Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

ArthurianKnight said:
for those who don't know about the 15 second rules, here it is !

If you fear, polymorph, stun or anything that makes the character lose control. it can only be 3 times in 15 seconds. after that he will be immune until you leave him be for 15 seconds.

that said, it means you can fear him once... he trinkets, you can fear twice for only half the time it normally would. he somehow get away again... you fear him a third time, the fear will last for only 2-3 seconds at max. because you feared him 3 times in less then 15 seconds, he will now be immune for the next 15 seconds.

so how can it be bypassed, simply said, you let him breath a few seconds between each ones. the thing reset every 15 seconds starting from the first fear. So if you fear, and he gets out, dont chain fear him right away give him like 2-3 seconds then fear again. that way he'll never be in the 15 second rules and thus will never become immune.

of course you can chain fear the whole group, the 15 second rules works for everyone, so let's say you fear the FC and then the healer, you feared two person and the 15 second rule wont be a problem.

besides that a warlock does its job and quite well, but you have to know this rule if you are a cc guy !

DR starts when fear is broken.
Expres said:
I mean are warlocks any good in premades. I just dont see how they can be viable on offense. Any suggestions guys.

There is no class that isn't viable in a premade.
I would certainly say so. But I'm just a little bit biased ;-).

I fondly recall a fight where this straight up ambush geared rogue was having a grand old time taking people down before they even knew what hit them until he decided to sneak up to our FC while I happened to be jumping around spamming tab and keeping consume shadows up after reports of a 2k~ stealthed crit by a rogue.

Don't know why he kept coming back but sure enough every few mins he would come sneaking in for more only to be spotted within seconds and rendered useless. While I don't know that we would've lost for sure without stealth detection I'm sure it would've been harder to defend the flag than "Oh look there he is again,,,, *splat* "

While playing offensively you are great at taking a enemy plan or group and just fucking it right up. Dots on everybody already have healers doing overtime and there's nothing more satisfying than watching a healer wind up a lifesaving heal only to have you interrupt it at the last moment.

I also find CoW to be rather useful when cast on a hunter and his pet. Considering the damage hunters put out and my low armor value any little bit helps and I believe that CoW on pet and hunter = increased reduction for pet who's damage is based on hunters ap but I'm not sure.

The single best thing about CoW however is its 2min timer, Perfect to use on people within range but running elsewhere effectively letting you help whoever he fights for the next two minutes.

Also as far as FCs go fears are great at ruining the day for the opposing teams FC while making sure they get to watch yours cap from the back row. Since the addition of travel form and ghost wolf I have intercepted solo travelers countless times and love fearing them right back at my team fully dotted.

People who are actually good at timing fears and hitting the trinket early to make up for lag are also great fun to mess with. Fake em out and get them to pop trinkets with a well timed cancel and cost them the cd while you lose 1.4something seconds.

And my personal favourite: Carrying the flag while soul stoned and being dropped by someone only to insta-rez and grab it again giving us the cap. Not something you can do everyday and in a pre-made a ss on a healer would be far more useful im sure but in a pug it can happen often enough and I like to go for the flag when everyone is defending the stumps in mid.

Short version: Warlocks are excellent support for all situations and have excellent dps to back it up. It's true what they say however and unless you know your class and have the ability to utilize that knowledge you'll end up being lunch for everyone. On the other hand a warlock in a good premade has huge potential to shine.

Twinkzruz said:
There is no class that isn't viable in a premade.

Also this ^.^
Stop editing my thread posts or i will hack your computer and implant a keylogger in your Win32 and email your mother porn.
Twinkzruz said:
Stop editing my thread posts or i will hack your computer and implant a keylogger in your Win32 and email your mother porn.

Your post reminded me of the video I've posted below...

Twinkzruz said:
There is no class that isn't viable in a premade.

... baby oomkins and melee shammys don't belong imo, lol.

Oh and if your rolling a lock for premades you must roll w/ a full spellpower set bro not a balanced one.
Crilicilyn said:
... baby oomkins and melee shammys don't belong imo, lol.

