Best Alliance Rogue race

wait, i dont understand. forgive me for possibly sounding stupid. can only humans get 2 AGM's? i heard somebody say that nelf gnome and dwarves can only get one trinket type, no double trinkets.

i would go with a gnome rogue. night elf racials arent that great, who needs shadowmeld when you can use stealth. gnomes have escape artist, which is like a second insignia of the alliance. they also have the eng boost, while most people get green tinted goggles as they train to get the lucky fishing hat.
kármá said:
You got Shadowfang for 65g? I HATE YOU... My rogue is a human and I <3 him free 2 min trinket and a 2nd spot for the wonderful AGM.

I know i started making a twink a few days ago, looked up shadowfang buy put it out of my mind when i heard it was like 1 in 10,000 runs to get. Was searching the AH for gear, put in a cap of lvl 19 and has a wierd idea to check the weapon section. Saw it there, almost died, I clicked buyout sooo fast lol.

Imageshack - wowscrnshot073109193509

Also, mace specialisation? who uses maces? arnt swords lots better?
mickyhaynes said:
wait, i dont understand. forgive me for possibly sounding stupid. can only humans get 2 AGM's? i heard somebody say that nelf gnome and dwarves can only get one trinket type, no double trinkets.

i would go with a gnome rogue. night elf racials arent that great, who needs shadowmeld when you can use stealth. gnomes have escape artist, which is like a second insignia of the alliance. they also have the eng boost, while most people get green tinted goggles as they train to get the lucky fishing hat.

Any race can get 2xAGM, but the human racial does the same thing as a PvP trinket with a 2 min CD so you don't need an insignia of the alliance.
Humans for arena.. The perception and dual stam trinkets is unbeatable when your facing a limited combo.

Gnomes for WSG.. A lot of people look over gnomes because of their limited racials and don't consider the less obvious things. A gnome can be beneficial because of their escape artist. While humans share the trinket cooldown with their racial trinket, they are less effective imo. Gnomes can use the small CD of escape artist to basically move in on a pressure situation while also having a trinket to lean on in case of emergency.

They are highly feared to druid 1v1's or hunter 1v1's.. Gnomes can be effective against certain combos in 2v2's as well as 3's or 5's.

While not having the capabilities in 1v1's with other rogues (assuming thats what your aiming for) gnomes can get the job done with their small size, leaving them unpredictable. Any gnome can surpass a human in skill if you look at it in this perspective. While being effective in WSG by a landslide, they can also be life saver's in arena.

/end wall of text
And also gnomes can have 2x AGM's. When your trinket is on cooldown.. Instead of just letting it sit there and slowly finish the timer, pop in an AGM and haul some ass while popping in your trinket when it has 30 seconds left on the cooldown.
yeah if it is between gnomes and humans because of their racials, 'escape artist' and 'every man for himself' (i think its called) FO SHO go with gnomes. no competition. can humans hide in the bushes while you cram in a bandage? no, dont think so.
Kedila said:
I know i started making a twink a few days ago, looked up shadowfang buy put it out of my mind when i heard it was like 1 in 10,000 runs to get. Was searching the AH for gear, put in a cap of lvl 19 and has a wierd idea to check the weapon section. Saw it there, almost died, I clicked buyout sooo fast lol.

Imageshack - wowscrnshot073109193509

Also, mace specialisation? who uses maces? arnt swords lots better?

I just threw up in my mouth, that disgusted me. Lawl. Lucky bastard, I have paid, 300g, 1000g, 3500g, and now 4500g for Shadowfangs. I just got my 4th from Ego last night. =) Ty Ego
Correct me if I'm wrong but should Gnomes or Dwarfs even be a choice? I know people who play horde who reroll alliance just to get the Night-elf racials. Vanish at 19 if used correctly is amazing. I was playing around on my friends 19 rogue last night owning people in areans. I felt pretty good about it considering my lack of expirence in the bracket.
i think gnomes and night elves are very close and both choices would be just fine. i dont see any sense in rolling a dwarf rogue, they just seem so out of place. if im not mistaken, stoneform doesnt grant immunity from bleed and poison effects, but dispells any current bleed and poison damage against you. not as good as escape artist imo.
mickyhaynes said:
i think gnomes and night elves are very close and both choices would be just fine. i dont see any sense in rolling a dwarf rogue, they just seem so out of place. if im not mistaken, stoneform doesnt grant immunity from bleed and poison effects, but dispells any current bleed and poison damage against you. not as good as escape artist imo.

Some people like the dwarfs racial because it allows you to get rid of those DoTs so you bandage to full hp again.

Or as a rogue you could re-stealth w/o being taken out of stealth because of a DoT tick.
Eliot said:
Some people like the dwarfs racial because it allows you to get rid of those DoTs so you bandage to full hp again.

Or as a rogue you could re-stealth w/o being taken out of stealth because of a DoT tick.

if you have the time to use stoneform and bandage, you are probably out of combat. while out of combat, just wait for the dot to tick down, then bandage. if you need to use it when you are about to die, use a healing pot. you cant really use stoneform in combat, because it will probably get recast right after that. escape artist is extremely useful while in combat.
mickyhaynes said:
if you have the time to use stoneform and bandage, you are probably out of combat. while out of combat, just wait for the dot to tick down, then bandage. if you need to use it when you are about to die, use a healing pot. you cant really use stoneform in combat, because it will probably get recast right after that. escape artist is extremely useful while in combat.

Are you kidding? Say you are being killed by a hunter if you can LoS him for 3-6 seconds thats 2 bandage ticks or 500 hp in most situation waiting out the DoT simply wastes too much time.
Kedila said:
Hey, im debating what alliance race to go with for my rogue lvl 19 twink. Currently im thinking a Night Elf would be best since the AGM trinket on use ability dosent stack and the ability to vanish must be useful.

on the other hand i recently got a shadowfang from the ge for 65g and was wondering if the sword expertise would be worth it. I will defently be using shadowfang and a second sword.


Haha... "from the ge"

Runescape much xD

On Topic: My 19 is a gnome now, I will reroll human.
4 pages of thread... tldr

this point wasnt in first few posts so i'll say it anyway

if you go nelf or human you should get the opener in most RvR duels, especially if you use minor stealth on cape. for this reason i would say nelfs are slightly superior for WSG since you have a reduced chance to be detected when sapping, however humans would come up tops for me in arena due to extra trink
If by extra trinket you mean extra trinket slot that can be filled with an AGM, you might be right. Dwarfs and NE also have advantages

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