EU+US Azshara High Level Transmog

Very cool! Thanks for tracking all of your results! :D

That's quite a goal... I hope you appreciate the magnitude of just what you're committing-to! :eek:

Archer's Cloak
Archer's Jerkin
Archer's Boots
Archer's Gloves
Archer's Cap
Archer's Trousers
Archer's Shoulderpads
Archer's Belt
Archer's Bracers
Archer's Longbow
Archer's Buckler
Banded Cloak
Banded Armor
Banded Boots
Banded Gauntlets
Banded Helm
Banded Leggings
Banded Pauldrons
Banded Girdle
Banded Bracers
Banded Shield
Conjurer's Cloak
Conjurer's Vest
Conjurer's Robe
Conjurer's Shoes
Conjurer's Gloves
Conjurer's Hood
Conjurer's Breeches
Conjurer's Mantle
Conjurer's Cinch
Conjurer's Bracers
Conjurer's Sphere
Durable Cape
Durable Tunic
Durable Robe
Durable Boots
Durable Gloves
Durable Hat
Durable Pants
Durable Shoulders
Durable Belt
Durable Bracers
Durable Rod
Elder's Cloak
Elder's Robe
Elder's Padded Armor
Elder's Boots
Elder's Gloves
Elder's Hat
Elder's Pants
Elder's Mantle
Elder's Sash
Elder's Bracers
Elder's Amber Stave
Infiltrator Cloak
Infiltrator Armor
Infiltrator Boots
Infiltrator Gloves
Infiltrator Cap
Infiltrator Pants
Infiltrator Shoulders
Infiltrator Cord
Infiltrator Bracers
Infiltrator Buckler
Knight's Cloak
Knight's Breastplate
Knight's Boots
Knight's Gauntlets
Knight's Headguard
Knight's Legguards
Knight's Pauldrons
Knight's Girdle
Knight's Bracers
Knight's Crest
Phalanx Cloak
Phalanx Breastplate
Phalanx Boots
Phalanx Gauntlets
Phalanx Headguard
Phalanx Leggings
Phalanx Spaulders
Phalanx Girdle
Phalanx Bracers
Phalanx Shield
Renegade Cloak
Renegade Chestguard
Renegade Boots
Renegade Gauntlets
Renegade Circlet
Renegade Leggings
Renegade Pauldrons
Renegade Belt
Renegade Bracers
Renegade Shield
Sage's Cloak
Sage's Cloth
Sage's Robe
Sage's Boots
Sage's Gloves
Sage's Circlet
Sage's Pants
Sage's Mantle
Sage's Sash
Sage's Bracers
Sage's Stave
Scaled Leather Tunic
Scaled Leather Boots
Scaled Leather Gloves
Scaled Leather Headband
Scaled Leather Leggings
Scaled Leather Shoulders
Scaled Leather Belt
Scaled Leather Bracers
Twilight Cape
Twilight Robe
Twilight Armor
Twilight Boots
Twilight Gloves
Twilight Cowl
Twilight Pants
Twilight Mantle
Twilight Belt
Twilight Cuffs
Twilight Orb
[TD1] Predicted Excluded Excluded Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Predicted Confirmed Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Excluded Predicted Predicted Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Predicted Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Predicted Excluded Excluded Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Predicted Predicted Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Off-hand Frill
[/TD1] [TD1] Excluded Confirmed Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Predicted Confirmed Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Off-hand Frill
[/TD1] [TD1] Excluded Predicted Confirmed Predicted Confirmed Predicted Confirmed Predicted Predicted Confirmed Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Off-hand Frill
[/TD1] [TD1] Predicted Predicted Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Predicted Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Excluded Predicted Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Predicted Predicted Confirmed Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Confirmed Excluded Excluded Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Predicted Confirmed Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
Mail Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Excluded Confirmed Confirmed Excluded Excluded Predicted Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Off-hand Frill
[/TD1] [TD1] Predicted Predicted Confirmed Confirmed Predicted Confirmed Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Chest
[/TD1][TD1] Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
[/TD1] [TD1] Predicted Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
[/TD1] [TD1] Back
[/TD1][TD1] Cloak
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Cloth Armor
Off-hand Frill