Oh and if your rolling a lock for premades you must roll w/ a full spellpower set bro not a balanced one.

u get 1 shot in full sp bro, you gotta have some balance w/o leg armor glass cannons have like 600 hp
Crilicilyn said:
... baby oomkins and melee shammys don't belong imo, lol.

Oh and if your rolling a lock for premades you must roll w/ a full spellpower set bro not a balanced one.

He said every class was viable not every spec....
I've never been in a premade due to the lack of twink activity on my realm. But playing a lock is quite handy for offense. Tab dotting is super effective to getting the enemy team down on health making it easier to melee to finish them off. Fearing is another important aspect. Fearing the FC, healers, etc shifts people's focus and can be extremely important to messing up their plans. I love playing a lock. I really enjoy playing midfield and dotting up the enemy. Definitely a fun class.
Well good news guys I got my spot in the premade and the first game it was 0-1 them... but then i started to learn how to fear better and we worked well as a team and we 3-0 them...I locked down as much healing as i could and tab doted which took out alot of mana on the healers..I just wanted to thank all you guys for the info, it actually worked hahaha.
i used to play lock a friends lock at 19, its kind of mage-ish but you can definitly take alot more damage than a mage, you can selfheal much better and to some extent escape a little better.

Im going to say here and now that with things like travel forms available locks are going to be VERY important in messing up a fc's routes.

Also, id advise for any potential premading locks to be rolling in a balance set with emphasis on stam and int, not so much sp.

The point of throwing out dots and curses is not to deal damage, but to get shammys and priests to waste their time and mana spamming dispel and purge while you wind up fears and break up their formations.

Then you have the occasions where you fear someone into a wall and they get stuck and have to log. maybe not the most honorable way to win, but things happen.

>> saw the above post, gg man :)
I thought I'd steal this thread a little instead of making a new one: I'm rather new to warlocks, and I'm also rather new to 19 arena. What is the proper warlock playstyle in arena? What is my "mission"? :p And gearwise, what should i aim for in arena? mix of int/stam/spell pwr?
inok said:
I thought I'd steal this thread a little instead of making a new one: I'm rather new to warlocks, and I'm also rather new to 19 arena. What is the proper warlock playstyle in arena? What is my "mission"? :p And gearwise, what should i aim for in arena? mix of int/stam/spell pwr?

i use a much more balanced set in arena than wsg, and your roll changes depending on who your partner is. but it mostly involves dotting everyone unless there is a sheep, and fearing somebody until diminishing returns then switching or switching back n forth on your fears to avoid DR.
inok said:
I thought I'd steal this thread a little instead of making a new one: I'm rather new to warlocks, and I'm also rather new to 19 arena. What is the proper warlock playstyle in arena? What is my "mission"? :p And gearwise, what should i aim for in arena? mix of int/stam/spell pwr?

Keep both dots up on everyone who's not sheeped/sapped. Keep fears up pretty much constantly, switching targets to avoid DR. As for gear, while in wsg spell power should be focused upon, in arena a balance of stam and SP is better, with a few int items as an option. Stam/sp are better than int on the whole, but you should have a few int-heavy pieces (such as Keller's Girdle) in case you are against a dispelling priest or a decursing mage, in which case int will allow you to recast dots to wear down the enemies' mana. Coupled with timely life taps, they should go oom before you do.
I'd imagine that both tab dotting and chain fearing would be very beneficial for an offense as the DoTs creates alot of damage across alot of players which often forces healers to go into a Triage mindset. A DPS class with good burst could then quickly burn down a few of the enemy that get shorted on the heals. After DoTs are set up, then a Warlock can pop a fear on healers, creating larger windows for DPSers to burst down targets who would also still have DoTs ticking on them. Additionally, fear is one of the few CC's that A: Doesn't break with any damage, and B: Can't be shifted out of by a druid.
Expres said:
Well good news guys I got my spot in the premade and the first game it was 0-1 them... but then i started to learn how to fear better and we worked well as a team and we 3-0 them...I locked down as much healing as i could and tab doted which took out alot of mana on the healers..I just wanted to thank all you guys for the info, it actually worked hahaha.

To make it easier to lock down healers you should try out a focus or mouseover fear macro.

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