Arena Etiquette for dummies

Unless you are in vent there is really no way of knowing who your arena opponents will be. Please use the following suggestions of etiquette as a guide.

2v2 should just be fight to the death and if one person dies the other two should gang rape the one left standing. everything goes here, AGMs, lifeblood, bandages, endless kiting (includes gouge kiting and stealthing).

1v1 fight to the death everthing goes same as above. If the other person leaves that indeed counts as a win for you.

2v1 clearly should be a situation where you have a 1v1 and possibly 2X 1v1's. If there is a warrior (#1) on one side and a warrior (#2) and hunter on the other side you would expect it to clearly be warrior #1 vs warrior #2. Same goes for most classes. In the above senario, if warrior #1 wins and uses AGM in the process the hunter (who also has AGM) should expect to either not use his or wait 15 min (depending on when they last used it) for the warriors agm to be up (this should be a no brainer).

To be polite and fair you will want to remove all non-self buffs before you start.

2v2 where one side it at a clear disadvantage. I just got out of a 2v2 where my partner was a level 17 hunter in some white/green with BoA bow and shoulders, gear no chants. I said "you are probably going to get owned"

He said "no i'm not I know what I'm doing" got in the arena he was quickly dropped and the other two (druid hunter) proceeded to kill me.

In this case ^ I think the 2v2 should be treated as a 2v1 where you drop the level 17 and then proceed.

emotes that should be used


-target the opponent you wish to face and emote


-the key emote in arena's to let your opponent know you are ready. As soon as this occurs anything goes


-waiting for someone to make the first move


-if you are waiting for a lifeblood, bandage or racial cooldown (usually after you have won in a 1v2 situation


-if you are not that into arenas and your WSG just popped.

these are only suggestions to use in the arena. Match to match this may not hold true (especially in the case where two 1v1's in a row would take an hour. There are also cases where both opponents are equally matched, and the end result is a stalemate. This most often occurs with non-burst classes like druids vs druid and priests vs priest. Other classes may be willing to wait for that game changing crit chain, or proc change (or both!).

I have only recently started qing for arena more, so if anyone has suggestions to improve this "guide" please let me know.
I agree wit it all.
Grabco said:
2v1 clearly should be a situation where you have a 1v1 and possibly 2X 1v1's. If there is a warrior (#1) on one side and a warrior (#2) and hunter on the other side you would expect it to clearly be warrior #1 vs warrior #2. Same goes for most classes. In the above senario, if warrior #1 wins and uses AGM in the process the hunter (who also has AGM) should expect to either not use his or wait 15 min for the warriors agm to be up (this should be a no brainer).

2v2 should just be fight to the death and if one person dies the other two should gang rape the one left standing.

2v2 where one side it at a clear disadvantage. I just got out of a 2v2 where my partner was a level 17 hunter in some white/green with BoA bow and shoulders, gear no chants. I said "you are probably going to get owned"

He said "no i'm not I know what I'm doing" got in the arena he was quickly dropped and the other two (druid hunter) proceeded to kill me.

In this case ^ I think the 2v2 should be treated as a 2v1 where you drop the level 17 and then proceed, what do you guys think?

I honestly like your threads, always something cool to say and its usually right (like in this case).
I agree with everything. Most twinks follow this these days, but every once and a while...

Thread should be stickied IMO.

In a 2v1, what is the best way of telling the opposition that you're not involved? /sit /lie? /dance? lol I hate it when its 2v1 vs a rogue, you lie down for a Zzzzz to watch a rogue v rogue and get attacked... ;) Guess that wouldn't happen if the solo rogue read this thread...
20m for AGM not 15... lol just edit tht and gr8 post! i totally agree you can tell a players experience if he'll wait for his partner I love baddies who try to double team me and talk trash :)
AGM usually is the last choice pop so... also if the other guy does not have an AGM and its any char that can dispell its well... time for omg y couldn't I fight another hunter moment lol
Nagrand Arena 2v1 me (Pally) and a shammy VS shammy

sorry I have to vent a little. Just got out of a classic arena where all etiquette was thrown out the window. me and a shamman in starting zone 2v1 situation. He says "Do you want him" I say "lets see what it is". What do you know it is another shamman! I say, "he's yours!" the other shamman approaches on the bridge jumps off to the starts attacking me in the starting area. I was AFK getting a drink (brewski). In the end, I lost by a little.
If you are a draenei make sure to use GoTN and lifeblood whenever you can preferably on the person being focused
roguedubb said:
It's an arena, once the gates open anything goes. I don't see the need for all this etiquette nonsense.

So you'd have no problem with you and your partner attacking one person? Dafuck? How is that even remotely fun.

Next you'll be telling us that xp-on BGs are super duper (y)

When you go into a 2v1 or 3v1 by yourself and your opponents follow this etiquette, I think it would be cool to go to the Battlegroup forum and post a ty once in a while, especially if you win.

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