Can someone confirm if I were to resub my Vet account, he would level up with any experience he’d gained (banked) while unsubbed?
I was planning on resubbing then running to xp off guy and turn xp off. Do the bits that I need to do (buy some enchants and food etc.) then I unsub and in 30 days its xp on right before sub runs out. That’s the plan, but if it’s true that the little guy will shoot up to like level 26 as soon as I resub… that would suck.
I was planning on resubbing then running to xp off guy and turn xp off. Do the bits that I need to do (buy some enchants and food etc.) then I unsub and in 30 days its xp on right before sub runs out. That’s the plan, but if it’s true that the little guy will shoot up to like level 26 as soon as I resub… that would suck.