Best Alliance Rogue race

wait for worgen >.>

lol of the current available races it depends on what you like also here are the starter stats for the ally rogues at 19 (this is only stam/str/agi not the others)

Human: 35strength, 48 agility, 33 stam (83 AP total)

Dwarf: 37strength, 44 agi, 36 stam (81 AP total)

Gnome 30strength, 51 agility, 32 stam (81 AP total)

NE:32 strength, 53 agi, 32 stam (85 AP total)

humans in the end will have the highest dps if you get a swift hand of justice like I did since 6 haste always = 1 melee dps at lvl 19.

but, dude play whatever you want the stat differences are so small at this point and dwarves are the only ones who have a not so useful racial (but it kicks ass after you get vanish but thats besides the point :p )

Gnomes are the bstagainst hunters as ws pointed out earlier, NEs are insane RvR and as I said humans end up w/ top dps.
Crilicilyn said:
wait for worgen >.>


Wait for worgen could take the best part of 1yr 1/2 thats just stupid. Best bet is to go human imo due to racial bonus is just to good to pass on.
Grabco said:
If by extra trinket you mean extra trinket slot that can be filled with an AGM, you might be right. Dwarfs and NE also have advantages

that too, but you can also use your "trinket" racial more than twice as often
Ok so this is how it is gnomes are superior in wsg

Humans and nelfs are on par in rvr but humans best imo expertise detection > shadowmeld and crit red.... Although its a nice vanish i think humans are superior in arena and gnomes still own in wsg with racial cause u can SPAM it FTW
While humans are a very viable option (Perception, EMFH, Sword Spec), I think Nelfs are better because of vanish (mostly), elusiveness (better stealth, I think), and the extra dodge. I heard someone else say earlier that it's actually 2% less chance to be hit, but forgive if I'm wrong, but... isn't that the same thing as dodge? Anyway, I saw a long time ago that the extra stealth for a nelf is equal to +1 level stealth, the talent for it can give +3 levels if you take all three points, and minor stealth gives you an extra +1 stealth, making a total amount of a level 24 rogue stealth. Human racial is -1, making it 23, assuming you chose that path (If this information ahsn't changed ofc). So while having a free short CD trinket (not to mention extra AGM) is extremely useful, I love Nelfs. xD

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