Ascending Heights: Illidan's Grasp


Are you tired of waiting 30 minutes for the cooldown of your Darkmoon Cannon to go down? Well wait no longer, with just a few steps, you can move you character up ledges and mountains without having to wait half an hour. This isn't really anything new, and it isn't a direct replacement to the Darkmoon Cannon, but it is helpful in getting around in Flight-heavy zones on an unsubbed Vet/F2P account.

What you'll need:
  • A second starter account (Free).
  • A level 20 Demon Hunter on the same server as your main (1-2 hours to 20) NOTE: If you are a Vet, make sure you are in the same Timewalking state as your alt.
  • Creativity (Optional)
That's it!

What you'll need to do:
  1. Pick up the Illidan's Grasp PVP talent.

2. Meet up with your main account and start a /duel.

3. Use Illidan's Grasp to throw your character to a ledge. Press once to grab, press again to choose the location to throw yourself to.

4. Voila, your character is now moved. You can now chain together multiple ledge hops on a non-DH character, on a 1 min CD.

This doesn't work for every location and you may need to get extremely creative (e.g. throwing your character onto ledges, against walls, invisible ledges, using gliders, 3-person mounts and cannons in conjuction with grasp, etc.) to reach your destination, but it is a viable alternative and is something extra just to mess around with as a Vet/F2P. It's also helpful if you're trying to move multiple alts who don't have the cannon.

EDIT: Also, if you wanted to get really creative, you could probably make a DK too and throw Death Grip into the mix


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That’s interesting. I’m always looking for clever ways to get around. It’s amazing how many times I need that 1 extra bit to clear something, but I end up waiting 30 mins for the next Cannon.
I’d like to see more of these ways of climbing heights :)

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