(NOTE: I don't plan on keeping this list updated... but if you get any "conflicting" drops, I hope you'll still let me know!) ;)
Right now im multibox killing him on 5 chars, so just gonna do like 5 rounds of Terrowulf / Azshara per day

Btw, how do you know whats excluded and what is predicted?
Right now im multibox killing him on 5 chars, so just gonna do like 5 rounds of Terrowulf / Azshara per day

That will certainly speed-things-up a bit... but I suspect that you'll still be cursing RNGesus when you're eventually trying to get the last few drops! :p

Btw, how do you know whats excluded and what is predicted?
As I described earlier, non-legacy Rare-NPCs have an oLvl that correlates to a range of dropped uLvls (Terrowulf: oLvl 32 -> uLvls 31-35)... so in this case we simply exclude:
  • Items with a uLvl less than 31.
  • Items with a uLvl greater than 35.
  • Any Hand-held items.
(It's also entirely possible that Terrowulf won't abide by my "algorithm", but that's why making "predictions" is so important... SCIENCE!) :D
Can confirm the Renegade Belt drop from Terrowulf Packlord, dropped this morning.
Also Knight's Cloak & Bandred Boots - dropped yesterday I think
All my findings on Terrowulf will just be updated in my post on page 3, so that I dont spam this thread mainly about Azshara too much. 217 kills so far.
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All items from Terrowulf has no been acquired "only" took 488 kills
All items from Terrowulf has no been acquired "only" took 488 kills
Meanwhile, other regular people sleep long nights, eat healthy food, do some exercise, see some sunlight in the day, and just wait the results of this genocide confortably in their seat :D
Meanwhile, other regular people sleep long nights, eat healthy food, do some exercise, see some sunlight in the day, and just wait the results of this genocide confortably in their seat :D

I have already forgotten what the sun looks like
Yeah, you specifically singled-out my "formatting spiel" for the extra effort... when in reality I had absent-mindedly typed it during a long phone-call. So, zero time/effort "invested", in that regard! :oops:
Your absent-minded typing is a excruciatingly long-winded typathon for me yo.

Call me Cousin Slowhands cause my hands be slow, yo :O

We've been using that word a lot in this thread... I'm thinking we should simply concede that we're both "kind", and try to find new ways to express our mutual-appreciation. :D

"Unheard of"...? Does the first reply in this thread not count? o_O

That's a random "World Drop"... they have a tiny chance (maybe 1-in-5000 or so?) to occur killing literally any NPC (of sufficient level), hence the "world" moniker.

They're more frequent in instances, and even moreso in chests... which is why you instead see people "farming" them in that fashion.

It's just not practical to target any specific world-drop by grinding open-world NPCs... a 1-in-5000 chance at 1-of-20 possibilities (for example) would only be a 1-in-100000 chance to get the item that you're hunting.

Simply as an "intellectual exercise", however... I believe that a world-drop from any of the NPCs located between Thal'Darah Grove and Cliffwalker Post would most-likely be one of the following:

(Goddamn... this post took way longer than I'd planned. It was always so much more convenient when I could count on @necroaqua to answer complicated threads before I even read them!) :eek:
Right, right. I was really tired when I posted that.

What I meant is that I had farmed Wetlands for days and never saw one BoEs drop for my F2P. I looted about 9 whelps and a ridiculous amount of BoEs on my P2P. I know other players have reported similar things. This led me to believe that world drop BoEs might have been bugged for us. I'm not one to jump to conclusions about this sort of thing but I've played so much and farmed so much that surely I would've seen one by now. This combined with me thinking (for whatever reason) that The Black Night was originally a level 40 BoE (I know, lmao).

I'm not going to reply to everything in this thread due to the amount of new posts but wanted to say thank you guys for all your work :)

Also interested in thoughts on how to format original post to accommodate the new info. I was thinking links to the posts in the OP. Thoughts?

