Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

I've been playing a lock for a while now and it seems as though me being in the premade made or broke the premade many times. (Opposition being another premade). Obviously this is circumstantial, but I would say that all the great 10 man premades will have at least one good lock in them and sometimes two. (Obviously only 9 twink classes, but still).
the question that burns my lips, is whats a focus macro ?

i imagine something along the lines of /focus priest

which would focus nearby priest... is that it ?

by the wya i know what a focus is ok... i am just wondering how you can set up a focus before even knowing the people you are fighting against ?

makes your current target your focus target. then you can change other macros so like

alt+1 fears your focus while 1 fears your target.
or u can be like me and /yell dana for five minutes while jumping around and /shimmy ing!!!!!!... lol focus is nice I use it for kick macros and gouge macros (and magic dust too i guess).
jailbot: thats exactly what we're talking about when we talk about snobbing people !

i asked the question to get a clear answer, not a an insult on my being !

supadrood: thanks for answering, it makes sens, though i wonder how good such macro can be, considering it changes every games, if not every opponent you meet !
ArthurianKnight said:
jailbot: thats exactly what we're talking about when we talk about snobbing people !

i asked the question to get a clear answer, not a an insult on my being !

supadrood: thanks for answering, it makes sens, though i wonder how good such macro can be, considering it changes every games, if not every opponent you meet !

well your focus changes, but the macro doesn't. thats what its there for.

so you have fear right, i'm not so great at macro's your gonna have to google it to get it to work right. but basically

/cast fear with modifier alt= focus.

so you start your arena target one of em hit your focus button

then when you need to fear that guy hold alt n press your fear hotkey without switching targets.
Supadrood said:
i use a much more balanced set in arena than wsg, and your roll changes depending on who your partner is. but it mostly involves dotting everyone unless there is a sheep, and fearing somebody until diminishing returns then switching or switching back n forth on your fears to avoid DR.

Demøniç said:
Keep both dots up on everyone who's not sheeped/sapped. Keep fears up pretty much constantly, switching targets to avoid DR. As for gear, while in wsg spell power should be focused upon, in arena a balance of stam and SP is better, with a few int items as an option. Stam/sp are better than int on the whole, but you should have a few int-heavy pieces (such as Keller's Girdle) in case you are against a dispelling priest or a decursing mage, in which case int will allow you to recast dots to wear down the enemies' mana. Coupled with timely life taps, they should go oom before you do.

Please, PLEASE stop posting stuff like this....

Unless you're playing a comp that benefits from switching alot(rare at 19) you wont benefit from DoTing all targets. DoTing everything will just result in your fears broking, you going oom and eventually, you loosing.

Healers wont OOM from DoTs..
Rolt- said:
DoTing everything will just result in your fears broking,

Ummm....? Damage doesn't break fears.

you going oom and eventually, you loosing.

l2lifetap? And you won't oom anyway.

Healers wont OOM from DoTs..

You have life tap, healers don't. If they're trying to dispel your dots while keeping heals up, they will not only lose mana but will waste their gcd, causing them to fall behind on heals. If they don't dispell, then you get to keep your DoTs up, which in turn cause damage that they have to heal anyway.

Fears take priority over dots. However, DoTs are one of the things that make locks good. Neglecting them and worrying you'll go oom (you shouldn't) is ill-advised.
5 rejuvs cost 350 mana to counter 5 sets of dots. This is a significant chunk of mana and locks have lifetap whereas healers don't. Over an extended fight several reapplications will put a strain on a healers mana pool aswell as their GCDs.
I have won countless fights because me and the healer both oom but I could lifetap. With smart use of drain-life my mana seems practically endless.
Demøniç said:
Ummm....? Damage doesn't break fears.

l2lifetap? And you won't oom anyway.

You have life tap, healers don't. If they're trying to dispel your dots while keeping heals up, they will not only lose mana but will waste their gcd, causing them to fall behind on heals. If they don't dispell, then you get to keep your DoTs up, which in turn cause damage that they have to heal anyway.

Fears take priority over dots. However, DoTs are one of the things that make locks good. Neglecting them and worrying you'll go oom (you shouldn't) is ill-advised.

Damage does break fears.

and yes, l2lifetap. With proper use of bandaids you can effectively live forever without going oom.

You use your dots to put pressure on healers. if all they're doing is spamming dispel like a noob they're going to oom (mana wars take a long time, dont expect 5 minute duels). They can't get mana back like you can.

But yeah. DoT's up, Fear people around, LoS/bandaid, do your thing.
Aside from lvl 60+ Affliction Warlocks, I don't think I've ever seen a Warlock's DoTs breaking fear on their own before 5 seconds. Fear will break after a certain amount of damage has been inflicted to a target... but without being in high end gear, speccing deep affliction, Shadow Bolting or having someone else jumping on the target, it's not easy to push past this damage threshold. Probably read often on the patch notes "Damage a feared target can take before Fear breaks reduced."
I wouldn't be in a 10v10 w/o a lock and a shaman in the offensive team, thx bb
Grunge said:
Damage does break fears.

and yes, l2lifetap. With proper use of bandaids you can effectively live forever without going oom.

You use your dots to put pressure on healers. if all they're doing is spamming dispel like a noob they're going to oom (mana wars take a long time, dont expect 5 minute duels). They can't get mana back like you can.

But yeah. DoT's up, Fear people around, LoS/bandaid, do your thing.

Yeah, damage breaks fears; what I meant was that it rarely happens in 19, and definitely won't happen because of one lock's DoTs.

Everything you said here was spot on.

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