Aside from the seven core factions where you can grind reputation by running dungeons with the appropriate tabards, here’s the other reputations that look grindable.
- Defilers / The League of Arathor : Arathi Basin.
- Warsong Outriders / Silverwing Sentinels : Warsong Gulch.
- Stormpike Guard / Frostwolf Clan : Alterac Valley
- Tranquillien : Quests in Ghostlands.
- Darkmoon Faire: Quests on DM Isle.
- Steamwheedle Cartel (Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, Ratchet): quests, killing various mobs in Northern Barrens, Stranglethorn and Tanaris.
- Bloodsail Buccaneers: killing High Admiral “Shelly” Jorrik and various other mobs.
- Timbermaw Hold: killing certain mobs in Winterspring and Feralas.
- Cenarion Circle: killing Twilight’s Hammer members in Silithus.
- Hydraxian Waterlords: killing Garr.
- Mag’har / Kurenai (Tabard, Cooking Recipes): Killing most mobs in Nagrand.
- Sporeggar (Tabard, Pet, Cooking Recipe): Killing certain mobs in Zangarmarsh, freeing Ethereum Prisoners*
- Cenarion Expedition (Tabard): freeing Ethereum Prisoners*, killing certain Zangarmarsh mobs.
- Keepers of Time (Tabard, access to Tanaris portal from Shattrath): freeing Ethereum Prisoners*.
- Lower City (Tabard): freeing Ethereum Prisoners*.
- Sha’tar (Tabard): freeing Ethereum Prisoners*.
- Consortium (Tabard, free vendorable gems every month): freeing Ethereum Prisoners*.
- Sha’tari Skyguard (Flight point to Ogri’la): killing certain mobs in Terokkar Forest.
*When opening a prison with the Ethereum Prison Key, either a friendly or hostile mob will spawn. The friendly mob will give 500 rep for either Sporeggar, Keepers of Time, Cenarion Expedition, Consortium, Sha’tar or Lower City.
[*=left]Emperor Shaohao (Grinding on the Timeless Isle)
[*=left]August Celestials (Insigna dropped from Warscouts and Warbringers , bonus rep for LFG) **- Golden Lotus (Insigna dropped from Warscouts and Warbringers , bonus rep for LFG, killing various world mobs) **
- Klaxxi (Insigna dropped from Warscouts and Warbringers , bonus rep for LFG) **
- Shado-Pan (Insigna dropped from Warscouts and Warbringers , bonus rep for LFG) **
- LoreWalkers (exploring - unlinked F2P needs bonus rep for LFG to top it off) **
- The Black Prince (Killing Celestials on the Timeless Isle)
- Order of the Cloud Serpent (bonus rep for LFG) **
- Kirin Tor Offensive / Sunreaver Onslaught (bonus rep for LFG) **
- The Tillers (bonus rep for LFG) **
- The Anglers (bonus rep for LFG) **
- Shado-Pan Assault (raiding ToT as well as getting insignia's from Arcane Troves, which are purchased with Elder Charms, which are dropped on the Isle of Thunder---must be Exalted with Kirin Tor Offensive first) **
ACHIEVEMENTS (work in progress)
- Guardian of Cenarius (with title)
- 25 Exalted Reputations (six achievements)
- Ambassador of the Alliance / Ambassador of the Horde (with title)
- The Diplomat (with title)
- They Love Me In That Tunnel
- Oh My, Kurenai / Mag’har of Draenor
- Flying High Over Skettis
- Chief Exalted Officer
- The Czar of Sporeggar
- Hydraxian Waterlords
- Unburdened / Grim Visage (10% during Hallow’s End)
- The Spirit of Sharing (10% bonus during Pilgrim’s Bounty)
- Diplomacy (10% racial bonus)
- Recruit-a-Friend (10% bonus while grouped with friend)
- Whee! (10% for one hour – available during Darkmoon Faire)
- Darkmoon Top Hat (10% for one hour - available during Darkmoon Faire - doesn't stack with Whee!)
- Cenarion Favor (+25% to Cenarion Circle rep in Silithus)
- Grand Commendations (for those with linked P2P accounts)
- Kirin Tor (Tabard): Purchasing commendation badges with honor.
- Wyrmrest Accord (Tabard): Purchasing commendation badges with honor.
- Knights of the Ebon Blade: Purchasing commendation badges with honor.
- The Sons of Hodir: Purchasing commendation badges with honor.
- Ashen Verdict: Running ICC
- Avengers of Hyjal: Running Firelands
- The Wyrmrest Accord
- The Argent Crusade
- The Kirin Tor
- Knights of the Ebon Blade
- Northrend Vanguard
- 30 Exalted Reputations
- The Ashen Verdict
- Avengers of Hyjal
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