Bat Stun is supposed to require level 20!

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Diiesel said:
why dont u open a ticket saying you dont need concussive shot too =)

Rofl, yeah instead of banning aimed shot like some brackets do, we should make hunters use the level one starter bows. Show how skillful they really are.
pilgrim said:
Obviously this is a pretty noble act for the bracket, I dont know of too many other players who would hurt their class to make things more fair/fun. Thanks Pizza for getting this all started. Good hunters dont need it anyhow, but it does improve things for everyone else.8)

Stroke the ego of a mediocre hunter with an over-inflated sense of self-importance moar plz.

And btw, you all act as if a two second stun is somehow game-defining.

copymachine said:
And btw, you all act as if a two second stun is somehow game-defining.


For the players that actually utilize their pets properly and don't just run around with them on auto attack, I have seen numerous game defining factors over a well timed stun.
Nit said:
For the players that actually utilize their pets properly and don't just run around with them on auto attack, I have seen numerous game defining factors over a well timed stun.


And I'm pretty sure people wouldn't be caring as much as they do unless it's somewhat of a "problem" I guess you could say.
copymachine said:
Stroke the ego of a mediocre hunter with an over-inflated sense of self-importance moar plz.

And btw, you all act as if a two second stun is somehow game-defining.


I bet he could duel you same class, any class, and win. Now where does that put you...

No Name, bandwagon hater... If you had more skill you wouldn't really give a shit.
Well my dad can beat up your dad blah, blah. I'll say Pizza is better than a mediocre hunter, he's a pretty good player all around. I've seen better and I've seen much worse. However you are correct, half this forum for whatever reason wants to stroke his growing e-peen constantly, why I don't know and don't really care. I had respect for him while making my first twink and reading over his guide until I noticed he and his cronies don't really care about the game and only their personal stats, argue it all you want it's the truth. If I had known then what I know now about this bracket I wouldn't have rolled a hunter, I'm starting work on a lock now and it's much more enjoyable.

The bat stun CAN be game -defining if used properly especially on top of the other numerous tricks the hunter has at his disposal. I find it very hard to believe that Pizza, the guru of 19 hunters just now realized his bat stun shouldn't be working at 19. Come on man. I just rolled my hunter a month ago and knew damn well something was up, the ability won't even stay on our pet bar. What, did you think the bat was some special creature and only it was allowed to have abilities at 19?

You bring this up now to look like some good samaritan because your approval rating is dropping amongst the toolboxes that follow you around. If you wanna prove something to the community how about roll an UP class and stick around till the end of the game even if you happen to be losing, it's ok it won't kill you.

Anyways, back to my lock. My hunter is getting put in the closet for awhile.
LOL how foolish is it to think he is doing it for fucking approval. No one besides me thought to thank him for it, and I only did it because I recognized it as something benificial to every 19 player.

If you look around people on here tell newbs not to roll a hunter every single day. I have yet to see a post asking about them where someone didnt point out its not a good idea.

Also I think a lot of people are tired of his afk'ing. But hell if you look at all the other players in the bracket, very few gain any sort of following or haters either way. Its gotta say something of his ability.

I can go back to the post that led to this one, it was like 3-4 days ago. It wasn't a sudden change of heart or him "just now" figuring things out. Everyone new it was bugged, this is just the first time anyone stepped up to make a change.

And that is why I thanked him. I didnt stroke his ego, I pointed out a person doing a good deed. Get over it.
I kind of look at AFK'ing as cowardly as well. You wouldnt leave your team in a basketball game no matter how bad their doing. You suck it up and take a loss, but atleast you get respect for giving it your all. Quitters never get respect, and they shouldnt
let me get this straight.. first, you cry because hunters are spanking you. (its okay, i did this too, this was fair.)

then, when somebody who plays a hunter, rerolls, you go "lol couldn't handle the flame, the pros stick with their class"

then, when this guy sticks with his class, you tell him to reroll

then, when he STICKS with his class, AND tries to make sure that step 1 is prevented, he gets flamed even moar?

seriously, some of you guys aren't even mad because of this entire situation, you just need somebody to flame on to hide the fact that you spend several hours a day imagining that your dreanei/belf female could be naked...
Why remove pet stun? This is pointless, yes it's one of the feat of strengths with the class - but it's also what adds somewhat of skills to the class. As someone said "Who runs around with their pet on auto". If anything they just need a damage reduction on standard abilities and a possible adjustment of some abilities.
lindenkron said:
Why remove pet stun? This is pointless, yes it's one of the feat of strengths with the class - but it's also what adds somewhat of skills to the class. As someone said "Who runs around with their pet on auto". If anything they just need a damage reduction on standard abilities and a possible adjustment of some abilities.

Yes, we know, but Blizzard most likely wont reduce the damage anytime soon and this is an actual bug so I assume we're just trying to make it even as possible the fastest way.
i'd gladly let hunters keep thier stun if they couldnt do 50% of my hp with an explosive shot and an auto shot, well timed stun could = higher skill, 2 shots to drop someone to ~50%? not so much
they should make all pet spells lvl 10 and move up disengage and scatter shot. would be a much bigger nerf and way more fun to play a hunter.
pilgrim said:
I bet he could duel you same class, any class, and win. Now where does that put you...

My bet is you lose alot of bets.

And: this thread needs more inconsequential groupies.

And: I have played with your "legend" on both Horde and Alliance. The ONLY thing consistent about his play is his selfishness. How many games have you been two-capped on and ultimately won? For me personally, more than I could possibly calculate. Let this happen to your bj target, and he is swiftly ghost.

As far as a duel, I have found him innumerable times mid on even footing. Without backup or a healer, he drops hotter than a whore on nickel night.

While manual pet stun is skill, it doesn't change the fact it isn't intended for this bracket.
pilgrim said:
...No one besides me thought to thank him for it, and I only did it because I recognized it as something benificial to every 19 player.

The community thanks you for your thanking. Such a thoughtful, noble groupie. You deserve a silk ribbon. We'll see what we can do.

pilgrim said:
...And that is why I thanked him. I didnt stroke his ego, I pointed out a person doing a good deed. Get over it.

^ toolbox. Fact.

lindenkron said:
Why remove pet stun? This is pointless, yes it's one of the feat of strengths with the class - but it's also what adds somewhat of skills to the class. As someone said "Who runs around with their pet on auto". If anything they just need a damage reduction on standard abilities and a possible adjustment of some abilities.

Of course they need a damage nerf, but that's not going to happen anytime soon.
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