So since today's twinking is as good as it used to be, I assume you have games popping every 15-20 minutes every day of the week right? You also have weekly premades with several topnotch guilds I would imagine, right? I mean its cool that you still enjoy twinking and everything, and I'm sure its reasonably fun to kill people in the span of a couple globals, but there's a reason why you have to organize specific days to even get pops in various twink brackets. Most good players twinked because there was a very high skill cap at the top of the twinking hierarchy. With across the board nerfs to stamina due to the removal of Leg Armor Kits, higher damage per hit, and people being relegated to a single tree, twinking is nowhere NEAR of the level it used to be. Im not even sure why you would debate this when you dont have consistent games.
Your bar for 'twinking is gud' is 24/7 games? Have you not seen the current 19s, 24s, or 70s brackets? This post right here tells me that you're horribly out of touch with twinking. I find it funny that you would latch onto twinking at a time when it completely dependent on levelers to be viable. No, I'd much rather have to schedule games than deal with the headache of playing with incompetent people whom aren't the least bit interested in improving their game.