Arena Master :) too all those wondering if Arena Master is achievable, this is not win-traded/cheated, had many Blizz have checked my account after receiving complaints from people who are jealous, did this with a warrior using Stormherald - Item - World of Warcraft yes it did help and helped get us to 2.8k in 2s and 2.7k in 3s, 5s was harder, but playing on Blackout EU is a major assistance as it's probably the most active bracket. Anyways, hope this has been helpful.
Highest 5 man personal rating 2,201

Highest 3 man personal rating 2,700

Highest 2 man personal rating 2,220

u must be that guy who played with shada and some random warrior that wintraded 5s and 3s to arena master and after that u all xferred to another realm HAHA

gj mate u pro
betelshoe said:
Highest 5 man personal rating 2,201

Highest 3 man personal rating 2,700

Highest 2 man personal rating 2,220

u must be that guy who played with shada and some random warrior that wintraded 5s and 3s to arena master and after that u all xferred to another realm HAHA

gj mate u pro

Like I said, I just told you that Blizzard checked my account, otherwise i'd be banned and stripped of my title : /. On a sidenote, hating on me is gonna get you nowhere my friend. Please [ost your armoury, i'd like to have a look, thanks :).
really eu 70s have a big enough population to get that w/o win trading 5s (or 3s), wow
I'd love to see temporary forum bans for people who make baseless accusations. It's cheap, dishonorable, and really just trolling.
masterjamie93 said:
Like I said, I just told you that Blizzard checked my account, otherwise i'd be banned and stripped of my title : /. On a sidenote, hating on me is gonna get you nowhere my friend. Please [ost your armoury, i'd like to have a look, thanks :).

haha its cool mayne, when i look at your personal ratings i know enough xD

if u were smart enough u would've seen a link to my armory already

and for the people that think 5s is active on Blackout, it's completely dead ( i know im on the BG )

wintrade more bro

btw nice gemming/enchanting

Sharper said:
I'd love to see temporary forum bans for people who make baseless accusations. It's cheap, dishonorable, and really just trolling.

yea ok mang
betelshoe said:
haha its cool mayne, when i look at your personal ratings i know enough xD

if u were smart enough u would've seen a link to my armory already

and for the people that think 5s is active on Blackout, it's completely dead ( i know im on the BG )

wintrade more bro

btw nice gemming/enchanting


Just faction changed to Horde mate and haven't been playing much, flame me all you wan't I didn't post this to be cocky or boast, I did this to answer the many questions people were asking about The Arena Master at 70, but don't worry i'll take your jealousy as a compliment and smile :)
betelshoe said:
haha its cool mayne, when i look at your personal ratings i know enough xD

if u were smart enough u would've seen a link to my armory already

and for the people that think 5s is active on Blackout, it's completely dead ( i know im on the BG )

wintrade more bro

btw nice gemming/enchanting


Seriously man. Grow up.

Or should I say "Herr lolumad bro kthx"
one thing some fail to remember is that Blizzard rolled the WOTLK pre-patch and the achievement system was in the game for many players to knock out arena achievements while everyone was still 70's. most of the players that got arena master or battlemaster actually leveled on. used to see it in trade they were doing premades/arenas to knock them traded or not we had 70's with the titles in 2009 prior to WOTLK. alot of ret-paladins wracked up near instant hi-ratings due to being insanely OP on that patch.
masterjamie93 said:
Just faction changed to Horde mate and haven't been playing much, flame me all you wan't I didn't post this to be cocky or boast, I did this to answer the many questions people were asking about The Arena Master at 70, but don't worry i'll take your jealousy as a compliment and smile :)

What's to be jealous of? anyone here could get that title if they wintraded too.
masterjamie93 said:
Just faction changed to Horde mate and haven't been playing much, flame me all you wan't I didn't post this to be cocky or boast, I did this to answer the many questions people were asking about The Arena Master at 70, but don't worry i'll take your jealousy as a compliment and smile :)

There was a thread many moons ago with a link to 3 people that had the title.. sorry, but your attempt to get everyone to stop trolling you was in vain. Keep boastin' bro.
people will continue to rag on you and others claiming to get Arena Master w/o wintrading until region wide ques are available next patch. Sorry man, whether you got it fair or not, you're going to get tons of shit.
If I whould ever try arena master on 70 then I whould screenshot every 3s and 5s game to show that it was legit.
Sanitarium said:
There was a thread many moons ago with a link to 3 people that had the title.. sorry, but your attempt to get everyone to stop trolling you was in vain. Keep boastin' bro.

You most be talking about those 3 Germans who had their title stripped off them because they were legit wintraders, I don't have a way of proving i didn't wintrade. When i first got it, I was bragging a lot and quite a few players reported me, but the account was checked and they couldn't find shit cos we queued at peak playing times.

On a sidenote, how does someone so bias and opinionated become a moderator on this site? You're meant to oversee the website and set an example, not troll around man, like it would bother me or make me mad..

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