Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

I mean are warlocks any good in premades. I just dont see how they can be viable on offense. Any suggestions guys.
Imo warlocks are still very viable on offense in premades. With chain fears on defensive heals + tab dots they are still a powerful class for offense. (If the person knows what he/she is doing.)
Having a well played lock in premade can be the difference between a win or loss. Besides their mass amount of damage they can throw out, they are also able to CC the healer's and mess up the FC's routes with a well-timed fear.
kablam said:
Imo warlocks are still very viable on offense in premades. With chain fears on defensive heals + tab dots they are still a powerful class for offense. (If the person knows what he/she is doing.)

Yeah thats what i was thinking ill start playing more wsg to practice.But i mean if the mage takes out all the curses and once the priest has been feared 3 times and he dispells wouldnt other classes just be more viable. Or am i just stupid
Expres said:
Yeah thats what i was thinking ill start playing more wsg to practice.But i mean if the mage takes out all the curses and once the priest has been feared 3 times and he dispells wouldnt other classes just be more viable. Or am i just stupid

Most premades have more than 1 healer at a time together, so you can rotate your fears. If you fear a non-priest healer, and the priest healer moves to dispell that fear, you just effectively removed heals from their group for ~2 seconds, which can be pretty big. Rotating between 2 healers or a healer and a hunter would definately be effective so your DR is always being reset.
Not to mention that if the mages and priests are getting rid of all your dots, then they will be going oom VERY VERY fast which is beneficial to your offense.

FC w/ no heals= Dead FC
Yeah okay cool guys yeah everything sounds good..Just gota convince my guild to let me in the premade...They dont like gnomes
Expres said:
Yeah okay cool guys yeah everything sounds good..Just gota convince my guild to let me in the premade...They dont like gnomes

Rofl, am I the only one who thinks gnomes are awesome?
what is your guild bringing instead of a lock? they are pretty important, even if i wasnt playing it for my guild i'd insist that one was with us.
revolution loves to run a warlock on offense when at all possible, the problem is finding someone who knows how to put out the dps, but can actually use the cc to seperate the healer from the fc
I mean there is 11 people signed up for the premade cause we dont have alot so i might get in and see what i can do. What gear should i run, i mean i was thinking just a balance set unbuffed i have around 1.3k health 1.3k mana and 90 spell you think i should use more SP or health.
They can be amazing, but only if they really know what the hell they're doing. Otherwise they're one of the most useless classes to bring.
Quara said:
They can be amazing, but only if they really know what the hell they're doing. Otherwise they're one of the most useless classes to bring.

so if you dont know what you're doing play a rogue and spam your 1 key till you see 5 dots and then slam your 2 key and just keybind all your CD's to those keys too.

oh, and stack stam on that rogue, cuz lolwin.
if the enemy is running 1 priest on D then getting a fear on it can mean big time trouble. having a warlock means the opposing team will either need a very smart defense or 2 priests on defense.

also as other people mentioned, chain fearing is very useful because a priest then has to dispel it a few times, and you are also effectively making the person you're fearing do almost nothing (as they are constantly being driven away from their destination)
Magnusopus said:
so if you dont know what you're doing play a rogue and spam your 1 key till you see 5 dots and then slam your 2 key and just keybind all your CD's to those keys too.

oh, and stack stam on that rogue, cuz lolwin.

them's are nub keybindings, every1 knows you need autoattack on 1
for those who don't know about the 15 second rules, here it is !

If you fear, polymorph, stun or anything that makes the character lose control. it can only be 3 times in 15 seconds. after that he will be immune until you leave him be for 15 seconds.

that said, it means you can fear him once... he trinkets, you can fear twice for only half the time it normally would. he somehow get away again... you fear him a third time, the fear will last for only 2-3 seconds at max. because you feared him 3 times in less then 15 seconds, he will now be immune for the next 15 seconds.

so how can it be bypassed, simply said, you let him breath a few seconds between each ones. the thing reset every 15 seconds starting from the first fear. So if you fear, and he gets out, dont chain fear him right away give him like 2-3 seconds then fear again. that way he'll never be in the 15 second rules and thus will never become immune.

of course you can chain fear the whole group, the 15 second rules works for everyone, so let's say you fear the FC and then the healer, you feared two person and the 15 second rule wont be a problem.

besides that a warlock does its job and quite well, but you have to know this rule if you are a cc guy !
ArthurianKnight said:
for those who don't know about the 15 second rules, here it is !

If you fear, polymorph, stun or anything that makes the character lose control. it can only be 3 times in 15 seconds. after that he will be immune until you leave him be for 15 seconds.

that said, it means you can fear him once... he trinkets, you can fear twice for only half the time it normally would. he somehow get away again... you fear him a third time, the fear will last for only 2-3 seconds at max. because you feared him 3 times in less then 15 seconds, he will now be immune for the next 15 seconds.

so how can it be bypassed, simply said, you let him breath a few seconds between each ones. the thing reset every 15 seconds starting from the first fear. So if you fear, and he gets out, dont chain fear him right away give him like 2-3 seconds then fear again. that way he'll never be in the 15 second rules and thus will never become immune.

of course you can chain fear the whole group, the 15 second rules works for everyone, so let's say you fear the FC and then the healer, you feared two person and the 15 second rule wont be a problem.

besides that a warlock does its job and quite well, but you have to know this rule if you are a cc guy !

Isn't it 12 seconds?

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