Arena Tournament

Can you add the spec information in the team list?

What about talents? Can those be changed each game?

Will it be possible to inspect the other team to see what talents they are using before the match, or have both teams announce which they are using?
What about talents? Can those be changed each game?

Character specialization changes may be made, but if the character belong's to a pre-existing team, this teams rating will be reset to 1000 elo.

Talents may be changed from arena to arena, something that I will add in to the rules.

As for letting people know which spec they will be facing, I would rather only divulge just the class.

IE: You are facing a Priest Warrior team. Turns out once the arena starts it is Shadow Fury, I would rather not give that away beforehand. And after the first sets of arena's everyone will know roughly what spec's there are per team, so I don't think its a big issue.
Thinking about joining - someone please PM me vent info (if not I'll grab online this week).

Will likely use this toon - still gearing (and will remove eyepatch of course).
We don't use a vent at the moment.

Currently we use a skype group (Kochi has the lead of it), and we are all on Alliance-Korgath.
Starter accounts are unable to use cosmetic helms :(

There have been F2P's that have been able to purchase and use them on their F2P characters. Worst case scenario, something goes wrong and you can not use it, in which case we will get the winners something else that they chose within reason.
Moved some of the interesting posts not about signing up to a new thread, hope to see more teams signing up now!
Actually, you can count me out for this tournament. I think I'm going to uninstall actually.

This game simply isn't worth attempting to take off 2 years of rust for a bracket where certain classes can hit for 800 or have amazing burst and utility (Feral and Hunters).

Good luck with the tournament guys. I'm off to a more balanced genre of FPS.
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Just a message to state that the Tournament on Korgath is going to be held as planned starting today!

If anyone is not on the list that wants to join, feel free to, as long as your toon is following the rules stipulated in the OP.

Looking forward to seeing some good games!
F2P Arena Season 1: Korgath

Lets start with some explanation for those who did not see the previous thread:
This bracket has been dominated by pug bgs for far to long, its time for some more arenas! There has been alot of talk about arena servers, making a server for arenas to continue over a prolonged period of time, while hopefully this will spur involvement on the Korgath arena server, that is not the focus of this event.

Arena start date now decided: Set to begin on August 14th, and will then end on the 28th

This event will be divided up into two seasons:

1st part:
Making your character / gearing. (The rules on what gear / classes you may or may not use in your arena comps will come later) This part can be started at any time, NOW! (For example xD)

2nd part:
Arenas! We will be using screen shots to keep track of progress on this page (rankings will be posted on a continues basis)


At the end of the second season, the members of the highest ranked team will receive cosmetic helms of their choice.


Team Name Member One Member Two
Crowd Cuntrol​
Hðl¥ KnîGhtZ​
Los sexy​


LF a team-mate?

The following is a list of players that have posted in the comments looking for a team-mate, check them out and PM them if you are interested, if you want to be added to the list, just post in the comments.

Name Class/spec
JesusPriest LF DPS
GexceourWarrior LF Priest/RShaman
TaeranRogue LF Healer
IngÆffect LF a healer (preferably)
R PrimeSquidproquo

If you find a partner and you are on this list, PM me to remove your name.

Rules / Regulations:

Fight Club: The 8 Rules. - YouTube

1 No more than 2 heirlooms may be equipped by any one character.
2No Arena Grand Master's, would favor people with friends on the server or who have more time to make toons than others.
3No characters not bound by F2P restrictions.
4Rifle Commanders Eyepatch will be off limits for all characters.

Arena Explanation:

During the week queues begin (Part 2 of the season) Bop and I will explain the rules for queuing, which are as follows.

1 Arena 2v2 queues will occur every night on Korgath alliance between the times of 6 PM to 10 PM CST. ( No arenas before or after will be counted toward rankings)
2 The tournament will be entirely 2v2 arenas. For queuing however it will be 3v3, so that Bop or myself can spectate for solidarity purposes.
3 Teams will start at 1000 elo , and we will be using this program to calculate the team rankings.
4You reserve the right to question a games victor, but any decision made by Bop or myself is final.
5During the arena season, you may acquire new gear for your character, as long as it fits the rules.
6If a fight goes on longer than 15 mins, the game is a draw, and no longer counts towards either teams rating.
7Character specialization changes may be made, but if the character belong's to a pre-existing team, this teams rating will be reset to 1000 elo. (Character talents may be changed at any time with no penalties)

One Question:
When will u post the rating of all teams!!
Some fun games tonight, very cool to watch them.

Ratings will be posted soon for the teams that did arenas today.

Anyone that did not do arenas today and has characters on Korgath can start doing games at any time. (starting again tomorrow night at 6 pm CST)

Looking forward to more games!
Just to clarify for everyone:


We are competing on a nightly basis, and have had a turnout of 7 different teams on the first night. If you have any interest in arena at F2P, then this is the place for you.

This event will continue for the next 2 weeks, and will most likely occur again. I strongly recommend taking the time to level up a toon here if you are interested in f2p arena. And since once 5.4 rolls around BGs will be much more ridiculous for f2ps compared to p2ps, I recommend arenas very highly.

Thanks, hope to see you here guys :)

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