BC Capped Twink, can't get bg queue


Hello there.

I have a 70 twink on a capped BC account. Since the patch has come out today I have not been able to get a bg queue. It's been a few hours. At first I thought there was no one playing. However I logged my level 72 char on my other account and got a queue instantly. Has Blizz made a change so capped account are now with people with their xp turned off? I hope not!

Can anyone confirm or deny this? I have yet to find any info.

Thanks :)
I have a vanilla capped account and got one queue on my 60. In a BG with only other 60 twinks, and one guy who had his exp shut off. It looks like that's exactly what's happened.
ya all the xp off 70 twinks on vindication on my server have games with everyone else atm.
So, what is the situation? Are capped (Vanilla & BC) players only in BGs with XP off players, or not?

...and Has the Battlegroup system changed at all?

I can't log until tomorrow.
so let me get this straight.....all capped toons are STUCK with xp off? and if there isn't enough then wat?
wow just got xp off pop on vindi @ 70. didnt know that was possible
I've got a 70 toon with exp turned off, but I do have the wotlk expansion. I'll test it out and see what results I get.
Just an update: At 10:30pm I managed to get into a WSG.

It was all 70s obviously bc capped or with xp turned off.

No sign of AB or AV.

(Edit: I'm in Bloodlust.)
So let me help explain and clarify a couple things for you guys. I spoke with a GM today who had some info on the topic:

Whether you have xp turned off or you are capped at your level you are defaulted to the xp off bracket that cooresponds with your level. Vanilla capped players are bound to the 60 brackets. BC capped players are bound to the 70 brackets. This was Blizzards work around to the issue of capped players exploiting the ability to remain at their respective "twink" bracket but fight players who are not equipped similarly. Today's patch did not merge all of the battlegroups as was promised by blizzard but this is currently planned to be implemented before cataclysm, coinciding with the beginning of Arena Season 9 and Rated battleground season 1.

So what does this all mean for us twinks?

1. Until season 9 begins and the merger of all battlegrounds is complete our battleground queues will be very sporadic and few and far between. Once we see the battlegrounds merged the queue times should really pick up and the real fun will begin :)

2. Deduced from #1. We will only be playing other capped twinks from now on. I am sorry if your favorite thing was getting 100+ kb's in AV but that's a thing of the past now. I personally prefer playing other 70 twinks instead of level 79 players in WSG and AB so i welcome this change.

3. The third and most important change and a genius move on Blizzards part to milk us of money.... The optimal level 70 twink will now be one with Cataclysm and XP off. Since it serves no advantage to play a capped account anymore you are better off getting the best professions and perks by having the last expansion. Sneaky sneaky blizz :)

If there is anything I havent thought of yet let me know.. But I think all of us who have called in to downgrade are kicking ourselves now and blizzard is laughing all the way to the bank haha.
What do you think are the chances of getting a full 70 AV once and a while? (once the bgs are merged)
I have helped start several successful lvl 70 guilds and they still exist to this day. Almost on every server you can find atleast semi active lvl 70 twink guilds on each faction. If I had to estimate there is atleast 15 active guilds that run full lvl 70 raids. I think there is a lot more of us out there then we realize. I can understand your apprehensiveness and doubt that we will be able to fill an AV. Basically there are two significant mergers that are taking place right now that will bolster the attendance of AV and ever bg for that matter. Blizzard did the first merger today by forcing capped twinks and XP off twinks together. That has already made a huge difference as I have personally done 5 wsg's today with just twinks on my battlegroup. The second merger will be putting us all on the same battlegroup. Between these two mergers blizzard has done I dont see how we wont be able to get AV to pop.
O M F G thats what happend i kept asking why i was VSing lvl 70 twinks today i was like oh yeah cool all the 70s want to test there new shit out and all the lvlers are to busy with there 80s and all

this explains alot I WELCOME THIS MERGE but then again i just spent alot of $$$ making new accounts and xfering my twinks to them then downgrading them LOL FML right...
I don't know if this is different in EU realm or if the fact that I have wotlk trial running have some effect but: I queued for random battleground and queue popped up after 10 minutes. I found myself playing with 70-79lvl people. Can you explain tzat?
you are on a wrath trial right now meaning you can gain xp up to level 70.99999 but the important part is the system recognizes that you have an experience bar and you have not paid to have xp off so it knows only to put you into the regular group.
mfrosty said:
you are on a wrath trial right now meaning you can gain xp up to level 70.99999 but the important part is the system recognizes that you have an experience bar and you have not paid to have xp off so it knows only to put you into the regular group.

Yeah, I can play with levelers now since I have the trial active. I tried playing with my 60lvl priest (vanilla account no trial active) and got in the wsg with other 60lvls.

Even better (or.. worse). I locked xp with my 69lvl rogue and joined wsg. Now I'm facing just 60 twinks. Seems like the time for 60 and 70 twinks is over and x9 level is the way to go.
Visco said:
Seems like the time for 60 and 70 twinks is over and x9 level is the way to go.

Ya it just depends on what you enjoyed out of being a level 70 twink. The same reason I never got into 60 twinking is the same reason i wont ever get into x9 level twinking is there is no rated arena. Also as crazy as it sounds I like a fair fight as a twink lol and I look forward to super roided out bg's with nothing but the hardest hitting, biggest healing, largest hp toons running around... Its gonna be nuts :)
3. The third and most important change and a genius move on Blizzards part to milk us of money.... The optimal level 70 twink will now be one with Cataclysm and XP off. Since it serves no advantage to play a capped account anymore you are better off getting the best professions and perks by having the last expansion. Sneaky sneaky blizz

How exactly are they milking us of money? It's more like they lose a lot of monthly payments due to people transferring back to their main accounts.. They are kind of doing me a favour, considering how I no longer have to pay for 3 accounts.
bad for capped accts i guess, but nice for people with xp off finally getting some games

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