Battlegrounds are not part of F2P now

what has the world come to... a p2p manages f2p starters.
kkk still alive...

have you ever had a p2p man?

from all the posts i've seen you show deep hatred towards vets and try to segregate as much as possible
you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, so therefore you shouldn't hate the game till you tried it!

but if you have, then your attitude confuses me
i also have f2ps
from all the posts i've seen you show deep hatred towards vets and try to segregate as much as possible

Because they are aswell as 99.9% of 29s are by product of starter 20s that is there only to have an advantage.
as such they cant sustain on their own and they are the reason this bracket never was (and probably never will) as good as it could of.

you summoned it up very well, deep hatred, because there is nothing else to feel for people with such mentality.
For whatever bizarre reason someone could come up with, vets are not starters nor will they ever be.
Segregation is needed for showing what is real and what is fake.

I did payed for several accounts (not like it matters) and even have some vets for making some golds for sake of science.
however i never felt the need of making any 29s and do not enjoy vet characters in battlegrounds.
For whatever bizarre reason someone could come up with, vets are not starters nor will they ever be.

I don't think anyone actually argues that vets are starters...
Most of the arguments are whether veterans are "F2P".

But even in that case. Veterans are "referred" to by Blizzard as "Starters".
I guess the only way you can deny facts are through moralistic point of views.

Regardless of whats mentioned above I respect your attitude towards the rest of the bracket.
I don't think anyone actually argues that vets are starters...
Most of the arguments are whether veterans are "F2P".

But even in that case. Veterans are "referred" to by Blizzard as "Starters".
I guess the only way you can deny facts are through moralistic point of views.

Regardless of whats mentioned above I respect your attitude towards the rest of the bracket.

I do not seek anyone's respect.
I seek to undo the damaging changes that was wrongly done by some to the state on the bracket.
Vets are free to play ( as long you do not pay for it ) no one is challenging that.

However, they are not starters and that is why they have different name: Veterans. (was not made up on this forum)
As such they have access to many things that a starter do not.
If you ever played one you know it is different, because it is a different play style.

Maybe some ppl are ok with taking away starters subforum and giving them this joke instead that even has a wrong name.
If so, i am ok with being a "drama queen " ( as some call me ) in order to force those changes back.
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Simply Stated " if you dont like walking to school buy a car and if you dont got cash for a car dont complain. and the vets are the bike riders. duh "
I don't think anyone actually argues that vets are starters...
Most of the arguments are whether veterans are "F2P".

But even in that case. Veterans are "referred" to by Blizzard as "Starters".
I guess the only way you can deny facts are through moralistic point of views.

Regardless of whats mentioned above I respect your attitude towards the rest of the bracket.

That is because the entirety off WoW is F2P now. What is so difficult for you all people to grasp about that concept? WoW does not cost money to continue a subscription. It has not for quite some time now.
Most people have moved on.

I don't think anyone actually argues that vets are starters...
Most of the arguments are whether veterans are "F2P".

But even in that case. Veterans are "referred" to by Blizzard as "Starters".
I guess the only way you can deny facts are through moralistic point of views.

Regardless of whats mentioned above I respect your attitude towards the rest of the bracket.

blizz calls them veteran starter edition aka cheaper p2p.
its not about morals, its about gear.
blizz calls them veteran starter edition aka cheaper p2p.
its not about morals, its about gear.

You don't have to P2P any more... You have not had to for quite some time. The F2P vs P2P arguement is moot now. WoW subscriptions are basically F2P now. There is no monthly charge unless you just choose to just pay it in cash instead of in game currency.
The war is over!!! Armistice has begun!!! Break open the champagne!!

Hi [MENTION=16878]Adal[/MENTION] qt. Why you queue randoms?? Ur pleb? :=)
This may as well be closed now, considering it was all incorrect.

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