I saw this beauty in a bg today, I need to know where it drops. (Thistlefur Cap)
Wowhead suggests Ashenvale Bowman and Fissure-born Fire Elemental but idk if Wowhead really is trustworthy, it has a lot of misinformation these days.
I honestly have no clue. I would guess a chest in BFD? I don't think it could be a world drop based on its stats and I don't think it would drop in Gnomer, it seems like one of those armor sets that drops specifically in Kalimdor zones. I am not even sure that is still a thing though.
Chests usually don't scale tho

I will do some world drop hunting in stonetalon just for other mogs in some weeks and will see if I get it.

I havn’t started my stonetalon aoe farm yet, I will start farming Araga tommorow to get all those mogs first, I still miss a few of the Alterac Valley mogs and need to farm bgs, but I should be able to multitask.
All items from Terrowulf has no been acquired "only" took 488 kills
Wow, gratz! :eek:

After so much work, I guess the least I could do is update my checklist in your honor.

I'd be curious to know just how many of those kills were simply to get the "final" item! o_O

I have already forgotten what the sun looks like
Rumor has it that you've acquired a cure for that, as well... :D



Also interested in thoughts on how to format original post to accommodate the new info. I was thinking links to the posts in the OP. Thoughts?
Difficult to say... this thread has dramatically expanded from its already-impressive beginnings, and it would take a serious overhaul to try and make any kind of "all-inclusive guide" manageable. :confused:

If I were in your metaphorical shoes, I'd probably chose one of three possibilities...
  1. Take everything you've learned in this thread, and head over to the "Guides Forum".
    • While it'd be more work, it would also provide incomparable flexibility... and the ability to reserve the first dozen posts for various current/future "sections" of your guide could avoid a lot of headaches.
  2. Turn the current thread into a "hyper-guide".
    • Change the thread-title to "Farming Higher-Level Transmogs for F2P" (or whatever)... then re-write the O.P. so it's only a quick intro, a table-of-contents, and the basic what-why-where-how's of your guide. Then make anything else a link to another post, even if it means making new posts for your old data.
    • Still a lot of work, but at least you're not locked-in to a single dangerously-complex "mega-post".
  3. Stop updating the O.P. entirely, except perhaps for occasional links to interesting posts.
    • I don't know if I'd even be capable of the effort that you've already put into this thread... nobody would blame you if you just want to "retire". ;)

I saw this beauty in a bg today, I need to know where it drops. (Thistlefur Cap)
Wowhead suggests Ashenvale Bowman and Fissure-born Fire Elemental but idk if Wowhead really is trustworthy, it has a lot of misinformation these days.
Yeah, the introduction of "scaling" really lowered the signal-to-noise-ratio of WoWhead™ data... but usually there's at least a trace of "signal" buried in all the "noise".

For whatever it's worth, I'd suggest farming the Fire Elementals for awhile and at least seeing how their drops compare to WoWhead™... and if you get really desperate, you could always try farming the various Thislefur Furbolgs in Ashenvale and see if any of them are still capable of dropping their own gear! :p
I'd be curious to know just how many of those kills were simply to get the "final" item!

I have tried to forget about that farm, but the last item was some conjurer’s item, prob bracers (on phone so cant really check now) and it was like 150 kills just to get the last item.

Difficult to say... this thread has dramatically expanded from its already-impressive beginnings, and it would take a serious overhaul to try and make any kind of "all-inclusive guide" manageable. :confused:

If I were in your metaphorical shoes, I'd probably chose one of three possibilities...
  1. Take everything you've learned in this thread, and head over to the "Guides Forum".
    • While it'd be more work, it would also provide incomparable flexibility... and the ability to reserve the first dozen posts for various current/future "sections" of your guide could avoid a lot of headaches.

I feel like the best option is to make a new guide about mog, everything we know about Azshara, Terrowulf, Araga and others.
Difficult to say... this thread has dramatically expanded from its already-impressive beginnings, and it would take a serious overhaul to try and make any kind of "all-inclusive guide" manageable. :confused:

