Remember the Treeline
Level 20 DK is the solution
I've had a lot of fun theorycrafting a balanced Level 20 DK spells and abilities for each spec... I'd be willing to share, haha.
Level 20 DK is the solution
I've had a lot of fun theorycrafting a balanced Level 20 DK spells and abilities for each spec... I'd be willing to share, haha.
I've had a lot of fun theorycrafting a balanced Level 20 DK spells and abilities for each spec... I'd be willing to share, haha.
Was part of my hypocritical beavior I ironically pointed out.You play WOW with your mother? That's so sweet!
Wheres my candy?
Nerf hunters. aim shot in lol arenas too stronk.
I miss having a F2P toon that could beat most P2Ps.
You sr are not gonna make friends here with suwwch attitude.
To have 60% healers in team is a skill for ppl around here.