Are shadowfang and gloom bis at 29?

Post your math please

its more of a comparasion then math, since i suck hard at math :T im also looking for BVB scaling, i believe its 10 agi if it actually scale
basically 1 weapon damage = 10 damage to the ambush source which gives ambush 30 damage
1 agi = 1 damage (1 agi = 1/10 weapon damage, 3 damage to ambush), ilevel 34 loom sword is 1-1 more weapon damage than shadowfang but has no weapon bonus
i believe that loom sword + sfang, weapong damage plus agi combined gives more damage to ambush than sfang + BVB, but i still looking for BVB scaling and someone to compare them, edit: btw loom + bvb is even higher, but i prefer sword on of hand

loom sword MH is maybe slightly higher damage for ambush than SF/BVB, almost unnoticeable, but basically the same results, unless you really want to go full full BiS its ok, but if someone like me cant afford realm transfers/tokens, playing on realms with close to 0 people twinking/farming twink gears, i chose to not farm them and use this set up, even though ive been farming both BVB and SFK for 10 days and got nothing

or its maybe me being stupid again
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Can anyone post the scaling stats of Shadowfang and Gloomshroud at 29? I saw them in another thread but most of it looked like it was back from October and didn't look correct
Gloom and Sf's are bis for rogue / BM / ww i guess
I would't use gloom for monks, cause the extra stamina id useful for ToK and needed to stay alive
Yeah I got two sf's and a gloom now on my rogue, seems to work pretty well for me.

I finished my rogue for the most part.

I experimented with different gear and I finally came to enjoy using a balanced set that focuses on crit. After scaling I have 40 percent crit and 299 ap. Much less ap that pure ap builds a lot of people are using, but I think the crit helps a lot and i have 4k hp in bg's and arena which seems to make me live longer so I do more damage to fc's and stuff.

Im still lacking a few items that are a little time consuming to obtain due to my job, like I would love to get a ring of precison, and a charged gear of the tiger, as well as emissary cuffs of the tiger. I would also like to try out a blackvenom blade on offhand. I'm unsure as to whether or not bv blades DOT effect would proc elem force, but if it does that would be great because deadly poison does, so having two dots that both proc elem force would be a great damage increase. I might end up making a new account and then using t to run my rogue through gnomer for the bop items, and I guess next paycheck i could try to buy the boe's off people like i did my gloomshroud and shadowfangs.

I enjoy using my pvp trinket effect for the extra hp, I think it really helps in fights, but ive been unsure whether or not the boa haste trinket might be better to use. The haste bonus is decent and more haste means faster energy regen and more elem force and sf procs, but it would cost me hp. In bg with haste trinket im just over 4k, and using the pvp trink im at like 4.2k. So the question on that is whether or not 200 hp and the bonus health for 15 seconds is better than the haste trinkets dps increase.

Certain items have been trcky for me to decide which is better, such as my boots. The dungeon satchel boots of the bandit provide 1 more crit when in bg's, but i would lose 1 ap. So in this case I chose the ones i have now since i had already achieved my goal of 40 percent crit chance but was still below my goal of 300 ap. This has been the case with most of my items. I have been switching items around trying to achieve the stats I desire, not just going with ''BIS'' items in a slot, but rather going for an end goal.
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