Banked xp is bad.

Hi, guys, I opened a ticket about banked xp and this is what the gm had to say....

I’m Game Master Zarrimyx and I’m here to help you out with how your character will work after you log in with game time.

Because of the way that the game works now a character banks XP up to 10 levels past 20, and because of this, your character likely will level once you log into him with game time on the account. Progression is really the spirit of the game, and this change was something that was made to reflect this. This was a recent change but was intended, and de-leveling someone isn't something we can do as it has a high chance of breaking a character and make it completely unplayable.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope the rest of your day is awesome. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’ll be happy to help out whenever possible!
here is another reply from a different gm...

I understand you are contacting us about not being able to queue for battle grounds on Aquaman when you're game time is expired. This is something we are aware of, and I'm happy to help out here.

The xp being disabled can cause issues for the starter/veteran accounts due to the nature of how they are programmed. I've re-enabled your XP so you can start queuing again. You will continue to gain xp until you are 1 xp away from leveling, you will not be able to pass level 20.

The down side here, is if you add game time to your account and forget to disable the xp again, it will level you.

I hope I answered all the questions you had today. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thanks for reaching out to me today. Good luck on your adventures.
Don't waste your energy, they really don't have any idea about anything.

Progression is really the spirit of the game
They want to define 'progress' like, you think you do but you don't style. We're spending hundreds of hours on our twink chars. This is THE progress for us not that mythic plus s.hit. I gave up sending tickets after my last experience. GM's are insisting lvl 60 gear transmog is not possible on low lvl toons and Vicious mounts are not avaible on lvl 20 toons even i send them wowhead link as a proof. Wowhead says binds on account.
"sense of progression"
> mobs scale with level
Poor choice of lies, gm.
Just buy time while your exp is locked. When it expires ask a gm to unlock it again.
I'm still trying to delevell my lvl 21 char U.U (the reason was a different one of banking xp. It was because a bug)
I make 1 try per month. Still not found the right gm.

About the banked xp, I still prefer making what @Goesid has said. I still think a veteran without gametime and with the exp not blocked (it can go to bgs/arenas) is banking exp. I saw it 1 time some days ago. So I prefer having the exp blocked all the time when I have gametime.
I'm still trying to delevell my lvl 21 char U.U (the reason was a different one of banking xp. It was because a bug)
I make 1 try per month. Still not found the right gm.

About the banked xp, I still prefer making what @Goesid has said. I still think a veteran without gametime and with the exp not blocked (it can go to bgs/arenas) is banking exp. I saw it 1 time some days ago. So I prefer having the exp blocked all the time when I have gametime.

If everything else has failed, you could always try an RP ticket for your next month xDD
I just tested this a month ago, did not gain any xp. It seems it be on pure f2p only. Unless something has changed. You should see banked xp on your 20bif that's the case... If its says like xp 1/1 or something you aren't getting anything. I'm pretty sure vets are clear.
my xp is at 0/42315 after I got my xp turned back on by a gm. I'm sure that's a level 30 amount of xp
In case the numbers to level looks big, blizzard buffed the amount of xp needed from 1-60 so 42315 xp to 20-21 is correct.

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