Balancing the classes


Is a noob
Now, I know that this bracket is more balanced than it has been in a long time.
However, that doesn't mean it's perfect.

IMO, to balance the classes a bit;

1. Scale down damage for ferals and monks.
2. Scale down healing and mana for Ret.
3. Warrior pummel at lvl 14 and second wind baseline
4. Scale up damage for lightning bolt while scaling healing into costing more mana or heal less.

I probably missed a lot more but tell me, what do you think will balance the classes for lower levels.
give rogues death from above, shadowstep, burst of speed, kidneyshot, cloak of shadows, garrote, vanish and we should be fine
Warrior: increase burst but remove slows

Mage: Arcane barrage shouldnt require charges to actually do damage, counterspell should be a blanket again, take away blazing speed, give frost ice armor, give fire scorch while moving and inferno blast

Rogue: give sprint and gouge for less damage

Monk: reduce FoF by 50%, reduce keg smash by 15%

Priest: give renew, and mind blast back, you can have your holy nova back

Druid: make sunfire and moonfire seperate spells again, reduce ferocious bite down by 25%, buff rejuv by 25-30%

Warlock: give afflic agony and increase DoT damage by 35%, make hand of guldan a slow again, increase incinerate by 15%

Shaman: give earthbind and stormstrike, make lightning bolt castable while moving

Hunter: give hunter serpent sting

Paladin: increase ret damage by 15%, increase the mana cost of flash of light by 75%
Wow lately you can count the hours on TI till next unneccessary thread.
In before " who is best player eu/US"

edit: hi Mom!11
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Why does it matter what other ppl talk about on a forum... u don't have to contribute or even read it. Oh, im sorry u couldve used the 30 seconds u took reading this thread while sitting in que to : Run in circles in orgrimmar, look at other websites accomplishing nothing towards ur goal in life, or add all the other "time-wasting" activities everyone does every day. If u want to by cynical, u gotta go all the way man.
Why does it matter what other ppl talk about on a forum... u don't have to contribute or even read it. Oh, im sorry u couldve used the 30 seconds u took reading this thread while sitting in que to : Run in circles in orgrimmar, look at other websites accomplishing nothing towards ur goal in life, or add all the other "time-wasting" activities everyone does every day. If u want to by cynical, u gotta go all the way man.

It is a bit of a strange phenomenon, isn't it, when people think "Oh this isn't interesting to me, therefore this isn't interesting in general."
Only suggested things for the classes ive played


Gaurdian- Give trash a cooldown


Fury- buff bloodthirst so it hits like 200-300 non crit

arms-nothing it just plays a lot differently than before

prot warrior- just delete it nothing can fix how bad it is


Arcane- buff arcane barrage by like 50% damage atm its better to just camp charges instead of loose stacks on a weak ass barrage. Arcane has pretty high single target damage in bgs atm

fire- inferno blast is needed more than scorch now that shatter is gone and buff all damage skills by like 30%
I think warriors in general just need second wind as a baseline because without any form of self healing, their food due to their low survivability. However, giving slam back to warriors might make their damage slightly op.
It is a bit of a strange phenomenon, isn't it, when people think "Oh this isn't interesting to me, therefore this isn't interesting in general."
I didnt say useless but unneccessary. Lots of these threads around here lately so dont turn my words plx. And in a community ppl can have their own opinion right?

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