are there any 29 classes with no gf is bis

If/when the bracket fails in MoP, people will be quick to blame the second wave of grandfathering.

wait n c tinks
@Ohai Nurffed and Kunz aren't the same player =p

edit: and how could you not put the legend himself Poisonbladez on that list 'best 29 rogue ever homie'

I wrote the list twice, totally forgot pb the second time

I knew Kunz had an alt, but i wasn't sure which it was, is it Froz?
It's hilarious seeing bads argue with people like Falaris. I mean really..? Who are you hoping to convince? Everyone knows who was good, who would continue to be good and who probably is not that good. There has never been a time where Falaris was bad, and I have no idea why you think Cata (which is the worst expansion for everything) would change that.
It's hilarious seeing bads argue with people like Falaris. I mean really..? Who are you hoping to convince? Everyone knows who was good, who would continue to be good and who probably is not that good. There has never been a time where Falaris was bad, and I have no idea why you think Cata (which is the worst expansion for everything) would change that.

Only a scrub never-was has-been would sit in a thread and make excuses about why they don't play. It's virtually pointless to post stuff like that, especially coupled with nostalgic musings of 'how things used to be.' Newsflash: Twinking will never go back to the way it used to be, all that matters now is the future. So instead of cluttering up threads with nonsensical irrelevance, either put up or shut up.

Really not that hard.
Only a scrub never-was has-been would sit in a thread and make excuses about why they don't play. It's virtually pointless to post stuff like that, especially coupled with nostalgic musings of 'how things used to be.' Newsflash: Twinking will never go back to the way it used to be, all that matters now is the future. So instead of cluttering up threads with nonsensical irrelevance, either put up or shut up.

Really not that hard.

You said youve been twinking forever, including when I was still active. I have no idea who you are. I know who basically every twink is that was good when I played, and guess what? If I dont know you, more than likely youre bad. You can argue all you want about skills needed changing over time (not true, but whatever claim what you want). You can argue that one twinking era is better than another twinking era (this one is worse, but I would understand if people that didnt play competitively or at all previously would think this is ZOMGGREAT). However, to say I was a 'never-was' is pretty funny. There are plenty of 29s who I dont get along with, including one or two in this thread. Kao and I have never seen eye to eye for example, but I would imagine even he (someone who very much dislikes me) would have a hard time saying I was a 'never was'
You said youve been twinking forever, including when I was still active. I have no idea who you are. I know who basically every twink is that was good when I played, and guess what? If I dont know you, more than likely youre bad. You can argue all you want about skills needed changing over time (not true, but whatever claim what you want). You can argue that one twinking era is better than another twinking era (this one is worse, but I would understand if people that didnt play competitively or at all previously would think this is ZOMGGREAT). However, to say I was a 'never-was' is pretty funny. There are plenty of 29s who I dont get along with, including one or two in this thread. Kao and I have never seen eye to eye for example, but I would imagine even he (someone who very much dislikes me) would have a hard time saying I was a 'never was'

Apparently you're bad at reading.......

Only a scrub never-was has-been would sit in a thread and make excuses about why they don't play. It's virtually pointless to post stuff like that, especially coupled with nostalgic musings of 'how things used to be.' Newsflash: Twinking will never go back to the way it used to be, all that matters now is the future. So instead of cluttering up threads with nonsensical irrelevance, either put up or shut up.

Really not that hard.
Apparently you're bad at reading.......

Only a scrub never-was has-been would sit in a thread and make excuses about why they don't play. It's virtually pointless to post stuff like that, especially coupled with nostalgic musings of 'how things used to be.' Newsflash: Twinking will never go back to the way it used to be, all that matters now is the future. So instead of cluttering up threads with nonsensical irrelevance, either put up or shut up.

Really not that hard.

Youre right, I misread. I never was a has-been. That statement is accurate.
Apparently you're bad at reading.......

Only a scrub never-was has-been would sit in a thread and make excuses about why they don't play. It's virtually pointless to post stuff like that, especially coupled with nostalgic musings of 'how things used to be.' Newsflash: Twinking will never go back to the way it used to be, all that matters now is the future. So instead of cluttering up threads with nonsensical irrelevance, either put up or shut up.

Really not that hard.

Look someone has resorted to ad hominem

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
Pretty sure you have no clue what that is. Also pretty sure my point went well over both your heads.

Keep grasping for straws.

Good comeback young tink. I'm pretty sure with all your "free time" you can Google it and reevaluate your previous statement.
No point you make goes over anyone's head: it gets tossed in the shitter where it belongs. Feel free to resort to your ad hominem tactics though. Also continue to quote your own posts when you don't have a proper response. People who fail at proving a point often result to using such tactics. It doesn't look cute on you.

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
You have no relevant point to make.

Good comeback young tink. I'm pretty sure with all your "free time" you can Google it and reevaluate your previous statement.
No point you make goes over anyone's head: it gets tossed in the shitter where it belongs. Feel free to resort to your ad hominem tactics though. Also continue to quote your own posts when you don't have a proper response. People who fail at proving a point often result to using such tactics. It doesn't look cute on you.

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2

Let's recap what this thread is about.

are there any 29 classes with no gf is bis

To which my post was:

First of all, any class can do great without GF gear, some of the best players in this bracket, are playing toons without any GF gear.

Secondly, you shouldn't give up on 29s just because you can't get GF gear.

Perfectly relevant and legitimate point to make, completely on topic and useful to anyone asking the OPs question.

Then along comes this idiot asshat who can't read, with absolutely zero frame of reference to what he's saying, and starts degrading twinking because he can't be arsed to do it anymore. And you want to defend this trashbag for derailing a thread and contributing nothing useful?

I'm sorry but both of you are completely inept. It's not surprising that your opinions have nothing to do with reality.
Yo FC change your email password you are sending out random malicious links to ppl in your address book

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2

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