
  1. DaQbet

    EU+US Banked xp. Is it a thing?

    Can someone confirm if I were to resub my Vet account, he would level up with any experience he’d gained (banked) while unsubbed? I was planning on resubbing then running to xp off guy and turn xp off. Do the bits that I need to do (buy some enchants and food etc.) then I unsub and in 30 days...
  2. Wildlands

    EU+US Vet Accounts and Classic Subscritions

    It is my understanding that having a Classic WoW subscription means you also have a retail subscription. That's great and all, but what does that mean for my level 20s? I don't want to lock their XP because of the recent changes to queues. Think it would be best to play Classic on a...
  3. EU+US Starter Edition VS Subscription

    Hello! Is it worth to buy the game and subscribe if I only want to play with 20-29 level characters? Battleground queue times too long, sometimes it takes one hour. Why? (20-29, Bloodfeather, Alliance) Will there be any future changes to the Starter Edition features?