec you don't take the corner tight. 10.6sec
at 1:37 you lose .5-1 sec for not walking under that catwalk. A toy that gives a smaller model will fix if you big boi. 11.1 sec
at 1:51 you lose 1 sec there are what looks like steps going to the furnace on the left. Jump on this to get a faster corner. 12.1sec
at 2:57 you lose 4 seconds from a knockdown and fear combo 16.1sec
at 3:09 this knockback doesn't stop you from casting Shield of the Righteous so I wont could it against you.
at 3:14 you take a
4.7 second stun combo 28.8
at 3:42 you could have did the same as 1:51 for a .5 sec save 30.3
at 4:38 you take a 1 second stun 31.3 - everything to this point you can perfect to make a sub 5 min.

at 4:48 you can take the corner tighter to save .5 sec
at 5:33 you prematurely loot losing 1 sec 32.8

[doublepost=1673902316,1673902085][/doublepost]I updated your run in the tier list and speedrun thread.
[doublepost=1673941332][/doublepost]Added the secondary breakpoint for DR on the tier list. Thank you Tfrye01 on the discord for reminding me it was a thing.

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