are there any 29 classes with no gf is bis


Unfortunately not, as far as I know. I think this is the most grandfathered bracket in the game. :(
First of all, any class can do great without GF gear, some of the best players in this bracket, are playing toons without any GF gear.

Secondly, you shouldn't give up on 29s just because you can't get GF gear.
Until the members of the 29 bracket shelf their skullbreakers and nail splitters people like this will continue to be deterred.
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Until the members of the 29 bracket shelf their skullbreakers and nail splitters people like this will continue to be deterred.

I don't have any characters with Skullbreaker or Nailspitter, and I am not deterred. In fact, I smash people in the face ESPECIALLY those who have Skullbreaker or Nailspitter.
Honestly, healers and casters are probably the best to make without GF gear, due to Skullbreaker and Nailsplitter being pretty far ahead of their counterparts
Honestly, healers and casters are probably the best to make without GF gear, due to Skullbreaker and Nailsplitter being pretty far ahead of their counterparts

As a non-gfed rogue i'm running around with more consistent crit, ap and dodge then those crutching bc chants.
As a non-gfed rogue i'm running around with more consistent crit, ap and dodge then those crutching bc chants.

And you hit like a little girl while they hit like mac trucks. Its not just the chants on the skillbreaker its the DPS.

Not saying a non GFed rogue can't be perfectly competitive but to indicate or even imply that your set up is better is just hubris.
damn, calm down fellas. i never said i hit harder, or even implied that my setup was better.

i was just stating a fact.

who care's anyways. this bracket is a joke. if you want competitive games roll a 39.
39s had one good first night, and have since died off. There are faction balance swings, and as soon as one happens, everyone bails. Tuesday night was possibly the best 29s night since Wrath. We had 8+ in vent on each side for several games, and 1.5 hrs of simultaneous games.
Im not really sure why people say any bracket is 'good' anymore. Some are better passers of time than others, but its safe to say due to balance changes the 'good' days of twinking died with the launch of Cataclysm. Some could argue it died probably a year or 2 before Cataclysm, since most of the elite twinks quit a while back, but from a gameplay perspective Cata killed truly competitive twinking.
Im not really sure why people say any bracket is 'good' anymore. Some are better passers of time than others, but its safe to say due to balance changes the 'good' days of twinking died with the launch of Cataclysm. Some could argue it died probably a year or 2 before Cataclysm, since most of the elite twinks quit a while back, but from a gameplay perspective Cata killed truly competitive twinking.

Absolutely zero truth to any of this. It's all relative and changes are never permanent. Some classes got a lot of love in Cata, some didn't get any. MoP is bringing more love for everyone in the name of damage reduction and better balance of abilities almost across the board. You can parade your nostalgia around as justification for not participating in twinking anymore, but honestly: who cares?

Either play or don't. The rest of us will carry on without you.
Absolutely zero truth to any of this. It's all relative and changes are never permanent. Some classes got a lot of love in Cata, some didn't get any. MoP is bringing more love for everyone in the name of damage reduction and better balance of abilities almost across the board. You can parade your nostalgia around as justification for not participating in twinking anymore, but honestly: who cares?

Either play or don't. The rest of us will carry on without you.

So since today's twinking is as good as it used to be, I assume you have games popping every 15-20 minutes every day of the week right? You also have weekly premades with several topnotch guilds I would imagine, right? I mean its cool that you still enjoy twinking and everything, and I'm sure its reasonably fun to kill people in the span of a couple globals, but there's a reason why you have to organize specific days to even get pops in various twink brackets. Most good players twinked because there was a very high skill cap at the top of the twinking hierarchy. With across the board nerfs to stamina due to the removal of Leg Armor Kits, higher damage per hit, and people being relegated to a single tree, twinking is nowhere NEAR of the level it used to be. Im not even sure why you would debate this when you dont have consistent games.
god therees so many fags who wont roll in this bracket just cause of no GFd, u dont need it seriously a lot of the players who control the games arnt even GFd (masta ballerz)
the bracket is good, you do NOT need gfd gear i play a feral druid/resto FC and i have very few BoA on it and zero GFd gear, sure a mongoosed loksey staff would be sick but its not gunna stop me from playing

plz stop being little bitchz and just roll a twink in the bracket :3
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