Pop eu 19

Que popped keep it comming
That was honestly 1 of the worst games ive ever played. Druid stacked teams, speed pots on cd, no one has a clue how to heal or dps, US > EU

Have fun with this rubbish.

this rubbish is where you belong and where u started twinks
yes guys leave roula alone
That was honestly 1 of the worst games ive ever played. Druid stacked teams, speed pots on cd, no one has a clue how to heal or dps, US > EU

Have fun with this rubbish.

well to be fair reece, EU have had maybe 300+ pops (according to nic) pop since mop release where as US get pops everyday. you could say that most of EU 19s aren't use to the mop play style yet.
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well to be fair reece, EU have had maybe 30-40 pop since mop release where as US get pops everyday. you could say that most of EU 19s aren't use to the mop play style yet.

its simple things like runnin past a healer when ur at 25%, watching said healer do nothing then get molested by bad french rogues :<
Your rough guess is not even close.
There has been atleast 300 wsg pops but id say something like 500 would be way closer to reality.
Your rough guess is extremly rough.
Nazzr has 222 warsongs on his monk alone and the guy was certainly not in every game, and absent from 19s for a while.

ok thanks for taking my rough guess uber serious :)
Uber serious as in correcting you for claiming EU has had 30-40 games in mop.



oh dear i dont even the energy to even back my case, i honestly dont have the time to even get in little kiddy arguments about little things i.e number of pops in eu.

well done, you've won the internet and be sure ill change my original post so all your hard work wont go to waste :)

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