If I were in your metaphorical shoes, I'd probably chose one of three possibilities...
  1. Take everything you've learned in this thread, and head over to the "Guides Forum".
    • While it'd be more work, it would also provide incomparable flexibility... and the ability to reserve the first dozen posts for various current/future "sections" of your guide could avoid a lot of headaches.
  2. Turn the current thread into a "hyper-guide".
    • Change the thread-title to "Farming Higher-Level Transmogs for F2P" (or whatever)... then re-write the O.P. so it's only a quick intro, a table-of-contents, and the basic what-why-where-how's of your guide. Then make anything else a link to another post, even if it means making new posts for your old data.
    • Still a lot of work, but at least you're not locked-in to a single dangerously-complex "mega-post".
  3. Stop updating the O.P. entirely, except perhaps for occasional links to interesting posts.
    • I don't know if I'd even be capable of the effort that you've already put into this thread... nobody would blame you if you just want to "retire". ;)
feel like the best option is to make a new guide about mog, everything we know about Azshara, Terrowulf, Araga and others.
I think a guide is probably the best idea or maybe something in-between like described by @Sin'dor.

I don't think I can be bothered but would be happy if someone else wants to make a guide. I would assume they would be free to use any info or charts in this thread. I actually planned to make a thread about the fabulous title but quickly realized it was essentially an all encompassing F2P transmog thread. So, I axed it. Trying to play a lot a lot less lol :)
I'm a little late to the party, but I followed map in this thread and went farming in Azshara today with great results. That Warmonger's chest might just be my new favorite, and I think it matches really well with the Orgrimmar doublet shirt (25g in Icecrown). Sweet, thanks!

Also got almost an entire set of "Scouting" (the black leathers with the fugly recolor pants) in half a dozen loops as Surv, which I'm not seeing in the loot table and I thought was exclusively a dungeon drop. They're ilvl 21, but the other loot, Warmongers, Overlords, Lords, etc was ilvl 19.

Anyway, in my hunt for a more accurate loot table (which I never found), I came this ancient-but-very-relevant post with an extensive list-by-zone of other mobs that do this, including your Terrowulf and the Azshara finds. I'm at work and tomorrow is going to be a busy day, thus I haven't checked these and won't be able to for a minute, but maybe you can! Happy Hunting!

Edited to switch ilvls, the Scouting set is ilvl 21, previously said 19 which was incorrect.
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I saw this beauty in a bg today, I need to know where it drops. (Thistlefur Cap)
Wowhead suggests Ashenvale Bowman and Fissure-born Fire Elemental but idk if Wowhead really is trustworthy, it has a lot of misinformation these days.

I did some digging, a.k.a I met the guy who I saw with it before and asked him.


And he tells me it dropped from a rare bear in Ashenvale
(yes I had to google what zone orneval est was cuz I don't speak french)
This makes me like 95% sure he was talking about Ursol'lok

I have killed this bear previously when just passing him and he did not drop and special items and the uLvl of his loot doesn't seem to match with the helm. Which makes me wonder, does the uLvl from random green drops and rare drops match? You know when u kill a rare and sometimes two greens drop? One is specifically from the rare and the other is just a zone drop that just happened to drop from the rare. If that's the case, most mobs in Ashenvale would be able to drop the helm, or at least nearby mobs, right?
and here I was thinking I'd dig out an old thread and then you reply to it the day before. haha!
I've got that cap of either a Cliff Stormer in Stonetalon Mountains or one of the Rams standing next to them about 1.5 years ago while farming Thunder Lizard Tails.
I remember it that well as I was totally surprised back then and just logged the char that I was farming those tails back then and she still had in her bank! I've got a Quickblade version of that cap.

Edit: Im looking for the Revenant Plate Chest and Legs. can those drop from any of the Aszhara Rares?
Edit: And what is the respawn time on those rares?
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I've got that cap of either a Cliff Stormer in Stonetalon Mountains or one of the Rams standing next to them about 1.5 years ago while farming Thunder Lizard Tails.
I remember it that well as I was totally surprised back then and just logged the char that I was farming those tails back then and she still had in her bank! I've got a Quickblade version of that cap.
Damn, I will def go and farm there

Im looking for the Revenant Plate Chest and Legs. can those drop from any of the Aszhara Rares?
All rares except Scalebeard should drop those

And what is the respawn time on those rares?
I think they have 1 hour respawn
Even though wowhead lists the "Revenant Pants" only to drop of "General Fangferror" I found them on "Antilos".

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